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  • 255 weeks
    Episode reviews: Uprooted/ Between Dark and Dawn/ A Trivial Pursuit

    Okay, quick talk about three episodes. I know I haven't been doing these weekly but I am behind on mlp. Season 8 wasn't... as good as I would have hoped so I stopped keeping track each week. My bad. Season 9, from what I've seen, has picked up the slack. So there's some positive. I'm going to try and watch at least 2 or 3 episodes a day until I get caught up. Don't worry, I'll be ready for the

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  • 265 weeks
    Episode Review: Father Knows Best/School Raze

    1: Father Knows Best

    Well this is it folks. I have finally finished season 8.... I think it's my least favorite season. Not entirely bad, but just not as good as others. I'm surprised really. I never thought I'd see a day I'd like a season less then season 4 but here it is. So let's start off by going over the last two episodes of this season shall we?

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  • 266 weeks
    Episode Review: The Road to Friendship/The Washouts

    1; The Road to Friendship

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  • 266 weeks
    New Chapter coming soon (The Greatest Treasure/Fate Pony)

    Heyo everyone. It seems I've got my writing mojo back. Well now I've finally started the next chapter of TGT and my Fate pony fic. They should be done by the weekend if not tomorrow. I hope it'll be worth the wait.

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  • 268 weeks
    (Spoiler review) What Lies Beneath

    Still need to catch up on season 8. Don't worry. I won't be out of the loop once season 9 ends. I plan on binging the show until then. So hopefully I'll get a review done a day. So let's start with this one.

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Starlight Glimmer · 1:32am Apr 10th, 2015

What. The. Buck.

I can't believe this guys. A villain, a pony no less, has become my all time favorite villain beating the likes of the Dazzlings and Discord. I mean, she's just so enjoyable. The way she actually goes about this makes it seem like she herself believes that she's in the right. She's a female Amon. THis....She's one of the greatest characters in the show.

Yes, the season opener was also one of the creepiest. I guess it's because it's in a more believable setting. We're likely never to see an army of shapeshifters or a god of chaos.

But someone, a cult leader, trying to bring about a new set of order? Sadly, it has happened before and it'll probably happen again. Which makes Starlight more dangerous. As well as how she got many of the townsfolk to actually believe her mantra.

She was just so epic. Her magic skills put her on par with Twilight and Sunset, making her a dangerous foe in any fight. She's even mastered the art of taking away cutie marks. Something only the Great Starswirl was able to accomplish. {As well as Twilight reading up on his spell.} Given all this and that's she's still on the loose, she's probably one of Equestria's greatest foes. This was actually on my wishlist. I always wanted a recurring villain in FIM and now that wish has been granted. Can't wait to see what she does next. {ANd bloody hell, if they don't do anything with her until the season finale, I will scream in rage.}

IT's honestly a breath of fresh air to have a more down to earth villain. Especially one that's newer and not something a thousand years ago. And how can you not like her? She's one of the most fun villains so far and I certainly will be watching this episode a few more times.

She even shut up Twilight during a friendship speech.

There are no words. I pulled the same face as Twilight...then lol'd harder than I had before. One of the greatest moments of animation I've seen in my life.

One of the cutest moments I've seen in my life as well. Dangit! She's supposed to be evil, but I just want to snuggle her.

She was also given a lot of time to emphasis on her butt....I'm not complaining....I hope for more of it. {Starbutt ties with Heartbutt and Shimmerbutt as best butt.}

So yeah, Starlight has become one of my favorite characters on the show. So much so that, argh!, I wish she'd come sooner. I'd give her an Element post haste! Darn it! I'll have to think of something. I must write her!

Sunset Shimmer is best hero, but Starlight Glimmer is best villain......I"d probably feint of awesomeness/sexiness/cuteness if they ever met in the show. {I am definetly putting her in the Shimmerverse. I"ll have to think of something.}

Report Evowizard25 · 1,640 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

I am also a big fan of Cutie Marx.

Cutie Marx as an element bearer? Wonder what it'll be...

Starlight Glimmer, Bearer of the Element of Equality!

I highly recommend to read at least one Marx'es work before connecting him with S.G. in any way.

2967047 You're absolutely right, if Starlight Glimmer had been say, a disaffected member of the unicorn nobility who had written a bunch of tracts to make money to pay for her daughters to take fancy bourgeois lessons so they could land rich husbands, then the nickname would fit a lot better.

Starlight Glimmer vision was of a world of true equality, where no one with an advantageous cutie mark would be able to accumulate excess capital by exploiting the needs for their talent, instead everyone shared equally in their gifts, and property and goods were owned by all. There was no formal government with a mayor or anything, everything was owned communally by the workers villagers. I am sure that as founder of the party, Starlight Glimmer was planning to eventually reduce her role to that of just another villager as the utopia that was our town blossomed.

Unfortunately, somehow Starlight never had a chance to give up her power, as I am sure she was planning to do. :trollestia: instead people were so fundamentally unhappy with her unworkable visions she had to resort to brainwashing and political imprisonment, and it turns out without some sort of incentive for ponies to specialize in their talents and and work hard at their businesses, the town deteriorated on an economic level to the point where ponies were willing to overthrow their government given the slightest provocation.

I am sure there are no historical parallels to be drawn here. But I remind you of Comrade Starlight's final words: Equalism can never fail, ponies can only fail Equalism!

2966793 If you loved Starlight Glimmer, you will love this story (which I suspect may have inspired the season 5 opener: And then there was that one time Trixie became a communist

> am sure there are no historical parallels to be drawn here. But I remind you of Comrade Starlight's final words: Equalism can never fail, ponies can only fail Equalism!

Just as I said, read one of his works.

2966793 If I had to have given her an Element, it'd have been Selflessness as it seemed like she did want to help others no matter the cost.

Still, I do want her to be a big part in some way, either in at least one story or in several.

Who is Amon, and where is he from?

2969007 He's a Legend of Korra villain, leader of the Equalists. He wanted everyone to be equal and that meant getting rid of bending, since he viewed benders were a problem. {That they caused problems and all that.} Just like Glimmer, it was found out he was he had bending of his own, which he used to pretty much take away another person's bending. Again, like how Glimmer still had her cutie mark and was using it to take away your cutie mark.

I haven't watched that show, but I've learned enough about it.

Technically, since the season finale, she can no longer be regarded as a villain.

Oh, and I found you because I was looking up cute Starlight pictures, and the first one in this blog won. Congrats.

3596290 I know and I still love her and thanks. :twilightsmile: I hope you enjoyed this blog and my stories.

3596399 To be honest, this is the first I've heard of you, but I think you'll be worth my time. *presses Follow button*

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