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    Give Me Your WILD and WACKY Experimental Fics

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    I’ve been on an extended weekend holiday with the boyf in Amsterdam and boy howdy they should be calling it Slam-Your-Man-sterdam because we are having tons of gay sex like a coupla fags

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    Fundraiser for Ice Star's Boyfriend

    Hey all! I really meant to do this earlier, but better late than never, and the fundraiser is still active and about halfway to where it needs to go, so:

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    Desire [NEW STORY]

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    The question is so simple.

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    thirteen years

    how did we get so old?

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    Never A Dull Moment

    Thank you all for helping me out back in May :heart: The support means the world to me, and thanks to your kind contributions I was able to go and visit my boy in Britain. I'll try and mock up a proper recap blog—though I am notoriously terrible at doing those, I don't think I've ever managed a proper recap blog for any of the various conventions I've gone to over the years. I guess there was

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The Joys of Decorating [Episode Review] · 6:21pm Apr 11th, 2015

Woah, bruddas, here be spoilers:

At this time, there is no youtube vid, but if one becomes available, I'll post it.

This episode, I gotta admit, started out kind of... lame. I was just sort of expecting a lesson like "When doing favors, keep the person you're doing the favor for in mind, not yourself", and for it to not be anything exceptional.

And then the end of the episode came like a punch to the gut, especially given my past experiences with Golden Oaks. ;_;

This episode was really fantastic, and I love how the show is moving into a bit more abstract and mature themes. Something like this can be a bit heavy for the (target audience) to grasp, but it's an important lesson for kids to learn young that some of us STILL haven't learned. It's shying away from materialism and placing weight in memories and experience, and that's fucking awesome.

I dunno; maybe I'm being pretentious. That's what I got out of this episode, though. I loved it.

For feels sake:

Little things:
-Rainbow Dash's opening vocals to the song made me cringe. I dunno what happened, but they just sounded so... off. Her voice got better, though. Come to think of it... does Dash actually get a lot of time in songs?
-Spike had a Rarity plushy that he sleeps with. That... wasn't creepy at all...
Hell, even I don't sleep with my Rarity plushy my Twilight plush, however...
-Davenport's smile looked straight outta Nameless Town in Quills and Sofas. Glad he's expanded to beds, too, the guy could use some extra income.

Comments ( 7 )

Aloe sounded super adoracutes. I'm waiting for the inevitable dark fic about the "stuffed animals" Fluttershy put in Twilight's room.

That Bulk Biceps cameo though.

2972827 poor Spike

Come to think of it... does Dash actually get a lot of time in songs?

There was her part of the Best Night Ever song, and her duet with Fluttershy in season 2. That's about it.

It's nice to have a slice of life episode after an intense adventure episode. Gotta slow things down before you speed them up again, after all. ^_^

2973821 yup! the leaked song got people thinking that some predictable shit was gonna go down
but they got rekt and something beautiful happened

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