• Member Since 27th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 25th, 2020

Soprano Beat

In case you didn't know, I'm no longer interested in MLP and won't be writing more stories or continuing the ones I started. I'll come online to talk every once in a while, though. :P

  • TA New Hope
    After being forced to leave their home, Harmony Key and Sunny Rose travel to try to find a place to stay after their mother stops taking care of them but end up somewhere else.
    Soprano Beat · 1.1k words  ·  13  2 · 520 views

More Blog Posts98

  • 278 weeks
    Ya girl's going to college!!!

    Okay, so, not yet, but soon, haha! ^ ^

    I've actually been accepted into all four of the colleges I've applied to. I plan on majoring in choral/vocal music education, which makes this little bit of news even more exciting: I found out yesterday that I got accepted into Stetson University's school of music!!! Ahhhhhhh~!

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    2 comments · 281 views
  • 413 weeks
    I really can't draw hands..

    So.. uh.. I guess not many people care what I look like on here? I asked peoples what I should do about my 'avatar' (I really think it's called something else...) and only got two answers to my question, so I guess most of you don't care. I was hoping you guys could help me decide though.. Anyway, I wanna thank the two people who did give me their opinions, and since they both said something new

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    8 comments · 307 views
  • 414 weeks
    I can't come up with a title :P

    So.. uh.. I'm probably gonna change my 'avatar' (is that what it's called? I dunno, it's the little picture next to my name on here), but I don't know if I should draw something completely new, or if I should use this one drawing I made for a friend. Any chance you peoples can help me decide?:twilightsheepish: Stay the same, drawing I already have, or something completely new?:derpytongue2:

    10 comments · 349 views
  • 414 weeks
    Reasons why not to change your username (especially on this site)...

    :pinkiecrazy:Because I come back on here after who knows how many months and no longer know who anyone is!:rainbowlaugh:

    I'm kidding, no one should pay attention to that, but I really do get so confused when someone changes their name on here and no one tells me.:derpytongue2:

    9 comments · 329 views
  • 415 weeks
    Ehhhhhhh.... Too many peoplesss....

    I'm actually on skype for once! But nobody's really talking to me..:derpytongue2:

    Now that I'm (randomly) thinking about it, I should probably change the status of both my stories to 'cancelled' since I'm not really planning on finishing either of them..

    I've actually lost a lot of my interest in the show. I still watch new episodes, but that about all I do that has to do with MLP anymore.

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Well I be real smart · 5:07am Apr 13th, 2015

I meant to work on A New Hope today and completely forgot about it. Aren't I smart?:rainbowlaugh: Now it's 1am and too late to do anything with it. Way to go me.:derpytongue2: Oh well, I'll try to work on it tomorrow ('cause that'll turn out so much better).

Also, I remember that I used to try to not do more than one blog post per day. Yeah.... That's not gonna happen any more. I'm gonna start doing however many blog posts I want per day. And there nothing you can do about it.:coolphoto:

Report Soprano Beat · 89 views · Story: A New Hope ·
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