• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!

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  • Friday
    Full Steam Ahead!

    A backer returned, so more updates!

    Behold! Still room for more if you want your story worked on.

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  • Tuesday
    New Story Vote

    Open for all, patron or not: Click here!

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  • 1 week
    June Calender

    Does the calendar view help? Lemme know.

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  • 3 weeks
    Upped to Mature

    The patron requested it, so Blue Wedding Belles is now rated Mature, and will proceed under that banner. Figured I should post an alert about that.

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    May Calendar

    By popular request, a calendar view:

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Buy a Story · 4:31am Apr 24th, 2015

I desire a challenge, and so here we are. I want to write your story! Any rating, any characters. Show character, original character? I'm mad enough to not care! But wait, what's the catch?

The catch is that I like getting paid, so this is a commision reach out sort of thing. $10 per 1000 words, with my usual chapters being 2000 words, but yours can be shorter or longer. You're welcome to pay as slowly or quickly as you desire (though I only write what you paid for as you pay for it).

As for series, if you want to tie into Ponyfinder or Silver Verse, I'm down for that. Tying into other people's universes I'm a bit less certain on, but we can discuss specifics.

Interested? Reply below and let's make with the stories!

Hate the idea of selling words? You can comment too! It's a free website!

Comments ( 20 )

I would ask you to write a story, but I don't have money to give you. If you would write a fic for free, then I would be happy. I actually have a great premise that I have been saving for a rainy day if you decide you want to write a fic for free...

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

I'm interested in this. I'll pay for a story, $40 upfront, prompt based, meaning you have full creative control provided the story follows a prompt (how you execute the prompt is entirely up to you). I got the idea from a favorite fanfiction author of mine basically asking for prompts and choosing one as the basis of a short, sometimes being only tangentially related to the actual prompt but it inspired a thought she went with anyway.

*edit* Obviously, it'll be MLP related.

PM me and we can work out payment details. The actual prompt(s) can be decided afterwards.

Beyond 4k words though I'd like to know a bit more about what you are writing before I blindly pay for it. Anything beyond 10k words will have to be split over more than a month's period.


What's the idea? I may just pay for it in your place if it's interesting enough and David Silver wants to do that.

3011910 Essentially this blog post...

I wouldn't mind seeing it written, but at the same time, it would need at least 50k words to be written and fleshed out properly.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Hm, maybe I should sell comments. Or even better, how about we trade comments for stories? I will trade mine at 1 to 50 story sentences. :raritywink:

Seriously though, it sounds like a sound plan. I'm amazed at how successful some of the writers here are with Patreon and such. It's amazing when a community is able to support itself in such a way. :twilightsmile:

3011910 I live again! Rather, I just woke up. Let's get this ball rolling! I'll message you right now.

David...Come on. Seriously?

3012810 I'm sorry? When have I been less than mercenary. You're speaking to the guy who's run two kickstarters and and ongoing Patreon. I write for money constantly. Did I break character at some point and miss it?

Is that even legal? Selling your own original creations is one thing, but if you make money off of copyrighted characters, you could bring Hasbro down on you. I'm no legal expert, but I'm pretty sure money is where Hasbro draws the line. Maybe you could stipulate that the story cannot include canon characters.

I'm with Albedoequals1 on this. Commissions are to the best of my knowledge a legal grey area at best given you would be making money off another's IP. I really don't want to see you get sued.

However if you still really need the money you could offer to do commissions for ponyfinder books, or pathfinder supplements. I for one don't feel comfortable buying stories but would be more than willing to pay for a supplement (with herolab support =] ) about either the ponyfinder changelings or on designing and stat blocks for gods and goddesses.

3013027 That's what the Patreon's for, do sign up for that and get your say on which one gets done next and see it before others with a way to give your own questions and input as it goes.

3012829 Well, you know. One, you're asking for money for writing fanfiction; The second being that it is technically illegal to make money off of something that doesn't belong to you without giving royalties to the owner of the medium.

3013051 A small part of me bristles a bit since I never see these sorts of comments in artist comment boxes, yet they are doing exactly the same thing, even with original characters, since the 'trade dress' of MLP is also trademarked, so those MLP looking ponies people draw for money are definitely not kosher. Even the OCs are a grey area, but the show characters should be a no-brainer.

Artists get paid all the time for commissioned MLP stuff. The controversy recently had been in tracing official artwork and passing that off as your own original work.

3013060 Oh, I say the same thing to them when they charge.

3012120 is it strange that I am interested in taking this deal?
I am not David, and don't know if you care for my writing, but I am willing to discuss ideas.

Also.. sorry for derailing your thread, not trying to steal your customers with lower prices.

3013181 I will never forgive you~!

Oh wait, already did. Silver is kinda based on me after all. Anger is not an emotion I hang onto for long. If you have fun writing the story, that's a win for all involved.

I was just joking about that. :twilightblush:

Dang. I can't even get comments if I offer to buy them with writing. :fluttercry:
Oh well.

(Actually, have been getting some decent comments lately, as well as growing popularity for my works, so yay.)

Aww. That just earned you a follow. :pinkiesmile:

3013033 Be sure you tread lightly with this one. If Hasbro ever thinks you are getting money from their stuff (even tangentially, look what happened to Fighting is Magic) they'll come after you and drag all your other stuff through the mud too.

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