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How to Be a Writer and/or Get a Lot of Good Reception. With Fun Jokes in Between! · 7:02pm Jul 16th, 2012

So, you wish to be a writer, eh? Or if you are one, you wish to get a lot of views and likes? Well, sit down, and listen to these tips. It's from my own personal bag of Writer's Tips, Precautions, and Experiences.

Being A Writer

There are hundreds, no, thousands of stories on this site. But not all of them gain as much attention as they deserve. Some are even written and have barely 50 views. Sad, right? They put so much hard work, I presume, into the story and only get shut away in the Reject Closet. Well, fear no more, here's some advice from your Friendly Neighborhood, Ponyman!

* Write something interesting.
- Don't do the same thing as everyone else, i.e, "A man (or woman) in Equestria story. His life sucked and he was on the verge of suicide...blah, blah, blah." Too many stories on here are self-inserts and get shunned upon, which I am a major part of the Inquisition for. Write something funny, original, or at least decent.

*Don't get lazy.
- If you wan't people to take you seriously, then you have to write at least a 1k or more chapter for the 1st one. If you have a story with like...300 words and then 850 words for the second chapter, which you released at the same time, no one will read it. Or at least, not as many as you wish. I do this all the time. If I see a story with like 900 worded chapters, I just move on to the next story.
- If you really want good reception, write something more than 2k or 5k for the first chapter. It tells people you mean business. And people take this into consideration greatly.

*Clean up you story.
- This is for everything. Don't have stupid tags like.... Romance, Crossover, Human, Alternate Universe, Sad, Comedy, Adventure.
I'm not sure if they allow that many tags as much, though I see it occasionally from time to time, but they make the story look sloppy. Take me for example, I stick to a strict code of choosing Genres in all of my current and upcoming stories. I do this; Dark, Adventure, Crossover, Human. It looks neat that way. Try to have only four or three genres, five is pushing it but six is overboard.
- Have a decent cover image. I know you want to write your clop fics or shippings and just grab a pic of them at first glance, but find one that actually means something. Actually, if it isn't romance, then make it yourself! Especially if it's a Crossover! You cannot believe how many times I have used Dan's Awesome Rage Maker to make cover art for my own stories. Then, when I look back on them, I feel all giddy inside because of the concept. Vectors are your best friend.
- Use an interesting description. Don'y bore people with the past, or a detailed explanation. Throw a fact here and there, but have it in form of a drama, and end it with an awesome question. Here's an example. And don't any of you dare use this as a story or else...
Pinkie Pie and the Rock.
Pinkie Pie has been mining rocks her entire childhood. But there is one Rock that she has yet to mine. How will the Rock react with a pink mare trying to seduce him? How wil Pinkie ever make friends with the rough and edged Rock? And why exactly is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson even in Equestria?
- Don't have too many character tags. I use a certain pattern. Mane 6, CMC, Celestia and Luna, and then Discord, Lyra, Derpy, whatever.

*Use Spellcheck!!!
- It really is a writer's best friend. I hate it when I see a great concept that gets down voted because of multiple Spelling errors. Microsoft Word is there for you more fortunate writers!!! For me, I have a Mac since a week ago so writing is hard for me. The auto correct is a pain in the ass and the word system on this makes it hard to detect errors, yet I manage to find most. Check over your work.
- Get a pal/ pre-reader. I have my own. Boolyboo helps me immensely, although he gets lazy as hell in our PMs. Half of the time, I guess what he writes because I feel like he smashes his keyboard with a sledgehammer. Nonetheless, he helps and can find most, if not all, errors. There are plenty of groups for that sort of thing so check them out.

That's all for you new guys, now for you old guys.

Getting Read

- Don't you hate it when a douchebag down votes your stories for no reason. Or if there is a reason, it is a very narrow and impudent one? If it's on your error, then that's something else. But if it's on suspension of disbelief, the story concept, or the occasional "I hate you! You stole my idea! I was gonna write this!!! I'm going to make a better one!!1!!!11 angry face." Yes the 1's in there are purposeful because many people on the internet seem to like to be ignorant on the web, marking it off to "I can do whatever I want, it's just the internet, I don't need to be smart." Well then, Mister Ignorant, how would you feel if you wrote like that to someone, and that someone ended up being an employer who you wanted a job from? I doubt you will get it or entry into that college you wanted to go in. Now, being moderate is polite. But if you're like me, a person who refuses to have misspells in their comments, (I think it's OCD? Is it?) then you like to write rather intelligently. Trust me, I'm nothing like how I am in my work and on here. I would be one of those people you encounter on Call of Duty that get angry over the headset, if prompted. I stopped playing, but that will never leave me.

Okay, back to the point, sorry I got off track. Get angry! Go ahead! It's your baby and a dislike is like a kick to the head. I wouldn't like it if someone came over and spit on my baby with their "I liked...(insert fic here) better than this garbage clop." and then kicked my baby to the field goal with their dislike. Get mad! Go Green! Just don't do it on the internet publicly. I've learned the hard way not to lose my cool. I felt like a complete jackass afterwards. So I guess take it, beat the living hell out of something, and then walk away.

*Getting more views
- Don't go out into chatrooms and say "Read my Luna x Twilight! It's sooooooo good!" because no one will do it. Instead, discreetly comment on things like, "Ah, this reminds me of the sixth chapter I wrote on my story as well." People will get interested and want to see what you mean.
- Use groups. I have joined a certain number of groups because they all seem to fall within the conundrums that fall within the purview of things called philosophy. Okay, enough TF2 references, join groups that would have your kind of genres, like I joined every Crossover Group I could because I am writing almost all Crossovers. They help a lot.
- Talk back to the viewers. I see those obsessed people who constantly respond to every question, and end up losing their newly found herd like a gunshot among birds. Play it cool and talk to one person every once in a while. It lets the viewers know you care, just not too much.
- Upvote yourself. I know it's pathetic, but come on, admit it. Every one does it once, like how every one pees in the shower at least once. Don't even scoff and assure yourself you didn't. You probably did. If not, then you did when taking a bath when you were 3 or 5. And, you definitely peed in a pool at one point! I know that's a fact. Like the fact that many of the esteemed authors's on here do it themselves. No one is 100% pure. Upvote yourself, it feels good to see the green shift to the right a bit and the red recline.
- Getting featured. I know you want to be featured, and in time, you will. I've found that if you have at least 110 likes and 2-5 dislikes, you'll get featured as long as that ratio balances out or increases. Don't get crazy over it either, because I know it happens. The first time I was featured, my heart was beating quick as the notification bar suddenly bummed to 126. I fell off my chair and went nuts. Just calm down, and breathe. Then, push and pull. After that, be wary of the contractions. I can see it now! The head is coming!

*One shot or series?
- I prefer series because every time you update, it goes to the recently updated bar, which many people check, and then it gets seen there also. It helps many series gain more views, mine included. Most of my stories reach the cap of 1200 views and die down until I update, get featured, or add it to a new group.
- One shots are pretty popular as well. Don't do those stupid, bland one shots. Do something that is like breaking the fourth wall or is something that would make others go like "I could've made that!" The Pinkie Pie Discovers Coffee fic is a prime example. That idea has crossed my mind so many times, along with Cocaine, Heroin, you know what, someone write "Pinkie Pie Discovers Heroin or Cocaine". It seems these days, stories that are insanely dumb, obvious, and common ideas get praised. I have thought same concept numerous times, but I stayed away from it thinking someone else already did it. It's rather annoying. So yes, do a one shot on one of the Mane 6 writing some book, an authority figure abusing power or going mad, or something along the lines of stupidity, because they get READ.

Here's a few ideas.

"Pinkie Pie is stuck in the closet with Rainbow Dash."
"Chrysalis Gone Wild"
"Fluttershy, Renowned Tea Maker and Bear Wrestler"
"Twilight Sparkle, Blogger and Gossiper"
"Rainbow Dash and the Naughty Book"
"Lyra and Her Dainty Hooves (Hands)"
"Bon Bon's Annoyance" -She kicks out Lyra and they go into a comedic sitcom.

There you go. All stupid ideas off of the top of my head. Hope you sat through my boring lecture and learned something new. I am utterly tired from writing so much on this and wish you all a good luck.

Report PonyManne215 · 451 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

Well this is interesting, and since i'm working on a crossover at the moment this will help allot. i hope i don't screw it up like the others who tried to write this cretin crossover. GB+MLP

You've raised a lot of really magnificent points here. I wish that I done a lot of what you've said when I started writing. To be honest, I see my mistakes in my work and I plan on repairing them, not just for readers but for myself, just so that the weight of guilt would disappear from my shoulders.

I think some writers should go back to the start of their multiple chapter story and see how far they have improved. I've done so, and I feel glad that I took up on writing since not only has it helped me tremendously with spelling, grammar and punctuation. But it is also preparing me for an English exam re-sit.

Hopefully, I've raised some points of my own. As for the writers, they should try to keep positive and make small discussions with those who read their story. Such as asking "What do you think of the story so far?", "What keeps you interested in this story to the point that you like reading it enough to favourite it?", "Is there something I could do to (Let's say adding a slice of comedy) to the story?", "What do you think of the characters so far? Do any need more 'screen time'? Do you want me to expand a bit on their back story?"

These are just examples I ask to my readers. even if I don't ask, they will kindly point out small grammar mistakes and I thank them for that since it allows me to improve, even if it is just a little. When I see and author basically not give a crap about their readers and what they think / do (E.g. provide some form of criticism), I simply stay away from anything made by that author unless they clean up their act.

So, tl;dr: Look back on the early stages of your work and look at how much you improved, treat your readers with respect and value their opinions, be open to criticism (As harsh as it may be, you'll want to thank the person for criticizing your work in the future), ask your readers about the story (Showing that you take thought into what they think and allow them to make suggestions, e.g. introduce a canon character to the story, or add a small side story with the CMC. The possibilities are basically endless.)

Looking back on this comment... I just went into a ramble. Meh, I'm still sticking with it all the way. Hopefully though, like PonyManne, I have made at least one of my points stay in your head. (If one did, then this comment was a success)

...pretty good points. I'm just saying to not be obsessed, but don't not give a crap about what readers say. But yeah, this is basically all of the things that I have picked up over the weeks that I have started writing. Looking back, I'm pretty glad that I improved from my old shell.

I've got 5 genre tags...


You have more than 10k chapters so it's excused.

"although he gets lazy as hell in our PMs. Half of the time, I guess what he writes because I feel like he smashes his keyboard with a sledgehammer."

:ajbemused:Define, if you would be so kindly:ajbemused:


"from your Friendly Neighborhood, Ponyman! "


From The TRUE Origin of from your Friendly-Neightborhood-Spider-Critic:

I did define it but my PM didn't go through. I got lazy so I just quit.

You like go rapist on me in some of the PMs we have. Like the wrong words show up...:rainbowkiss::scootangel::pinkiegasp:


Say 5 of them then

And you should Define it again, My brain is so full of fuck

Can you be my personal tutor? The sole reason I joined this site is to write an awesome story that I am neglecting. Please, Master!

It's on. When I get on my Mac in the morning, you shall feel my wrath!

It is a long, dangerous, and treachorous path, Padawan. You must be willing to abandon you le family, friends, and others to be well versed in the ways of the Force. It is only when you are a Jedi Knight that you will learn the true ways of writing novellas.

Wow. I realised I subconsciously followed some of these. Makes me glad I chose Metroid Prime as a crossover subject. It's original (or as far as I can see) and I started with a short 1k worded prologue. And I did upvote myself.

Now to find groups.

And I am a pre-reader for some stories, but even I screw up.

And that rant about the dislike-like ration reminded me of lemons.

That....is a really good picture actually. :pinkiehappy:

I have a (false) sense of honor and pride, so I'll never upvote myself. I just feel so... unclean. Now don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing to do. Heck, I've seen people who favorite their own stories (not to mention names, but it's a clop-writer who can't stay away from the featured box...). That. Is pathetic.

Yeah, I'll even admit I upvote myself when I see that a dislike was given, but favoring your own story is redundant. Who did it?

It's not important. It was just a one time thing anyway.

Now, dislikes without any reason given... There is something I would beat to death with a thin stick.

Tell me about it, people dislike my stories not for my writing, but the subject itself. As soon as I uploaded my story about TF2, I received my hill of dislikes. Tell me, why would they even dislike without a reason? It's like that Halo story by , people disliked it for the concept, not the writing. Honestly, if someone dislikes te subject matter, don't bother to go on the page and thumb it down.

People are assholes. Simple as that. What bothers me is the thought that they may not even have read it before passing judgement...

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