• Member Since 25th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 5th, 2020


Born again Christian, film and pony nerd who also writes non-pony stories and reviews of movies. I do have aspergers so I'm a bit of a space monkey but i'm also brutally honest. Just a warning.

More Blog Posts47

  • 203 weeks

    Since I almost never post anything and haven't done an MLP fanfic in a while, should I still have this account or no? Despite being one of my earliest ones?

    Feel free to comment.

    1 comments · 212 views
  • 287 weeks
    Oh Hey My Blog Actually Exists.

    To say this account has been in hibernation almost all year is an understatement but quite frankly I've gotten involved in a heck-ton of other fandoms recently that aren't My Little Pony though I've rewatched some episodes recently and had fun. I've also become more serious about finding a proper job and also at writing.

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    0 comments · 352 views
  • 370 weeks
    My Alien: Covenant Review (Sorry It Took So Long)

    Well, this is another one of those films I’m conflicted on though not as much as others and it took me about three to four days to get this review out due to other movies I want to see, family time and partly cause I’m kinda lazy.

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    1 comments · 468 views
  • 402 weeks
    I'M 20 TODAY!

    Yup I turned 20 years old today. :twilightsmile: And man do I feel old.

    0 comments · 509 views
  • 443 weeks
    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!!!

    God bless you all and let's hope this year was better then the last. :raritystarry: :twilightsmile: :ajsmug: :pinkiehappy:

    1 comments · 445 views

Confused Matthew is Ending · 5:34am May 1st, 2015

Yes, at long last, the bane of internet reviewers everywhere will end his stupid show in late 2015. Now, in case you don't why I'm so glad he's going away, here's some legit reasons why:

1. He hates the Marvel Cinematic Universe. All of it.

2. He called anyone who enjoyed The Hobbit movies "a bunch of brain dead, drooling idiots" and that Legolas' inclusion and in fact most of the changes were just "for the fandom to drool at the mouth and chiz in their pants." Yes, really.

3. He hates The Lion King and The Incredibles.

4. He hated Minority Report and actually wrote a letter to Steven Spielberg himself demanding a refund. I'm not making that up. Oh yeah and compared Steven Spielberg to Hitler. Again, not making this up.

5. His reviews literally feature no jokes or humor, making them rather dull.

6. He intentionally attacks movies people like and bashes and bullies their fans with no remorse.

If you have any thoughts on this tell me in the comments because I'm grateful that this bitter, nasty and all around unlikebale person will be leaving the internet soon. Also I've been thinking of going into video reviews myself but I'm nervous too. Any thoughts?

Report Jabberwocky1996 · 550 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

I have no idea who this is but it sounds like he needs some help.
As for your own video reviews, what format choice are you thinking of?

3035503 Been thinking something unique. Like a Jeremy Jahns or Atop the Fourth Wall style thing. My rating system would be the same as my text reviews: 0 to 5. And obviously I'd have reviewing guidelines (i.e. stuff I won't review),

3038477 I see. So you'd be including footage of yourself in the videos, then?

3038590 I think so. Don't kmow if I'd use my ipad camera or a proper camera cause I don't have the money for a proper internet program.

3040283 Hmm. Well, I'd say use a proper camera if you can. Computer cameras tend to look fairly unprofessional.

3041013 Okay. Thank you for the advice. Very helpful.

3044921 I'l be sure to give you a shout-out to you in my first video review.

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