• Member Since 16th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 25th, 2016


been a brony for 2-3 years quiet nice and want to try writing stories

More Blog Posts2

  • 476 weeks
    help wanted (editors, shipping enthusiasts,ect )

    so far ive gotten a few of my book ideas down on paper. now im looking for people to help publish it here, if your an experienced story teller here and are willing to lend a helping hand. please send me a message and perhaps we can work together whether it be bouncing ideas off one another, what story topics are the most popular, and just help me improve my writing. if anyone is curious about

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  • 477 weeks
    green as grass

    hello people of fimfiction.com been a fan of the site for little over a year now and just now created a profile. the reason i did that is because i want to write my own story and post it here. shocking isn't it? no? figured as much but back to my point. I want to write several stories and post them the only problem is i cant write a coherent and good story on my own to save my life. so am asking

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green as grass · 8:36am May 16th, 2015

hello people of fimfiction.com been a fan of the site for little over a year now and just now created a profile. the reason i did that is because i want to write my own story and post it here. shocking isn't it? no? figured as much but back to my point. I want to write several stories and post them the only problem is i cant write a coherent and good story on my own to save my life. so am asking anyone who reads this(who is great story writing) to help me get my stories off the ground such as helping me with such as coherent writing, proper writing style, and publishing it in a way that wont put people to sleep. so if your interested in helping a fellow brony send me a message and we will see where it goes. keep in mind that my stories might be all over the place and slightly stupid but bear with me i'm still new at this so don't give me too much crap. thank you.

Report bronyhunter93 · 59 views ·
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