• Member Since 11th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 16th, 2014


Hey! So, aspiring author/brony here! Chalk one up for the Canadian team! WOO!!! Yeah, soo... not really sure what to put here...

More Blog Posts8

  • 633 weeks
    Another chapter soon, my foot!

    Yeah... one month and then some isn't exactly 'soon', is it?

    Sorry 'bout the wait; some of it's been my fault, most of it's been completely out of my hands; haven't had much of a chance to upload anything recently.

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  • 638 weeks
    Still Here!

    Good news, everybody, I am, in fact, still alive!

    Sorry for the long delay, but I can explain!
    When last I published a chapter, I made it pretty clear that this next part would contain Pinkie's Ponyville-wide welcoming party.
    I figure that this will be the last such fiesta until the one in Canterlot, which is quite a ways away.

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  • 643 weeks

    Could have sworn I'd said that I wouldn't set any definite time-lines for when chapters are going to be posted...

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  • 644 weeks
    Uhh... sorry?

    As stated previously, I am a notorious procrastinator! It's been a week since I posted the last chapter, and haven't even started on the next one yet!

    Explanations in order? I think yes.

    Due to my earlier procrastinations (before chapter 3 was even started), I got to thinking about what was going to happen later on in the story.

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  • 646 weeks

    Everyone has their own secrets, and it seems as though Al's is darker than most!
    Good thing he has someone to share with, right?

    So yeah, darker turn to this chapter, not too much "Let's see how embarrassed we can make him!" This go 'round.
    Might be some of that later, though.
    ...Yeah, definitely some later.

    And yay, actually got a chapter up in a reasonable amount of time!

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Panic Attackkkk!!!! · 9:57pm Jan 13th, 2012

So, you all know how in Season 1, each of the Mane Six had their own little mental breakdowns?
Yeah, I think I'd fit right in with them after these past couple of days.

Day 1: *Submit story*.
*Check on story several hours later* Oh, cool, it already has two views!
*Several minutes later* Oh gods it already has two views, people are judging me, it's terrible, I just know it!
*Several more minutes later* WHY ONLY TWO VIEWS?!? YOU'RE GOING TO READ IT AND LOVE IT!!!
*Several hours later* Oh gods I've been checking this thing every couple of minutes (WHY STILL ONLY TWO VIEWS?!?), my bosses are sure to notice, they'll be upset that I'm wasting my work time, they're going to fire me, my parents will be upset and kick me out of the house, I'll have nowhere to live, won't be able to get back into university, I'm dooooomed!

Day 2: *Checks story* Hey, 4 views! ... and it was declined ooooh, those were the moderators, I get it now!
*Seconds later* Why was it declined? Aaah, if I'd read the FAQ instead of submitting it while running out the door to work-which-was-in-20-minute-it-takes-30-to-get-there, I would have seen that!
*Fix and resubmit*
*Story accepted!* Yay! It's good enough to pass!
*First comment: "Wait, what?"* Oh ye gods it's a terrible story everyone's going to hate it I'll be banned from the site this'll follow me everywhere I'll never be able to publish a book like I was wanting to!
*1 hour and 20 trackings later* It's... good? People like it? Yay, I'll finish up the second chapter as soon as I can!

Yeah... you really shouldn't be around me when I submit stuff, apparently...

But thanks to all who are tracking it, and liking it! I'll try and get the next chapter up as soon as I can!

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