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The Lost Shekels of Jerusalem [SPOILERS] · 7:41pm May 23rd, 2015

Gilda: Holy shit! Your teeth!
Pinkie: Oh, don't worry! It happens all the time! *closes her eyes and concentrates real hard, her teeth shards falling out and regrowing perfectly* See! Ta-da! Neat, huh?
Gilda: [soundless scream of horror]

This episode was the first one apart from the premier that had any real "Adventure" elements to it (unless you count the Appaloosa incident, which I don't), in addition to being the first that used the cutie map again, and I gotta say... I'm impressed. The new writer for this episode really did a fantastic job. I hope they get assigned to more adventure episodes, because this was fucking incredible.

This episode was also one of the darker ones, although more subtly. I can easily see someone in the target audience freaking the fuck out from that giant goat-cyclopes. But the visuals and world building, as grim-ish as they were, were fucking incredible. And showing his skeleton on that ledge, on a small pallet of grass, with flowers growing near it? That was fucking beautiful.

I also love how the message of this episode was delivered in a much more toned down and realistic way. They didn't solve all of Griffonstone's issues—they set it into motion. This has to be the best redemption episode, hands-down. Way better than that fucking "let's shame Trixie" and even a bit better than the Discord one in the fact that it was handled with so much more tact. Granted, it's an easier job to reform Gilda than it is to reform the spirit of chaos, but all the same, this episode did in a less heavy-handed, more believable way.

I do love the greediness of the Griffons; it's a nice little character trait of their society which I find both interesting and hilarious. In the episode, the extortion did get a bit tiresome, but it was pretty funny how the griffon guide tried to get bits out of Dash for an answer about whether or not she'd keep squeezing her for shekels. All we were missing were the yamakas

However, one bit of the episode did fucking annoy the shit out of me, and that was... how Pinkie broke the god damn fourth wall. AGAIN. FOR THE SECOND EPISODE IN A ROW.

Regardless of my unreasonably autistic reaction relating to that, the episode did more right than wrong, overwhelmingly. Even if this rookie writer made that mistake, it hopefully will not become commonplace. a boy can dream Only other real complaint I have is some of Gilda's dialogue in the beginning was cringey and... poorly handled, both by her voice actor and the sound team. It got better though, and only 2-3 lines were really "ruined".

Other small things that were awesome about the episode:
-everything Gummy did
-Cub Gilda


got myself a new griffon gal, sorry Gilda

Overall, awesome episode.

The Cutie Map pts 1 and 2
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Make New Friends But Keep Discord
Castle Sweet Castle
Appaloosa's Most Wanted
Tanks For The Memories
Bloom and Gloom


Comments ( 28 )

Cub Gilda gave me a heart attack.

3091596 I know eeeee

3091596 I agree

As for the episode, I thought it was good. I HATED Gilda so much, and when she stopped being a dickfuck and stopped saying "lame" and "dork" it was a nice moment.

Finally, a character with a good redemption arc. Thanks writers.

Also remember: with the winged jews, you lose.

3091632 remember the 14 trillion

I loved the worldbuilding in this episode, and it's great to see Gilda again.


Can I ship it?

(yes you can)

3091678 >tfw no griffons say mean things to me while I flirt with them
life is suffering


3091685 ssshh just embrace the butts

3091680 Oh man, goin' old school!

3091923 No, it's not. It was a shitty joke that should have happened once, and then the writers thought "OH LOL WE SHOULD KEEP MAKING LITERALLY THE WORST AND LAZIEST JOKE EVER OVER AND OVER"

3091960 Also, regardless of whether or not it is a part of her personality, that does not excuse it. It's a shitty part of her personality if one can indeed classify "breaking the fourth wall" as a personality trait.

I don't loathe Gilda anymore, so that's cool. And I never would have thought Pinkie was turned on by Jewish idols. I guess that's why they call them "fetishes".

Author Interviewer

Cub Gilda was kind of the greatest thing. Also, I think you are totally right about Greta.

3092080 she is a qt

It is entirely possible that someone else added the bit with the 4th wall breaking to the finished script.
And it's also entirely possible that it was that very someone who added it to the last episode.

It's a conspiracy, it's what I'm trying to say.

3092598 fits right in with all the jews

Glad to see that my depiction of Gilda's cub/chickhood that I did in one of my stories was like 90% accurate (not counting the dialogue). Not really a fair set of points in favor of this episode (because it really was good), but still something I loved seeing.

Hot damn Greta with those eyes tho

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Did you hate it more when Pinks addressed the audience mid-conversation, or when she stopped the show for a baking powder commercial, or were they about equal?

3211212 the baking powder commercial didn't really irritate me, to be honest
I hate how she addresses the audience though. It breaks all immersion and it's so hoary and lazy.

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