• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2021


Writing about magic, romance and the bonds of friendship!

More Blog Posts78


Blogging! · 10:57am Jun 10th, 2015

Good news, everyone! I've migrated my blog to Wordpress and given it a little direction. I've dumped the episode review angle (which everyone else is doing anyway) and decided to blog about something closer to my heart - writing Fimfiction :pinkiehappy:

I'm gonna be doing showcases of some of the more inspiring stories I've found (or hidden gems that need more attention), writing some advice articles for characters, dialogue and fimfiction in general, talking about what makes a good story etc.

If you've enjoyed my writing in the past, then hopefully you'll find something you like over there. The address is fimficwriter.wordpress.com (awesome that it wasn't already taken), and the debut post is one about writing different aspects of Pinkie Pie's character. I'd appreciate any support, advice or feedback you guys can give, and let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like me to write about.

Cheers guys, and I hope to have some new fimfic for you soon!

Comments ( 4 )

It looks good UB, I'll definitely be following the blog :raritywink: I was just remembering I meant to reply to your last comment in the conversation we were having a while ago, I'm so flaky :twilightsheepish:

Oh, good timing. I've been plotting on writing a bit of Pinkie Pie and this ought to help. :yay:

As far as suggestions go, maybe make some mention of her speech patterns?

Oh my gosh, you're alive! :pinkiegasp:

3136849 Allegedly :raritywink: Yeah I'm back to trying to get things done, got a lot plans of stuff to write, but I'm gonna try and get a few different things written before announcing anything or getting it edited, hopefully I will be able to get things done though, I also got a lot of reading to catch up with, Including some of stuff of yours, some of UB's stuff, and about 100 other stories :twilightsheepish:

3136798 Huzzah! Cheers, and don't worry about it - you're not the only one to be crazy busy/distracted of late :twilightsheepish: (EDIT: How are you doing by the way? Good to hear that you've got plans to write some stuff again!)

3136849 Aha, good timing indeed! :pinkiehappy: Great idea on the speech patterns. I was going to add a little section on her dialogue in that post, but didn't want to make it too long as I really wanted to highlight those points I did have. I'm thinking of doing a single blog post to talk about the dialogue for all the mane six, to show the contrast. I'll let you know when I do :twilightsmile:

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