• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm CreepyPastaSalad and Sensuous Sonority on YouTube, and I perform audio readings.

More Blog Posts493

  • 148 weeks
    Some major personal updates

    I'll get right to the point: I got a new job! :pinkiehappy:

    While I enjoyed my previous work, it was mostly thoughtless data entry and wasn't even close to full-time. I have clawed my way out of the welfare trap.

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    5 comments · 415 views
  • 172 weeks
    Progress Report #2, and a Question

    Question first: Does anybody know what happened to Swift Blade Productions? I could've sworn when I trailed off that they were a rising audio reading channel. Now I can't even find them on YouTube. :rainbowderp:

    Progress Report

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    3 comments · 395 views
  • 172 weeks
    Progress Report #1

    Read over fic for consideration of next project. Time 0:34.

    Request permission to voice above. Time: 0:05.

    Seek image for above. Time: 0:15

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    0 comments · 280 views
  • 184 weeks
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holliday

    I wish there was more I could say that I haven't said fifty times previously. I miss this place and wish I could be back to work on here. I hope you're all well.

    18 comments · 297 views
  • 192 weeks
    Howdy, all!

    I'm curious if anyone has plans for this Hallow's Eve. I don't have much worked out for it yet myself.

    6 comments · 258 views

New Reading: Mare of the House · 2:39am Jun 13th, 2015

Proudly presenting you all with an audio reading of user jmj's Mare of the House!
Link: https://youtu.be/Mcfsa1MVbQA

Report TheDizzyDan · 149 views · #audio #reading #onsite
Comments ( 5 )

3143621 This story's pretty good. Had me going the first night I had read it. Something about how it's written.. I can't pinpoint it, but it's effective!

Yippidee do da, yippidee day. My oh my what a wonderful day!

From My Fair Lady! Nice!

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