• Member Since 9th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 9th, 2016


Being an Introvert allows me to care about humanity, and yet despise human beings, simultaneously.

More Blog Posts182

  • 433 weeks
    Update on Matt

    Hello to all of Matt's friends. I am Gabby, Matt's housemate/friend/something.

    I thought I should have a look on here to see what he was talking about when he mentioned fimfiction, and I found that he had a password and stuff on his computer (don't worry, I didn't steal it). I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but I thought I could make a blog about how Matt's doing now that he's left.

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    49 comments · 1,404 views
  • 438 weeks
    I'm Off.

    I am most glad to have found time for this blog at last!

    I am leaving FIMFiction, and I'm so happy that I can now free myself from whatever burden it caused, along with everything else of my old self.

    See, I have found what I could not see for years, and years, and years. I have found love. And not a sloppy, simpering love, but a true love; that being, the love of God!

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    64 comments · 868 views
  • 439 weeks
    Drink With Me

    For my fellows:

    Drink with me to days gone by
    Sing with me the songs we knew.

    Here's to pretty girls who went to our heads.

    Here's to witty girls who went to our beds.

    Here's to them and here's to you.

    Drink with me to days gone by

    Can it be we fear to die?
    Will the world remember us when we fall?
    Could it be our deaths mean nothing at all?

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    28 comments · 567 views
  • 440 weeks
    Update: The Murder Of Prince Blue Blood.

    Right, I understand that this story appears to be stagnant at the present time, and I apologise to those who were enjoying it. Truth be know, it is.

    Now, if any of you have full time jobs that demand the vast majority of your time, you may understand just why the story has not been added to for an inordinate amount of time; perhaps even an unacceptable amount of time.

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    6 comments · 497 views
  • 440 weeks
    Save me.

    After much indecision, I have at last concluded to fall upon the ineffable wisdom of my FIM Fiction companions and fellows concerning a subject that has rattled me considerably. Yes. I, Tavi, rattled.

    The reason for this is, I believe, a worthy one to be rattled by. It is because of these:

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    105 comments · 717 views

Excerpts from The Life And Passing Of Sir Arthur SunGold Esquire · 1:17pm Jun 13th, 2015

I wrote and posted this a while back, but I had very few followers then, and very few saw it. I wrote it in the classic Shakespearian fashion and don't worry, their is no such thing as The And Passing Of Sir Arthur SunGold Esquire. That was just for context. :twilightsmile:

Excerpts from The Life And Passing Of Sir Arthur SunGold Esquire

Scene 6: SunGold's Soliloquy over the passing of SunGold's beast, Urckson.

Enter SIR SUNGOLD, as he sees that his beast, Urckson, is dead.

O woe! If I without my belov’d pet must live! O darkest world!
O misery beyond compare to me! Already my beast’s life doth play its part within the tend’rest mem’ries of my brain.
Well do I remember when the beast was but a Ursa Minor. It was the runt of the litter. Indeed, almost eaten by its mother cruel. Yet it was purchas’d as a novelty by mine sister, Sightle, who e’er seek abnormal things. I bought it from a band of Zebera traders, who related to me all that it had been through and charged me a paltry sum for such a worthy animal. Then did I raise it from its lowly start unto the grand and now tow’ring hulk that now before me lies. It could be vicious, yet ever did it know its master true, and never would it turn its anger fierce upon the one who loved it first and best.
Was ever an Ursa in this humor rais’d?
Was ever a Ursa in this humor won?
To think on it brings pain past all resolve. O Fate, that ever I should see this day. Now there’s but little light left in this world, for its bright sun unjustly is snuff’d out. I shall away, and drown myself in tears. Belike to live the sad remainder of my mortal days upon this planet grave, unfriended, unprotected, and alone.

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