• Member Since 9th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 9th, 2016


Being an Introvert allows me to care about humanity, and yet despise human beings, simultaneously.

More Blog Posts182

  • 434 weeks
    Update on Matt

    Hello to all of Matt's friends. I am Gabby, Matt's housemate/friend/something.

    I thought I should have a look on here to see what he was talking about when he mentioned fimfiction, and I found that he had a password and stuff on his computer (don't worry, I didn't steal it). I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but I thought I could make a blog about how Matt's doing now that he's left.

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    49 comments · 1,406 views
  • 439 weeks
    I'm Off.

    I am most glad to have found time for this blog at last!

    I am leaving FIMFiction, and I'm so happy that I can now free myself from whatever burden it caused, along with everything else of my old self.

    See, I have found what I could not see for years, and years, and years. I have found love. And not a sloppy, simpering love, but a true love; that being, the love of God!

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    64 comments · 868 views
  • 440 weeks
    Drink With Me

    For my fellows:

    Drink with me to days gone by
    Sing with me the songs we knew.

    Here's to pretty girls who went to our heads.

    Here's to witty girls who went to our beds.

    Here's to them and here's to you.

    Drink with me to days gone by

    Can it be we fear to die?
    Will the world remember us when we fall?
    Could it be our deaths mean nothing at all?

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    28 comments · 567 views
  • 441 weeks
    Update: The Murder Of Prince Blue Blood.

    Right, I understand that this story appears to be stagnant at the present time, and I apologise to those who were enjoying it. Truth be know, it is.

    Now, if any of you have full time jobs that demand the vast majority of your time, you may understand just why the story has not been added to for an inordinate amount of time; perhaps even an unacceptable amount of time.

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    6 comments · 497 views
  • 441 weeks
    Save me.

    After much indecision, I have at last concluded to fall upon the ineffable wisdom of my FIM Fiction companions and fellows concerning a subject that has rattled me considerably. Yes. I, Tavi, rattled.

    The reason for this is, I believe, a worthy one to be rattled by. It is because of these:

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    105 comments · 717 views

Well, that's just perfect. · 12:55pm Jun 17th, 2015

I have been diagnosed with depression. :fluttershysad:

I dare say I certainly had my suspicions, I suppose this is the clarity I required.

Because of this, I think I will hold off on writing for an unspecified period of time.

Report Tavi4 · 407 views ·
Comments ( 77 )

Yikes, that must be tough. How are you feeling?

Strangely, I'm feeling depressed.

3156557 :applejackunsure: I got that. Need a hug?

I think I do. :fluttercry:

I know that feel...but i tack pills for mine and my mood swings...if you want i can suggest some of what i take

No thank you. I have been on pills for this for the past eight years.

3156563 oh ok ..then i wish ye the best of luck with it.

Thank you, Heybra. :fluttercry:

3156561 *hugs tightly*

*hugs back* :fluttercry:

3156567 I'm sure everything will be alright

Hm. Let's hope so. Let's hope so. :fluttercry:

3156572 You said you had your medication, that should help a lot, right?

It keeps it at bay. But I feel under the weather on an almost constant basis. I suppose that's why Scootaloo96 always thinks I'm being a Scrooge. He's right, too.

3156583 'Almost constant' but not always, be glad for the happy moments

I am glad for them when they happen.

3156590 Exactly, hope is really what you need,
Hope can be amazing thing for humans

Hey, listen, don't let that label hurt you. It's meant to help you understand and address the issues your dealing with, not to make you feel even worse about yourself.

Everything's gonna be alright, okay? The diagnoses is supposed to be a step toward recovering from it.

Indeed it can. Tell me, how old are you, Shine?

How right you are. The emotional pain, though.....:fluttershyouch:

3156596 I rather not say because it is a personal question and I don't know you that well, and this out in public of the page

Oh. Fair enough. Perhaps in a PM?

*hugs you tightly* It's gonna be alright, okay?

3156600 I don't know, Tav, I still don't know you that well. We didn't meet that long ago, so I'm still not completely sure I can trust you

*hugs back* *sniff* :fluttercry: Thanks.

I respect that. I live in Australia, so you can get any thought of me getting to you right out of your head.

That, sucks quite a bit...

(I am a bit late due to being at school for the moment)

Just try to calm down a bit. Everyone wants to help you get better, and you need to try and let them.

3156626 Just don't let it get the better of you, it'll get better :twilightsmile: (talking from experience here)

You're right. :pinkiesad2: Hey, I'm not a cutter yet.

I'll take heed to that.

*hugs back* Thank you.

And you better never be, or I'll personally fly to Australia and kick your butt myself :duck: Understood? :raritywink:

Yes ma'am. :pinkiesad2:

3156609 Thank you. I wasn't thinking that

So...PM? Oh wait, I'm a mere acquaintance, aren't I?

Good boy :twilightsmile:

I long for your approval.

Aww :twilightsmile:

I should let you know though, for future reference, I'm a guy

Comment posted by Scootaloo96 deleted Jun 17th, 2015
Comment posted by Tavi4 deleted Jun 17th, 2015

Hey man, we are always here for you if you need to talk with us! We can help!

Well, I just asked that question. Silly me. :raritywink:

Thank you, Sunman. I'll consolidate that to memory.

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