• Member Since 12th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 16th, 2021

Infinity Shade

Oh this sleepy little town, nearly ashes on the ground. I'll leave it all behind, even thoughts of you and I... So I tell you now; Goodbye :heart:

More Blog Posts368

  • 388 weeks

    I feel kinda bad but not really for not saying this earlier, but anyway, I've left this website. (Only saying this because of the PMs, that I sadly won't reply to because I do not want to use this website at all anymore.) If you want to find me, I'm on both DA and Instagram.

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  • 397 weeks
    Art raffle!

    I was going to but totally forgot before haha! I'm holding a small art raffle over at DA, so check it out if you want the chance to win some free art!
    That's all, hope everyone's having a nice weekend!:twilightsmile:

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  • 399 weeks

    I don't even remember how long it's been haha:twilightsmile:
    As always, how is everyone? I should really reply to all those PMs that have piled upXD
    Anyway, some people have wondered why I'm gone, so here's an official little rant lol!

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  • 407 weeks
    Art advice and WIP!

    Soooooooooouuu...first of all, JUMIN FROM MM IS MIIIIINE, just fyi.
    Anyway! I've stumbled upon a great thingy for learning art a few days ago so I thought it's be a good idea to share!:heart:

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  • 408 weeks
    Hahahahahai again! (I'M ALIVE)

    I said I was going to be more active here and well....oopsie?:twilightsheepish::rainbowlaugh:

    Really doe, school is A SHIP this year! A ship full of responsibility and hawt guys!:trollestia:
    Seriously talking, I've been quite busy acting like the class rep, and getting ready to possibly apply to the student council board!:raritystarry:

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Omigoshomigoshomigosh (WARNING:Sappy and messy blog post) · 11:47pm Jun 18th, 2015

I'm oficially done with the 10 obligatory years of school.
(Though I have still much left:rainbowlaugh:)
Just came back from my graduation party...and I'm filled with so much love and happy sadness.:pinkiesad2:

Okay first, a song that fits my mood perfectly! And the song is pretty awesome .:raritywink:

Everything went a million times better than I hoped today.:pinkiesad2:
My grades are much better than I hoped, and I got so many compliments on getting an A on my exam.:heart:
Then I had a speech in front of 400+ people, and I was almost not stressed, and I even had to improvise.:pinkiehappy:
Since my teacher read out my short novel out loud in the class a few weeks ago, and since I got an A on my exam-novel, I got the title
The future author of the year:rainbowlaugh:
And at the end of the nigh I got an hug from everyone in my class.:heart: I love those idiots so much:pinkiesad2:

Basically this night was amazing.:raritystarry: I'm back for good now, dear friends, and better than ever!:pinkiehappy:
Though I'm really scared of what will happen when the hype goes away...but I always have the gym to cheer me up though.:rainbowlaugh:

I know this post is really long, so just a few more things
~I'm feeling a ton better know, guess it was just anxiety these last few days.:rainbowlaugh:

~I'm oficially on my summer break! That means I will finally publish those stories I've been working on soon.:scootangel:

Other than that, I hope you guys are doing good!:heart:

Comments ( 38 )

That's awesome, Miss Future Author of the Year!


What grade you in now? Or are you heading to college?

Yay! Congratulations!

I miss summer vacations. :pinkiesad2:

3161047 Haha, not yet.:rainbowlaugh:
We have a different system here in Norway, in US that would be the equivalent of secon year of high school, but here I'm starting high school. It will last 3 years, and then I'm off to study psychology for 5 years or something:rainbowlaugh:

Ooh... didn't know you were from Norway.

3161037 do you have 2 years left? :rainbowlaugh: I have 3

Congrats congrats!

3161056 that gif is too adorable!:rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

3161087 don't you have summer vacations? :rainbowderp:

3161093 Well, it's not exactly a secret, it is in my bio:rainbowlaugh:

Well, I feel like a right moron now...

3161125 And I who thought I'm in the risk zone for diabetes:facehoof:

3161142 Yay, I have been done with 10th grade for several hours now!:coolphoto::rainbowlaugh:

3161154 nothing, I just overuse emoticons when I'm happy:twilightsheepish:

3161179 That sucks, but good luck!:pinkiehappy:

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