• Member Since 29th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2018


More Blog Posts14

  • 452 weeks
    yes i am dead


    0 comments · 397 views
  • 461 weeks
    Why roleplay as Fem!Crona?

    Ah, yes. The biggest controversy this fandom has had and still has to day is what gender this little androgynous son of a witch is.

    And no, by "Son of a witch" I'm not automatically assuming it's a guy. Yeesh, didn't you read the title, you ignorant fuck?

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    0 comments · 705 views
  • 462 weeks
    hi yeah I exist

    You may/may not have noticed that I've been gone for what... six weeks? That's like, two months or so. I don't even know anymore.

    I kept popping back in every once and awhile but I couldn't bring myself to stay on for more than an hour. Ha ha. I'm pathetic.

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    1 comments · 353 views
  • 471 weeks

    1) Name: Lauren

    2) Birthday: 2/28/1999

    3) Nickname: Lee

    4) Eye Color: Dark green

    5) Hair Color: Dirty blonde

    6) Zodiac Sign: Sheep (Chinese) Pisces (Traditional)

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    3 comments · 451 views
  • 471 weeks
    "Tea and Cucumbers" Update #1

    If anyone cares to read the new chapter, here you go~

    0 comments · 317 views

"Maaaaw" · 1:33pm Jun 19th, 2015

1) Name: Lauren

2) Birthday: 2/28/1999

3) Nickname: Lee

4) Eye Color: Dark green

5) Hair Color: Dirty blonde

6) Zodiac Sign: Sheep (Chinese) Pisces (Traditional)

7) Your fear (phobias): Crashing/sinking in any vehicle, loosing a family member, having my wrists/neck slit

8) Your perfect pizza: Bacon with pineapples :heart:

9) Goal you’d like to achieve: Become a graphic artist in Japan

10) Your best physical feature: Eyes...?

11) Pepsi or Coke: Coke

12) McDonald’s or Burger King: Burger King

13) Adidas or Nike: Adidas

14) Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

15) Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino

16) Smoke: Don't plan on it, but my mind may change.

17) Curse: Way too much.

18) Sing: Only in the shower or for joking reasons.

19) Dance: Nah.

20) Take a shower everyday: I hope that's what everyone does.

21) Have a crush: Like four actually but some of them are fictional characters

22) Want to get married: I'm iffy about that.

23) Get motion sickness: Only when I'm sitting in the backseat of a car.

24) Think you’re attractive: Nah.

25) Get along with your parents: Only one of them.

Have you ever…

26) Flashed anyone: No.

27) Been beaten up: Yes.

28) Shoplifted: No.

29) Eaten Sushi: I want to :raritydespair:

30) Been on stage: Yes.

31) Made homemade cookies: Yes.

32) Gone Skinny dipping: Nah...

33) Stolen anything: A few things from the cafeteria when I was in like fourth grade.

34) Had sex: No.

35) Done drugs: Secondhandedly

36) Gotten drunk: No

37) Had a random hookup: Yes.

38) Ran out of gas: No.

39) Been arrested: Almost but not specifically me.

40) Been in love: Plenty of times.

Comments ( 3 )

Well, this certainly differed from mine, I must say. Most intriguing, Lauren.

You are most welcome.

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