• Member Since 1st May, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Knight Breeze

Just your average gaming geek/college student. I study computer science, play pathfinder, and write stories, and have a patreon!

More Blog Posts223

  • 57 weeks

    Hey, you guys ever hear of Xlibris? I've got an offer from them to publish my book, but I'm getting some shady vibes from some of the reviews I've read about them. Any thoughts?

    14 comments · 550 views
  • 58 weeks
    Amazon's changing it's print costs.

    So, as of June 20th, Amazon will be changing its print costs. Specifically, everything is going to be a bit more expensive. If you were on the fence for buying a physical copy of my books, now's the time to change your mind, seeing as how the price is going to increase in a couple of months. Thought I'd give you all the heads up.

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    14 comments · 344 views
  • 59 weeks
    What I Am: Aftermath chapter.

    Hey, guys, I'm writing a conclusion chapter for What I Am. Nothing too substantial, given that a sequel and spin off already exist, but I thought I'd put it down as both a way to let those that don't exactly follow me (or, at the very least, don't follow my blog) know that the second book is out, and also know that A Darkened Sky is about to get a whole lot of chapters.

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    4 comments · 555 views
  • 60 weeks
    Fool's Gambit.

    Man, did you ever go back and just... cringe at what you did before? That happened to me with Fool's Gambit. The story has plenty of potential, that's not the problem. My problem is with how it's written. The prose is off, there are numerous errors, and I feel like the whole thing is rushed. Like, that first part could have easily been 4-5 chapters longer, and it would have been better for

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    2 comments · 249 views
  • 60 weeks
    Live on Google Play!

    Hey, guys, just wanted you to know that What I've Become and Nightmare of the Past is now live on Google Play! So, if you didn't have a kindle-compatible device before, you can buy both books for 3.99 each right now on Google Play! I'll be working to get them into more outlets during the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for them!

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    7 comments · 307 views

So, finally have a youtube video up! · 2:34am Jun 24th, 2015

So, those of you who have been following me know that I've been working on a twitch channel and a YouTube channel. Thing is, is that I work, so I can't really do twitch like how I want to. I can do YouTube videos though. And I've just started a YouTube series.

I call it Knight Breeze dies a lot.

In this iteration of the series, I'll be playing Xcom long war, but with it on impossible, with the iron man enabled. So if you enjoy watching people suck at games, you can find the first video here:

As always, I am open to suggestions. on what you'd like to see me play. I figured that a YouTube channel would work out better, because not only did it give me and The Doomotter more time to make the videos, but also it would give you guys more time to watch at your leisure. Have fun!

Comments ( 3 )

I've loved your stories for a damn well long time, why the hell did I not think to follow you until recently? Love your work mate. Also, you've read Arad's Stardust, right?

3175989 I have. It is actually the reason why I started playing xcom.:pinkiehappy:

You should not be using the iron man. The game, specially whit long war installed, has a fair chance of simply freezing due to bugs at some point. Just disable iron man and play without reloading previous saves, unless the game bugs out on you.

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