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Lord of Flies

In an equal society, some people are more equal than others. Especially those at the top. Just food for thought.

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OC Recruitment · 1:31am Jun 25th, 2015

That's right, guys! For the next story that I'm going to write after I finish Actions and Reactions: Saving Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to include your guys OCs in it.

What is the story going to be about? Well, I don't have a title for this story yet. But, it's a crossover between the Universal Century Mobile Suit Gundam series and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Specifically, the story will be set during UC 0087 to early UC 0088, the time when Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is set. Now, this story will not be a novelization of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, instead, the central conflict of the story has a completely different path and ending from the one seen in the show.

So, even though I'm planning to reuse my OCs from Actions and Reactions: Saving Twilight Sparkle, I think it'll be fun for everyone to see their OCs be apart of the action.

There are five factions that available for you guys to apply for. These are: the Equestrian Federation Forces (Federal Forces), the Titans, the Anti Equestrian Unity Group (AEUG), Karaba, and the Axis Lunar Republic (Axis, for short).
What follows is the information about each faction. Use this information to choose your faction.

Equestrian Federation Forces (Federal Forces): The military arm of the Equestrian Federation, the government that controls the solar system. This faction is the most powerful of the five factions, but is corrupt and has frequent infighting. Its mobile suit forces include descendants of the RX-78 Gundam and descendants of the suits used by the now defunct New Lunar Republic.
The major canon characters that are in this faction: Starlight Glimmer, Flash Sentry, Rainbow Dash, the Wonderbolts, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Babs Seed, Featherweight, and Sunset Shimmer

Titans: An elite corps of the Federal Forces. Created to defend the Equestrian Federation from supporters of the New Lunar Republic and its sympathizers, it has grown stronger in recent years. However, it is a cruel, oppressive faction, oppressing the citizens living in the space colonies. Not as powerful as the Federal Forces, but a fearsome force in its own right.
The major canon characters that are in this faction: Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, Trixie, Gilda, Spike, and Lightning Dust

Anti Equestria Unity Group (AEUG): A resistance movement dedicated to fighting the Titans in space. It is comprised of dissident colonists, Federation soldiers opposed to the Titans, and ex-Republic officers and officials posing as Federation officers. Initially formed to reform the corrupt Equestrian Federation government, the AEUG took up arms against the Titans after the Incident at Colony Thirty. Weaker than Axis, the Titans, and the Federal Forces, the AEUG prefers using guerilla warfare as opposed to large battles.
The major canon characters that are in this faction: Applejack, Fluttershy, Thunderlane, Zecora, and Pipsqueak

Karaba: The planet-based version of the AEUG, Karaba is dedicated to fighting the Titans on the planets themselves. It is ragtag and under-equipped, even more so than the AEUG. Due to this, any mobile suits Karaba fields are those captured from the Federal Forces and Titans, or smuggled to them by the AEUG.
The major canon characters that are in this faction: Vinyl Scratch, Coco Pommel, Suri Polomare, and Octavia

Axis Lunar Republic (Axis): Axis is the major remnant of the New Lunar Republic. When the New Lunar Republic turned into the Marzan Republic and formally ended its offensive, a full eighty percent of the remaining New Lunar Republic forces disobeyed orders and fled to the Axis asteroid base and its sister bases in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Saturn. Its goal is the return of Luna to power over the New Lunar Republic. It has built up its forces in secret, and bolstered its ranks with other New Lunar Republic remnants fleeing to the asteroid bases. Due to this, it rivals the Titans in power.
The major canon characters that are in this faction: Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Braeburn, Big Macintosh, Cheerilee, Little Strongheart, Moondancer, and Lyra Heartstrings

Once you've read all of that, there are five things that you need to put in your comment. One: the name of the OC(s) you want in the new story. Two: The faction you want your OCs to be members of. Three: The personality of each OC you want in the new story. Four: Good or evil? Five: Normal or Newtype?

For the personality of your OCs, make it about one or two sentences worth of info. I'm not patient enough to look through a paragraph of text to pick out the defining characteristics of your OC. (Well, I am, I'd rather not.)

You're under no pressure to submit any OCs. You'll have until I announce that I'm writing the new story to submit any OCs. (It'll probably a few months, depending on how fast I write each chapter of Actions and Reactions: Saving Twilight Sparkle.)

Feel free to ask questions about this post, because this is a long post.

Other than that, I'll see you next post!

Comments ( 30 )

1. Inkwell Prose
2. Axis Lunar Republic
3. A strong fighter. Always puts others before him and gets the job done, even if that puts him in grave danger.

That was fast!
Alrighty then.
One question: Should I portray him as good or evil?
Also: Normal or Newtype?
One last question (I promise): Why'd you choose Axis?

1. Kevin
2. Karaba seems best fit.
3. Calm and tranquil, but bursts into flames and turns into a fiery red rage monster when angered (which is literally only done when you start hurting or killing some pony close to him).

Also, cool idea. The next story with my OC in it will come out soon. Details on rage monster are there.

Good or evil?
Normal or Newtype?
Why Karaba?
What race of pony?
Eye color?
Mane/hair color?
Coat (fur) color?

3179549 Good.
Normal. I've been to battle before and I've got experience.
I've always stayed loyal to Princess Luna. Bringing her back to power has been a primary goal of mine for years.

Would you be okay with Twilight Sparkle leading Axis?
Also: What is your eye color?
I can't tell from your avatar.

1. You choose good or evil. I left that up to you, because I really don't mind. Although evil doesn't seem to match his character that much.
2. Normal or what? IDK what this is crossed over with so I have no clue what that means.
3. Karaba seems to be the most quiet of places that you described so, I think that matches my character as he is not all that aggressive.
4,5,6 and 7: description

Normal: Like humans today, nothing special.
Newtype: These guys are found in space and they have higher reaction times, a greater spatial awareness, and they can use specialized Mobile Suits and Mobile Armors designed for them. They have something like psychic powers.

3180836 Let me know if you need anything else!

3180838 um... nah. I think I'd do normal. My character very strongly isn't super fast or is even that skilled. Plus the idea of giving him a suit that he probably won't need seems odd. If anything bad happens and he ends up getting angry and fighting FOR KARABA! fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/356/a/e/for_narnia__by_suupersami-d35gjrx.jpg then it'd go over just fine without the alien abilities.
Seriously this is a really cool idea. Thanks, man

What Mobile Suit would you like to have? If you don't know the specific name, a rough description of the way you fight will do. I'm asking because I've listed you as an Ace on my list of OCs that have applied. Which means that Aces get their own special suits.

3180889 What are my options? I don't want anything major. I'm up close and personal when fighting.

There are three options that I found would be closest to what you prefer:
MS-14J Refined Gelgoog
MS-15Kg Gyan Krieger
MS-18E Kampfer

3181148 Can I get the Specs? Or details of which on is exactly.

3179838 I have only twice seen Kevin do that (turn hulk)... Fairly rare I'd say, the calm and tranquil part makes a good portion of his personality.

All of these can be found on the Gundam Wiki so you can confirm each suit's specs.
MS-14J Refined Gelgoog:
General Purpose Mobile Suit
21.0 meters tall (without antenna)
23.1 meters tall (with antenna)
Maximum Weight: 82.6 metric tons
Standard Weight: 43.7 metric tons
Power Output: 1890 kW
Sensor Range: 8700 meters
Titanium Alloy Composite Armor
Maximum Acceleration: 1.83G

MS-15Kg Gyan Krieger:
Assault Mobile Suit
20 meters tall
Maximum Weight: 80.3 metric tons
Standard Weight: 40.5 metric tons
Power Output: 1490 kW
Sensor Range: 6300 meters
Titanium Alloy/Ceramic Composite Armor
Maximum Acceleration: 2.22G
Maximum Running Speed: 192 km/h

MS-18E Kampfer:
Heavy Assault Mobile Suit
18.2 meters tall (overall)
Maximum Weight: 78.5 metric tons
Standard Weight: 43.5 metric tons
Power Output: 1550 kW
Sensor Range: 6100 meters
Titanium Alloy/Ceramic Composite Armor
Maximum Acceleration: 2.03G
Maximum Running Speed: 215 km/h

3180838 Well, in that case...

Name: Blizzard Blast

Faction: Axis, technically. He likes to consider himself an unaffiliated rogue warrior, a "lone wolf", but he has been recruited by Twilight Sparkle (his marefriend) as her personal bodyguard. Consequently he associates most heavily with Axis, although occasionally will fight alongside Karaba.

Personality: To summarize Blizzard Blast's personality in one singular word, which is a difficult thing to do, I'd say he's dedicated. He's very Blake-like in personality (for those of you who watch RWBY), dedicated to those he loves and to the cause of good in general, even to the point that his own life if it comes to it means nothing to him. Such is demonstrated here.

Portrayal: Good. This one should be quite obvious if you've read any of his starring fics.

Class: Normal. Has some vague similarities to Newtypes such as sharp hearing and honed reflexes, but in class he is strictly normal.

How old would Blizzard Blast be in the story?
Because the Main Six are about twenty-seven years old each in the story.

3181352 The MS-15Kg Gyan seems best fit for me.

The Gyan Krieger uses a beam lance for melee.
Should I change your Krieger to a wield a beam saber?
Or keep it with a beam lance?

3181432 Whichever one is smaller and more mobile.

Beam saber it is then.

3181402 Somewhere in that range, I suppose. Twenty-six I think.

3181402 Also he keeps his own weapons and fighting style from the Blizzard Chronicles.

Okay. Twin swords, and what is his fighting style, again?

What color are his eyes? I probably missed it somewhere.

How old should you be in the story?

3181502 Early 20s. Young and fresh.

3181457 I'll just PM you a pic sometime with his fighting style.

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