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I write all the time, I give too much detail, I am a pervert and I will not act my age unless I am in a bad mood. Welcome to my mind, don't get hit by the bucking door >:3

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  • 465 weeks
    Metal Slug's 0.5: First Credit blog.

    Hello readers! Once more this is an 'intermision' in one of my stories (If you read it before the story is aproved, then I am an idiot and managed to get delayed, again. It happens). Do not expect part of the story here, for you shall have none of it! It is my cake and I will eat it however the fu... what? No cake? Buck it then.

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Metal Slug's 0.5: First Credit blog. · 8:59pm Jul 4th, 2015

Hello readers! Once more this is an 'intermision' in one of my stories (If you read it before the story is aproved, then I am an idiot and managed to get delayed, again. It happens). Do not expect part of the story here, for you shall have none of it! It is my cake and I will eat it however the fu... what? No cake? Buck it then.

Okay, okay, no one paid money for it but I'll give you my time regardless. Weep and despair all you want.

As you may have noticed, as in you have to read the first chapter to get here and understand jack diddly, so if you didn't notice I would like for you to go back and read, you ass (and no, I don't mean mule), this story revolves around Metal Slug. Why? BECAUSE I WANTED TO MAKE IT SO! Do I need a reason for everything? I mean, I know I am anal about detail, long stories and shit, but I AM silly you know? Anyway, just like always I do welcome reader interaction in my fanfiction, so here are some rules.


You get ONE credit. One motherbucking credit. Just one. No more than the singular, primordial, bucking one. Okay? Good. There is no three towers, there is not even two, there is one. One. Ticket. PLEASE. THANKS! What does 'One Credit' mean? You get ONE vote on things. Want more? PAY ME X3! (Not really). Do you think I said 'one' enough times? I think I could have stressed it a bit more.


What does this credit entail? It means that every reader will be able to send a comment, note, mail or bar of gold with a nice engraving with their comment (please send me more of those), to influence how the shit is going to hit the fan.

Whenever one of these 'Insert Coin' segment (or 0.5 chapters) appears there will be X number of choices, X being whatever the buck I want to give you guys as an option. In most cases detailing how the next mission is going to go, or an intermission to decide something like the name of a SV-001 or some shit like that. Your guess is as good as mine since I am winging this like no tomorrow.

Readers can opt to not use their credit like that however, but remember that there is one credit PER intermission section and they aren't accumulative. If you don't use your credit before the next intermission, you done goofed and it is lost. Congratulations, you fail.

You shall remember also that I am brutally anal about details, so if you try to cheat, I will take the privilege of having credits because I am a vengeful bastard. Do not like? Do not care. NEXT!

Now, why would you save that credit if I am being an ass about it? Well, imagine you want more focus towards one character during the next mission, more dialog or something like that. If you ask for that, you can get it, and if people with their credit still intact like that option, or one similar, they can vouch for it. Bear in mind that the more people ask for one thing the more chances that may happen, but the credit is spent once you make your choice and post it, so have it forever present because I won't give credits back!


While the supposedly official story assumed that Marco's Offensive, the operation that one of our intrepid heroes planned, took three thousand men and at least thirty SV-001s (Metal Slugs). I am saying fuck that and going with underwhelming odds and a brutal number of enemy troops. I am using clones because, personally, I think there is not enough idiots in the world for Morden to use as troops if we pit them against the Metal Slug crew. They would simply flee.

That, and this is a gorey comedy. No drama.

That brings the second point: What you won't use your credits for, because I will give you the middle finger if you so much as ask for it.

There will be no drama, tragedy or other shit like that. I can use drama, I dislike it, but it usually helps develop shit. Here? Not so much. Tragedy? Create a character, develop it, only to fuck its life to the core? NO. Thank you, but NO! You guys will not, and I mean WILL, NOT, have the chance to vote for those things to happen. Nor will this story be dark or other such shit. We are here to have utter badass fun with a game designed around a fucking tank that can be used as a portable mini nuke, that is it. There will be story, there will be dialog, there will be explosions. The. End.

Romance and sex? May happen. Hell, I can add porn to almost everything. I mean, as far as fantasy goes I probably can do anything. I do have my limit with kinks, even with species, but I have been around the internet for more than fourteen years, I have seen a lot of shit. So yea, I could add that to this.

It should be important to note that while this is a crossover and, thus, it is an alternate universe, I will not COMPLETELY change the Metal Slug universe. The games will still happen in order, the missions too, yada, yada, yada, bang, bang and all that. Bottom line: This may be fancannon, headcannon or bullshit cannon, but it will still happen in the original Metal Slug way and story... to an extent.

On that note: You guys cannot ask for this story to have a sequel, not until the end of this anyway. I do not want false hopes and it depends on how much fun I am having with the story too. If you guys enjoy, then we can talk later on, but as for right now it is a taboo topic, so don't screw me over or I will shake my fist with unfathomable ire.

Also, if you don't know what Metal Slug is, then this section tells you to get informed. Ignorance of Metal Slug, one of the greatest games in story, is forbidden. So if you have never played this game on the arcades, if you haven't had this on your consoles, if you have been sheltered your whole life, I only have this to say to you.

Good day sir or madam, you failed me.

Now go unfail and watch a let's play!


To be here you need to be chill and silly. I am bucking unsure as far as where this is headed, because, seriously, this just came to me and I had to start it. If you want a super serious adventure with a lot of emotions guaranteed or some shit, go for 'Astro Lord', I made it that way because it is what I want to write when the serious writing mood hits me. This? This I made because I killed a whole day playing Metal Slug, ALL-OF-IT. Twenty four hours killing dudes in green combat fatigues incapable of finding their ass with a grenade.

It was glorious.

I also managed to, once more, beat the first game with one life, without dying and saving every prisoner... almost x3. I have lost a lot of practice and wasn't able to beat it only with the pistol, but I'll get there someday, someday...

So yea, I also want to add that I don't usually do crossovers, but the mood hit me like a brick wall when Roger Rabbit was trying to be cool with a gun. If you are chill and come for the silly and serious moments alike, you can stay. If you look to start some shit I will ignore your ass. But as you can see, when I say 'be silly' I mean 'be silly'.

THAT IS ALL! Now insert the damn coin!

With pleasantries and my smart assery, as well as usual assery, out of the way, what do I offer you guys in this half chapter? The same thing as every night Pinky...


You know what? Not going there, besides, we already have a Pinkie here.

What I offer you all is the chance to select the second player, as you may have 'guessed' already (Read is a better word). This means that you guys have to chose between Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity to acompany our slightly insane purple anicorn into the land of warfare and way too tiny tanks (unless you played Metal Slug 3D).

Why didn't I add Pinkie or Fluttershy? The second one is obvious, but the first one would end like Sly Marbo by the end of it, or would start as him, I don't know (if you don't get it, search for Sly Marbo, Warhammer 40K).

In layman terms: Fluttershy is not going to get involved into a war, not in my universe, because I really, really, REALLY don't see her fitting in, and no amount of gold is going to change that. Pinkie is just fucking crazy and she would be OP, plus her parties would never be the same after this is all said and done (Hiding explosives inside the cakes tend to make her parties literally explosive instead of figuratively).

So, other than choosing the character, what else can you do as of right now? Chose what the character is going to be of course.

Every character has three possible paths (As you may have noticed, I like the RPG genre, so shut up and nod), so while you vote for your favorite character to play as the second player, you have to also vote for the role that our little pony has to fit. The character with the most votes in total will be the one selected, and the job with the most votes out of the total will be the one picked for the character.

The roles are as follows and have a signature weapon attached that they will get from time to time or, in case of default weapons (All of Rarity's because she a high maintenance lady), they will have them since the start alongside the usual sidearm.

Now have fun, and remember: This is a game even when someone loses an eye, in fact it is encourage you do lose more than that. Aim for the chest guys, they die with one hit!

<-<-<- Rainbow Dash ->->->


Do you even bonk, bro? Even on foot (or hoof), Rainbow is extremely quick, and quickness is what is needed if you want to scout forward before everything goes to hell, come back, relay information and then FUCK SHIT UP. If whatever magic is left in this little pony focuses itself on giving her even more speed, well, we may not need a bike to go from one point to the other in ten seconds flat. It is even more awesome when Dash's bullheaded personality forces her to show that she is still the most awesome pony around, because, let's face it, with no magic, no great strength or the best aim, what better way to show she can do ANYTHING than run circles around her enemies and blast them to pieces without being even skimmed by their shots?

Perk: Gotta go fast!
Rainbow may be unable to do much more than hover and jump higher than other ponies now, but she is still fast as heck. She is almost twice as fast as an earth pony or unicorn, which means she can leave behind almost any and all humans... but can she outrun a bullet? Yes, yes she can, if she runs fast enough at least.

Signature weapon: Modified lightweight shotgun. [Default weapon]
Lightweight, with a massive kickback and with specific explosive ammunition designated to fill an area with shrapnel. Equally effective against infantry, tanks and the world itself, now made 20% cooler. On the downside this modified shotgun has less strength and slightly better range than the usual shotgun. When you are running at top speeds and want a quick burst with your jump or with a retreating maneuver though, this weapon is perfect for the equally lightweight pegasi.

Assault Infantry

Pegasi have incredible reflexes, almost most of them do, and once they are focused on something it is very hard to make them veer of course unless it is to avoid impeding crashes. With that in mind, and taking into account the fact that flight is night impossible in this new world, it could be perfectly possible to have that handy magic enhancing a certain pegasus' reflexes to the point of making her capable to avoid a shot directed at her, only at the last second of course, she needs to make it awesome after all. Give her the most brutal weapon you can imagine, let her loose, and you will see grown men cowering in the face of a small rainbow colored pony.

Perk: Plug me in.
Adrenaline kicks up the ante and makes Rainbow do the matrix with flagrance. This basically means that everything else goes slow as molasses while she gets an upgrade in speed for a short duration of time alongside a temporal strength boost. More or less the same thing that happens if you suddenly got in a life or death situation, only made of skittles.

Signature weapon: Rainbow thrower.
Humans joking about Rainbow Dash and her color scheme have reached mythical proportions by now, that is how immature we are. But what about a flamethrower with enough power to give its flame a few tonalities because it can burn your damn soul!? Blue, red, orange, yellow and white near the muzzle, this lightweight flamethrower may chew fuel like if it was bubblegum, and yes, it will be all out of gum soon, but until then this can kick so much ass that even tanks will melt under its glare. When you thought of a rainbow streak coming at you, you surely weren't expecting this piece of work.

Air Support

You'd think this is the basic choice, but it really isn't. With no magic on Earth during the F.M.W (First Modern War), pegasi would be literally unable to fly. Jumping really, really, really frigging high is possible though. Maybe there is not enough highly refined magic for Rainbow to fly for realsies, but if one was up for a sacrifice, then she could remain with a superior speed on land, decent reflexes and a jump so high that she could literally reach the top of a two story house without a problem! Jump again from atop that and you have a minute or two worth of hovering, more than enough to make people piss their pants.

Perk: Plumber ho!
Jump, jump, jump! Jump high or go home, man, because Rainbow Dash will make that red shirted and overall clad Italian green with envy, though she would probably be on par with his lightweight and naturally green brother, so it would be fitting. Not only does this mean Rainbow would jump higher than usual, which is freaking high, she would be able to hover for longer since the magic would make her 'lighter' within Earth, almost the same as in Equestria, but still not enough to effectively fly. Count your blessings and rain dead on your enemies.

Signature weapon: Lightweight mod machinegun.
Modified assault rifle, in fact it is a modification of the later instated M-3685, a popular machinegun, but one mass-produced and not as powerful as the original rifles. Compensating for that little problem this riffle is more than capable of doing the same thing its big brother can, only with a bit more ammo required to make the same kind of hole. As an advantage it fires faster, the ammo weights less and is even more abundant. It also makes a nice 'RATATATATA' sound to go along with it, and can easily pierce two targets if they are fleshy instead of tanky.

*^+ Applejack +^*

Heavy Infantry

If you want someone to bite the bullet, twice, and keep going, then you need the heavy infantryman. When you get an earth pony and they play the part, then they can literally take three times the punishment without going down for the count before all is said and done. Earth ponies can kick hard and take equal damage with something akin to ease, even Cheerilee could probably kick a diamond dog to next week without doing a single thing to really work for it, so if Applejack's innate pony magic made sure she was as hard as steel, who better to go first when a charge is issued?

Perk: Iron mare.
Ever wanted to be THE Metal Slug? Applejack may not have an attached cannon, nor will she ever have one mind you, but she can last as long as a tank and eats grenades for breakfast. Imagine a nice life gauge when going on foot as well as when going on a Metal Slug. Now imagine this mare, walking on two legs, pissed and raining death on her enemies. If that doesn't make you giddy, then something isn't right here.

Signature weapon: Ultraheavy Machinegun.
120 mm vulcan? On foot? Now we are talking! Shame that it can only carry four hundred bullets, but they are FOUR HUNDRED damn bullets! They also hurt like fuck, as the enemy will attest to. Applejack may need to go human like as far as walking goes, but tell me this isn't cool with a straight face. You know what? Smile, otherwise she make you do the snowman, and she will do it without using rocks.


Carrying apples is no different than carrying a grenade... if you ignore the fact that apples don't explode, not all the time anyway. OH WELL! Can't have everything. Earth ponies can carry a lot on their backs, mouths and hooves, so it stands to reason that at least some of them, namely Appleack in this case, work harder to not miss anything that they can carry for a fast, more efficient and easier job. Now add to the mix the fact that she works on a farm and has to find everything of use to make a living and you have a very sturdy pony... A very sturdy pony that may very well be capable of hurling a bomb very far, with just a smidge of help from her natural magic.

Perk: Pack mare.
How does she do it and where does it come from? Better not ask, this feels like Pinkie Pie for some reason. Whatever the ambiguous explanation would be, Applejack just 'finds' a little more of everything whenever she gets a supply crate. Call it luck, call it being a survivor, I call it hax, HAX I TELL YOU.

Signature weapon: Alternate 'Earth Shattering' grenades. [Default weapon]
What do you mean that nitroglycerin wasn't meant to be used like this? Meh, Applejack seems to carry these things alright. While they didn't pass the 'safety protocols', or whatever they were, these babies are perfectly safe when in close proximity to an earth pony. When they are thrown however, you better run, because they are just shy of a tank shell when they go boom.

Combat Engineer

You know, Applejack had to live in the farm nearly her whole life, she had to repair it, take care of animals and make sure that the tools were in tip top shape. How long do you think that it would take her to know how to maintain some machinery? With a nudge from her magic, her natural drive for work and perfection, and bullheaded stupidity that comes from butting heads with Rainbow Dash almost 24/7 (in a friendly way of course), you get an engineer that lacks hands but has more than enough guts and mouth dexterity to put that hard hat guy to shame. She also doesn't have a robotic hoof and can still punch your lights out with half your size. Eat your heart out, Engie.

Perk: Ah'll give it a half life of more than three years.
Bigger, faster, stronger... she may not be the first two, but she'll make sure that the equipment stays as strong as the first day! Give her a few hours, or maybe a few minutes if things are hectic, and she will get that Metal Slug in working order, or maybe she'll make some ammo, grenades or something else if there is enough shit lying around. Don't mess with an Apple, she will pull a MacGyver on you.

Signature weapon: Microlauncher.
Okay, so it may not be a huge ass self propelled rocket like the basic rocket launcher, but these smaller rounds are twice as fast and punch just as hard, the only problem is that they don't exactly turn at the same speed they travel. Upside of this? No recoil, double rate of fire, more ammo per pack. Downsides? Aim very well or you'll make a nice picture all around your target INSTEAD of making a picture of your target.

{+} Rarity {+}


Glamour, elegance, nerves of steel... Okay so maybe the last part isn't exactly the one she is best at, but Rarity is indeed a glamorous and elegant woman, err... mare. She has the looks, the class, and the fury of a woman scorned if needed be, and hell hath no fury my good man, hell hath no fury. Telekinesis may be the only natural magic that an unicorn, or alicorn, can safely use within Earth, but give it a push and enough concentration and temporal invisibility may very well be possible by manipulating the light around you. There is nothing more precise than somepony like Rarity and her handiwork with clothes, so there is nopony more qualified than her to do this kind of delicate work. Laugh it up, but it is hard, and something that gives you pinpoint perfection when you have to stab something.

Perk: Gentlecolts.
A flash and she is gone, and she won't even say goodbye if you have been rude enough! All the better, because if you see her again it may very well mean she is stabbing you in the back. Nothing personal, you just are a very bad man and a lady cleans after herself, as is proper.

Signature weapon: Kinetic blade. [Default weapon]
A normal combat knife? Why darling, that is HARDLY what this is. Call it chance, luck or simply really, really good craftsmanship, but this once combat knife reacts to Rarity's personal magic to the point of turning it into a sharp element of destruction capable of cutting through metal as if it was butter. True that it needs to stay very close to Rarity for it to work, but if you are close enough, and on opposite sides of the battlefield... man, you are sooo bucked.


A lady does NOT sully herself with dirty work such as hand to hand combat unless she is to defend herself, add that to the perfect eyesight of this lovely unicorn and you get a precision shooter capable of picking targets from the other side of the battlefield. True that Rarity may not be as sharp eyed as a griffon, and maybe her days spent reading and looking for the tiniest of details may have made her vision slightly less impressive, but with some magic, a great deal of focus and a drive to get home safe and sound alongside her friend may make the difference when it counts.

Perk: I spy with my little eye.
Rarity is a mistress for detail, and it doesn't only work to find where an armor lacks the finishing touches or that hole between the platting of that tank, but also if there is someone hidden here or there. A prisoner above the waterfall? Why, it would be uncouth of a lady to keep them there, wouldn't it?

Signature weapon: Chekov's Sniper rifle. [Default weapon]
A very finicky and strange sniper rifle that is said to have been present at the beginning and the end of the worst people in history, in some cases being fired by said baddy in question, only to get killed by their own shot for some reason. There are many rumors about this weapon, and while it is not as powerful as most modern equipment, it always seems to be on point. It is said that this thing is always important and always present, and some heard rumors of a whole armory with Chekov's name on it, but only the rifle was found and some wonder if it is true that the man that gave this rifle its name was good enough to have more than one weapon.

Secret Agent

Calm and collected lady killer, you better lick this mare's hooves. Rarity is perfectly capable of charming her way around a stallion's heart, but who said she couldn't do the same with griffons, minotaurs and more? Years of dodging snobs that made her look like the life of the party have made this mare an expert when it comes to hearing the right things by being in the right place at just the right time, only to say the needed words to change a situation in a surprising one eighty. Pairing that little skill with being inconspicuous when she wants to be make Rarity a perfect undercover mare that will surprise everyone with her guile and finesse when you thought she was little more than a pretty wallflower. A bit of magic that helps increase her charm is, of course, appreciated.

Perk: Belle, Rarity Belle.
Suave time is ahoof. A bit of charm, wiggling eyebrows and that nice accent can do wonders, give the enemy some sugar and they may very well stop being enemies, plus enhanced charisma always helps negotiation rolls, paladins can attest to that. Think about aggressive negotiations minus the blaster pistol, since it has been changed by a kinetic blast.

Signature weapon: Man Eater Pistol [Default weapon]
A modified Murder Model 1915 revolver of the .38 caliber, this pistol was modified to appear more like the modern Murder .50AE, but with an ever bigger caliber, lesser knockback and three less rounds to compensate for all that literal murder it can force down someone's throat. While the reload time is a pain the bucking ass, this pseudo revolver uses 'technically' standard ammo empowered by the whole weapon to the point of rivaling a shotgun with a rifle's reach and none of the area of effect. Who said a gentlemare cannot pack a big gun, eh?

That is it kids, this is the first intermision (Also called 0.5 or 'Credit') blog for Metal Slug Is Magic. Vote for the girl you want the most in the most badass position of those presented. Have fun, be friendly with the other kids, and remember.

No refunds.


In the future I may lay down a rule to make all the votes only appear in comments, or I will probably make a pool, but for now I'll be nice and accept the notes since I know not everyone wants to leave a comment. This is, after all, a story that will count on YOU guys to keep going, so while I want to simply say 'let's have fun with it and blow shit up!', I also want to see a bit of involvement from your side. If it works, it works, and I am happy. If it doesn't, then it doesn't and I tried, but I will remain happy :3.

Report Uros · 273 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Rarity Secret Agent

Applejack Heavy Infantry


Thanks for both your votes :3! I will give this a few more days, but since it seems no one else is greatly interested I will not give it as much time as I originally thought. Next week I'll decide who wins if the stalemate continues, and then I'll go ahead and start with the first mission proper ^^. I hope you enjoy the story.

Rainbow dash assault infantry.

Also, I think that the cutie mark crusaders should somehow get caught up in all this and wind up becoming supporting characters (like the hadoken p.o.w. whose name I can't spell).


Thanks for the vote :3! And hey, not a bad idea, though I think this would serve better for Metal Slug 2 onwards, if it comes to happen. We shall see ;3


A bit late, and I am sorry about it, but I needed to finish a few things first.

The second player has been selected \o3o/! And the result is...

Rarity as a secret agent!

I have to say that the result messed with me at first, mostly because I used a random number generator from 1 to 3 (In order of comment, so first goes Rarity, last goes Dash) and it just gave me ones. I mean, I entered the numbers and it gave me a '1', but since I didn't thought it fair, just in case it was the default for when I entered the number, I clicked again... and again... and again. I did it seven times and only 1 came out of it. I ended up slightly pissed off because I thought I had found a broken random number generator (Never got the same result so many times in a row even with only two options), so I picked up a D6, threw it and, hey, I got another 1.

So yea, screw it, Rarity won fair and square. Congratulations to Kindabrony for giving the wining point to Rarity, hope you enjoy her role ^^.

As a side bonus, in case this goes on to Metal Slug 2 and beyond, both krazykidfannumber2 and xDHannibalxD will have their choices as Applejack and Dash's roles. Since no one else voted I think I owe it to you guys in case we reach that point :3

Stay tuned, the next chapter should be done for next week.

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