• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 14th, 2020


A simple writer with complicated taste.

More Blog Posts220

  • 192 weeks
    in need of an editor

    Making a new story, set in the Equestria Girls universe. But I need some extra eyes and opinions.

    -Must be open to frequent pestering by me (ngl, I'm probably gonna be talking to you once a day)
    -Must be able to do a thorough check of little things like spelling errors and such
    -Must be brave enough to challenge the stories in general, ie, questioning my decisions for the story

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    0 comments · 223 views
  • 192 weeks
    anybody still alive here?

    honest question, because i missed you all

    17 comments · 325 views
  • 193 weeks



    But yeah, I'm poking my head around here again. How has it been? I know some of my friends here have moved on from ponies, and with MLP moving in new directions I can't help but wonder where this website will go in the future. I'm already planning something new to write, so I hope it'll at least get some eyes on it.

    Happy seeing you guys again!

    6 comments · 268 views
  • 355 weeks
    Words Are My Enemy

    Ever since the hurricane, I've had trouble getting back into my groove. Just when I think I've got a good one going on, I lose it and have to work a day or so to get just my motivation back. My concentration broken, my spirit shuddering, I get back in this cold and threadbare chair of mine, forcing my fingers to dance on a keyboard that's losing letters, losing words. The rhythm my fingers dance

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    0 comments · 608 views

Getting back into the swing of things · 10:39pm Jul 11th, 2015

Writing's been breezy lately, but not much for fanfiction. That's right, Brony_Fife might be self-publishing his crappy original fiction in the near future! :raritywink:

Not to say I'm not gathering materials for another Equestrylvania chapter... Let's just say I recently got into the Saw movies and they're giving me lots of ideas on what I want to do next. Don't worry, it's not gonna be straight-up torture devices... just very elaborate death traps.

Wait... I just realized something.

Jigsaw designs elaborate death traps...

All the classic Castlevania games feature numerous creative death traps...

...I suddenly wanna write a fanfic of Dracula taking notes from Jigsaw to make better deathtraps for the Belmonts.

Meanwhile, Starlight Glimmer is returning in MLP canon:

And Applejack and I shed tears:

Stay beautiful, everypony.

Comments ( 5 )


3233446 no to saw/castlevania crossover....


Don't worry. I just meant it as a joke.

3235302 oh k good...

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