• Member Since 12th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 27th


I'm a 28 year old Texas brony, who enjoys meeting new people here on Fimfiction.

More Blog Posts10

  • 463 weeks
    Friend Code

    I've recently started playing a new game of Pokémon Y and would like to have others to play with; whether to trade or battle. I'm mostly a casual player, so I don't get crazy about breeding for IVs, shinies, or other stuff. I play the game just to enjoy it, but sometimes it gets really boring if there's no one else to play with.

    Here's my FC: 1392-6101-4494

    0 comments · 610 views
  • 465 weeks

    I'm normally not one to do this, but even I was impressed with how bright the moon looked tonight.

    0 comments · 423 views
  • 466 weeks
    Stupid Proud Moment

    I know it's a bit foolish, but I am a little proud of this.

    I was able to get all of them, except the dime, to balance on the first try.

    12 comments · 989 views
  • 466 weeks

    I have now reached 50 followers with F4D3 as my newest and fiftieth one!

    21 comments · 557 views
  • 468 weeks
    2 Year Anniversary

    Well, folks it has been two years since I became a member of this site. Since then, I've meet some amazing people from all walks of life and beliefs. I hope everyone has enjoyed the stories I've posted including the two new ones I've posted today. I will also be posting a few more new stories in the coming week.

    4 comments · 324 views

2 Year Anniversary · 4:05am Jul 12th, 2015

Well, folks it has been two years since I became a member of this site. Since then, I've meet some amazing people from all walks of life and beliefs. I hope everyone has enjoyed the stories I've posted including the two new ones I've posted today. I will also be posting a few more new stories in the coming week.

Report 5thWriter · 324 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

H-Happy A-Anniversary!

Thanks, man. I hope to have another great year and post more stories.

And many more! Happy two years!

I hope so! Thanks man, look forward to more works with you.

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