• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 15th

Noir de Plume

~"If you want it to make sense, YOU say it."~

More Blog Posts73

  • 425 weeks
    Art Update, New Story

    Old cover art for "Moonbutt" is back.

    Working on a new Sister story.

    Hey guys.

    :heart: Noir

    3 comments · 546 views
  • 433 weeks
    Meet the Gardener

    As always, the wonderful Sir Omny over at DeviantArt has graced me with his skill and provided this marvelous cover piece depicting the Gardener.

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    0 comments · 433 views
  • 435 weeks
    If You'll Have Me

    Hi everypony...

    I'm back.

    Slowly... but... I'm back.

    Not sure how much I'll be posting, but I'm going to try and work on things and acclimate myself to the world again. It's been a bad, hard couple months, and I want to be in Equestria again.

    I've missed all of you. :heart:


    11 comments · 448 views
  • 447 weeks
    Winter Break-Up

    Hey everypony,

    I'm dealing with a lot of frustration and disappointment lately, so I'm going to put myself in time-out and take a hiatus.

    Wintertime gets to me, and my attitude is suffering for it. I can't write the quality stories you deserve when I'm bitter and let down.

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    8 comments · 435 views
  • 448 weeks
    Your Stories

    Hey everypony!

    If I'm writing something for you, I have good news!

    I've been graced with a more accommodating schedule at work, so I'm able to throw myself at these writings in full force this week, and devote more time to finishing them. Commissions are STILL open, too!

    Thank you for being so patient with me.

    ~Noir :raritywink: :heart:

    1 comments · 367 views

It's Coming... · 2:48am Jul 13th, 2015

The end.

I'm sorry, but it has to happen. It's been a ride. Thank you everypony for all your support; it's time for me to focus on other stories.

Look for the final chapter soon!

Comments ( 4 )

I sure do hope you are talking about ONE specific story and not saying you are going to work on other fandom related fic D:

3233280 Oh goodness, yes!! This post is regarding "A Model Relationship" coming to a close.


You had me scared for a moment :twilightsmile: Well then I must return to the summoner field while you are working on that ending.

Glad to see that you will be finishing off one of your stories. Hopefully it will turn out well for you. :twilightsmile:

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