• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 21st


I'm a writer of fluff, kibitzer, and especially interested in canon AU: Equestria Girls, the comics, etc. They are fun to play with.

More Blog Posts181

  • 249 weeks
    Follow-up on that stalker thing

    He seems to have gone quiet for now. I'm assuming the admins managed to smack down all of those alts. I haven't seen any new material on Tumblr or DeviantArt, either.

    Speaking of DeviantArt, here's the reply I got from them:

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    A member of the DeviantArt staff has reviewed this situation, and we have taken appropriate steps to resolve the problem.

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    5 comments · 462 views
  • 251 weeks
    Just so you know...

    There's a person on here who has been creating alts and harassing me. I keep getting posts like "why have you stopped talking to me? Tell me what I did. I need closure." I'm also getting PMs along the order of "yo, why are you ignoring X? I thought you were friends."

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    13 comments · 521 views
  • 258 weeks
    I lurk

    I know some people have asked why I won’t say anything, etc., but the truth is that I lurk. I sign in to see something, usually to re-read Rage Reviews. There are some things I can’t see unless I’m a bonafide member over a certain age. And then I just don’t ever log out, but I’m not “here” and ignoring anyone on purpose.

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    6 comments · 418 views
  • 336 weeks
    Some people make themselves very, very unhappy

    Haven't been around much, but then, you knew that. Busyness, health issues, and frankly a whole lot of depression. Even ponies weren't interesting me very much anymore. I had a ticket to go to EQLA and a party that same weekend, and I did not go to either.

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    26 comments · 815 views
  • 390 weeks
    Hey guys guys guys

    So, hi, you haven't probably seen much from me, and that is primarily because I have been sucked in again by my primary fandom, Harry Potter. Which isn't surprising, considering that I help run a convention and teach a course on it and am the school's club's faculty advisor and have given talks on it for, oh, over a decade.

    So for me, for the last few months, it has been mostly about:

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    12 comments · 726 views

USE. SPOILERS. PROPERLY. PEOPLE. · 10:52pm Jul 13th, 2015

My feed has been LOUSY with spoilers for the second half of Season Five, mostly from the SDCC panel.

If you're doing that, cut it out.

Here's how NOT to use a spoiler:



So there's a WHOLE EPISODE and it's episode whatever and there's a musical number and Spike's grandmother comes back and she tells him he's really from DINOSAUR VALLEY omg and he can go back with her only he doesn't YOU GUYZ

THAT is not a real spoiler.

A REAL spoiler goes like this:

Possible stuff later in season* {SPOILERS FROM SDCC PANEL}

Scroll down for the spoiler

{giant white space goes here. In a personal blog, this should be a page break}

If you thought there was going to be a real spoiler under here, you are sadly mistaken


*Note the vague thread title that could mean anything.

This is the ONLY WAY you can be sure someone won't stumble over it. I have seen two of these this afternoon, maybe three, and I am sick of it. I left that group because of it. I will leave any group where I see this happening.

It is rude to do this! I personally don't mind IF I chose to look at it. I've seen the animatics and read the commentary, so some of this isn't a huge surprise. THE PLOT OF THE FINALE WAS. Someone leaked a list of synopses for the rest of the season, and they are going around like a dose of an STD. I am really steamed about that.

People. Use spoilers properly, teach others to use them properly.

In other news, it's been a mixed bag. I've had four skin biopsies, my cat has the early stages of something chronic and incurable, and I'm feeling stressed out worrying about whether I should cosplay at Bronycon, because I don't want anyone making fun of a possible scar. It was bad enough when I got negged about my age to my face. Otherwise, it's all dandy.

(Yes, actually, there are some nice things, but the spoilers make me so mad).

Comments ( 16 )


I avoid future episode info as best I'm able, but it's damn hard to do once people start spewing it everywhere.

So there's a WHOLE EPISODE and it's episode whatever and there's a musical number and Spike's grandmother comes back and she tells him he's really from DINOSAUR VALLEY omg and he can go back with her only he doesn't YOU GUYZ

Scoots! Why would post that! Major spoilers!

I think this has to go for not just show spoilers, but ANY fucking spoilers.

I mean, I've seen stories where the first comment was "Holy shit, I never realised the murderer was really scootaloo all along" or some such shit. First fucking comment. Thanks asshole. I mean, ffs, they made it easier with the big Sp button in the toolbar of this very fucking text box! It's not fucking hard people.

I've been trying to remain fairly spoiler free, especially for what is coming up, but goddamn if people don't want to shove it in your face.

3236089 Good point. It used to be necessary to know that code. I type it out by default now.

Yeah, I am the same, I often forget it is there now, and type it out by default myself. But seriously, there is no excuse not to use it now.

A coupla hours ago, on my break, I saw the spoilers, and renamed the thread in the Writers Group and the Fluttershy group really quickly, 'cause I'm an admin in both. I think somepony else deleted the Writer's group one afterwards.

All the bad ones I was seeing were posted by Lord Arabus, though I might not have seen some. I think they just spammed the same thread across a buncha groups.

Unfortunately, you can't really do much about that sort of thing, except delete or rename the threads when they happen, and maybe ban the users in question. That's one reason why you need a couple admins in any groups you run, tho'.

Yeah. I know this one, 'cause I had to fix the titles...

Edit: Actually, I see why the other one was deleted, since the spoilers were still in my feed, so I deleted the thread in the Fluttershy group too.

--Sweetie Belle

3236271 Yes--I saw his posts in both the Writer's Group and Straight Shipping, but he wasn't the only one.

You think it's safe to rejoin TWG?


Well, there's nothing in the titles. There's still that one thread by Pro-MonarchyGenius, with spoilers in the first few lines. He was online, so I asked him to change it. If he doesn't, I'll delete it, and there aren't any spoilers in the title.

Mostly, though.

--Sweetie Belle


Okay, he's changed it now, and I posted a thread.

--Sweetie Belle

3236393 Thank you very much!

¡Flankholes complaining about your age! ¡Such flankholes are too immature for conventions!

If anypony has a problem with scars that is a problem of the narcissist —— ¡not you!

I am sorry about your cat and skin.

About skin and eyes, I recommend avoiding the sun. Whenever you go outside during daylight hours, I recommend always wearing polarized sunglasses blocking 99% of UV-Light and not exposing skin to the sun.


No problem. Just wish I actually had more time then I do to monitor the Writers Group and other groups. Hopefully the thread and the times when I am around will be enough, and when the other admins are there...

--Sweetie Belle

3236681 Thank you!

I live in a very sunny climate, and I have very fair skin. I usually wear sunscreen and a hat, and I also have a shirt with SPF 50 sun protection in the fabric. As it turns out, only one of the biopsied bits is usually exposed to the sun, as I generally wear long pants, socks, and shoes.

However, you can still get serious skin cancer on places that aren't exposed. I don't know how that works, exactly, but I had a student who got desperately sick for weeks, and right at the end of the quarter, they found out that what she had was melanoma, and that it had metastasized. She was ok in the end, but you wouldn't put together a small mole with horrible stomach pains, would you? So I am very careful, just in case.

Well who needs to watch a new episode and get a fairly interesting twist anyway...... Well back to trying to buy potions.

Here's hoping the biopsies are nothing and that the cat can hopefully benefit from something to slow the progress and keep them purring for a long while.

I'll be at BC. Come hang out with me and if someone dares to insult or imply you are anything less than really talented and really freaking pretty I will gladly maul them.

I'm really excited to get to say hi and fangirl at you for being so amazingly talented. Getting to see that you're equally gorgeous in person is just the bonus.:unsuresweetie:
I didn't want to sound like I was focusing on your looks since I've been in awe of your talent long before I saw your face.

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