• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 5th

Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

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The only Disney Sequel I would watch. · 1:39am Jul 27th, 2015

"Elsa, come on!"

Elsa smiled gingerly as she watched her younger sister skip across the snow, though it became more difficult as the snow began to grow deeper. Winter had come earlier than in more recent years, but Elsa never minded it that much. She was just glad to be able to be near her sister.

"I'll be right there, Anna," Elsa called back, taking her time to get through the heavy snow. She looked back briefly to see that her footprints had disappeared within the snow, no doubt from her own doing. She rolled her eyes and kept trudging through, picking up her skirt to avoid tripping over the heavy fabric.

"Whee, snow!" Olaf cried out in glee, rolling around in the snow. He tumbled about in his usual manner and rushed to Anna's side, giggling like a child.

"We made it!" Anna exclaimed, sliding down the slope.

Elsa managed to get to the top of the hill and she smiled as she looked out. It was the lake that she and Anna used to skate on back when their parents had let them outside. It was where Elsa first learned how to use her powers and where she got the idea to freeze the ballroom like the lake itself. She frowned at the memory, but brushed it off before rushing down the slope after Anna.

"Whoo-hoo!" Anna whooped.

Elsa laughed. "Can you still do a figure eight?"

Anna nodded as laced up her skates. "You bet!" She smirked at Elsa. "Can you?"

Elsa returned her look. "Watch me."

Once both girls had their skates on, they took to the ice. Elsa immediately set to making a figure eight and she even did a couple leaps along the way. Anna did her one better and did a perfect glide on one leg across the ice, smiling at Elsa as she lifted leg up to her face.

"Try and beat that!" Anna boasted.

Elsa giggled. "Oh, I will." She held up her hands and blasted out ice to propel her backwards. She glided across the ice sporadically, and then she finished it off with a leap, but she hovered mid-air with her ice keeping in the air.

"Cheater!" Anna laughed. "I can't do that!"

"I know, that's why I win!"

The girls laughed for a moment, but their laughter was cut short as an arrow came flying through the air. Anna let out a scream, but it only hit a tree near them.

"Where did that come from?" Anna exclaimed, looking around in fear.

Another arrow came flying through, but Elsa managed to catch it with a wall of ice. She had a brief recollection of having to do the same when Hans and his men came to attack her. Elsa narrowed her eyes and looked through the trees, where she saw a figure standing there. She held up a hand and blasted out some ice, but the figure moved at the last second, avoiding it. The figure ran off, the snow crunching beneath their feet.

"Stay here," Elsa ordered, shrugging off her coat and stomping across the ice.

Anna grabbed her arm. "Elsa, are you crazy? You could get hurt!"

"Yeah, what she said!" Olaf concurred.

Elsa took Anna's hand gently. "I'll be fine." She held up her spare hand and flakes of snow fell from it. "I got magic on my side."

"Be careful," Anna warned, releasing her.

Elsa skated across the ice, jagged pieces of ice following her every glide. She leaped onto the snow and ran through it, holding her dress all the while.

"All I wanted was a day to spend with my sister!" Elsa bellowed, blasting out more ice as the figure came into her view.

The figure looked back, revealing a pair of green eyes among their cloaked face. Elsa ran even harder and she blasted out once more, this time catching the foot of her attacker. The mysterious attacker fell to the snow, struggling to get up as the ice on their foot grew. Elsa slid to a stop and grabbed onto the attacker, frost escaping her hands and onto the arm of her captive.

"Who are you and why did you attack me and my sister?!" Elsa demanded, flipping her captive over. She blinked in surprise as the hood of the attacker fell back, revealing the face of a girl no older than Elsa.

"Let me go, you witch!" the girl exclaimed. "You freeze everything you touch!"

Elsa looked down and she soon saw that the girl's arm was nearly frozen all the way up to her elbow. She gasped and pulled her hand back, causing the frost to retreat.

"I'm sorry," Elsa told her. She glared at her. "Who are you? And why did you attack me?"

The girl blinked. "Wait... You're not... You're not the Snow Queen?"

Elsa tilted her head to the side in confusion. "What? Snow Queen...?"

The girl shook her head. "But I thought... The crow told me that there was a Queen who controlled snow and I thought..."

"A crow?" Elsa repeated, completely flabbergasted. "What are you talking about?"

The girl growled out in frustration. "Great! This is just great! I spent two weeks trying to get to Arendelle only to find the wrong girl with ice powers! This is just my luck!"

"Wait, there's another girl with ice powers?" Elsa questioned.

The girl glared at her. "I don't have to tell you anything, you witch! You and your sorcery has done nothing but cause damage for me and my people!"

Elsa recoiled a bit. "What? I would never... I mean, not after..."

The girl groaned. "Great! Just great! Now I'm never going to find the stupid Snow Queen's castle! The last one I went to had a giant snow monster in it!"

Elsa had a brief remembrance of her own ice castle and the snow monster she created, but she decided not to mention it. "Look, why don't you try to tell me who you are and why you're looking for the Snow Queen? Whoever that is."

The girl's gaze softened a bit. "You're... You're not going to freeze me?"

Elsa's jaw fell from shock. "Of course not! I mean, I was seriously considering it, but..."

The girl sighed. "My name is Gerda. And... And I'm looking for my friend, Kay. He was said to have been taken by the Snow Queen and I've been looking for him for the past couple of months with no luck..."

Elsa frowned. "Oh. And you thought because I was controlling snow that I had..."

"Taken him, yeah." Gerda brushed the snow out of her face. "I just wish I could find him... He's been acting so weird and I have no idea why... It's almost like he can't see the beauty in anything anymore... Then he disappeared." Tears sprung to her eyes. "I just wish I knew where he was..."

Elsa felt a pang of sympathy for the girl, even though she did try to attack her only moments ago. She sighed and took Gerda's hand. "Look, if you promise not to shoot me with another arrow, will you please come with me? I can give you supplies for you journey and ask for my scouts to ask for the whereabouts of your friend for you."

Gerda wiped her eyes. "You mean that?"

Elsa nodded. "I do." She stood up and pulled Gerda up from the snow. "Come on, let's get you to the castle. I'm sure you're exhausted from your journey."

The two girls walked through the trees, silence but understanding between them.

If Disney wants to give Elsa a love interest so bad, they might as well go all the way on the Train That Goes to Piss Everyone Off by making it a girl. Also, before you ask, yes, this is Gerda from the Snow Queen where she ends up meeting Elsa instead of a prince and princess, then they go on an adventure together to go find Kai... Only to find out they both like girls.

If the VA for your character thinks that they might like girls, then maybe you should listen to them.

Comments ( 10 )

Heh, well, I've heard talk of a sequel. It'll probably be good, and the Disney nerd in me requires me to watch it.

And you wouldn't watch other Disney sequels? What about the Toy Story movies? :fluttershysad:

Time to fire up the sequel idea train!

Allow me to rephrase that; I would never watch any Disney sequel OUTSIDE of Disney's Pixar movies, since those have proven to be more than capable of making good movies and sequels. Besides, we're supposed to be getting some new movies from them in the sequel department so I'm rather excited to see that.

However, I do have problem with Disney Classics having sequels because they usually don't end up being that good due to them being created by DisneyToon Studios, which have a lot more budget cuts and less of a motivation for making Disney Classics and more of a motivation for SELLING PRODUCTS (which Frozen has been known to do, but shush). I think I'm a little more excited for this sequel because this will be the same team who worked on the first movie and not some random branch that doesn't even care about the characters. They said they enjoyed making Frozen Fever, so they'll definitely have fun making a sequel.

(But I hope to god we don't have Elsa get a love interest BECAUSE THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE FIRST MOVIE... And Olaf and Sven better not get love interests that look almost exactly like them only with feminine touches like super long eyelashes and junk. And if we're gonna make sequels, can we get a Tangled 2 and a Big Hero 6 sequel along with it? I know that the Incredibles are getting one and that Finding Nemo is getting one, but damn, those two movies NEED sequels!)

I'm probably about to sound like an idiot right now, but is that confirmed?


Oh I can't wait for Incredibles 2

It's been stated that a Frozen movie is in the works because the animation and writing team loved working on the movie and Frozen Fever so much. It was stated on March 12th of this year Disney officially announced that a feature-length sequel to Frozen was in development with Buck and Lee returning as directors and Del Vecho returning as producer. In a May 2015 interview, Buck said, "We have lots of things to figure out but at least we know where we are going," suggesting the sequel's ending was already set.

Would never watch the first one. Story line seems totally bizarre and the snowman is creepy. In any case, Disney always mangles whatever fairy tale they aim to make a movie of/inspired by.

I can dig it.

I sometimes thought of Elsa as one of the earlier Conduits from InFamous.

Like Idina says, I am digging myself further and further into this hole. I honestly like the idea of her meeting a female character and, while the movie still holds the message of "sibling love is just as strong as romantic love", at the end when everything is said and done, the girl is like, "So, I know you have a kingdom to run and all, but would you like to... I don't know, do something sometime?" And Elsa's all like, "Yeah, that'd be great." (In the background, Anna's just mouthing out "OH MY GOD" while hitting Kristoff repeatedly because her sister is about to get some.)

That sounds awesome. I can see that happening, actually.

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