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Cotillion Victory · 7:37pm Aug 1st, 2015

So, Fruit of the Problem won the Switcheroo contest.

It is a very good thing I don't have a YouTube channel, because I feel compelled to upload a video that consists of me emitting high-pitched wails of disbelieving delight for a good five minutes. However, there is one more thing that needs to be addressed. See, I've won a commission from the artist of my choice, with a strongly suggested ceiling of $50. I'd love to get a scene from Elementals of Harmony illustrated, but I'm not sure which artist to ask. Suggestions (or offers!) are welcome. I'm looking into it myself, but for all of my hours on Derpibooru, I'm not even sure who takes commissions.

Comments ( 10 )

Congratulations! :moustache: :ajsmug: :moustache:

Now you could get a scene from one of your stories illustrated, or you could take that $50, frame it, and put it on a wall. Or get yourself more avatars. Or you could take a picture of that framed $50, then unframe it and commission an avatar based on the picture.

Alternatively to those alternatives, find someone able to illustrate your Pinkie Pie. :pinkiehappy:

I vote for a scene relating to the Honesty Elemental. Either Applejack riding on its back (possibly right when Pinkie and Ditzy arrive), or Luna killing it with the power of Truth and the Void.

3287452 3287534
Oh dear, slight wire cross. What to draw isn't the issue. Who to commission is.

You earned it, man.

Honestly, I have no idea about the commission thing. I'm trying to find somebody to draw cover art for Name Rater myself.

She might be too expensive, but AquaGalaxy has commissions open.

I feel obliged to continue the pattern begun by 3287360 and 3287452 above: Congratulations! :moustache: :ajsmug: :moustache: :ajsmug:

I've considered you a top-tier writer since the "There Is Magic In Everything" writeoff. This win does nothing to dispel that regard. :duck:

As for commissions ... man, I'm the wrong non-changeling to ask. The way I found Onnanoko, who did my usericon, was by wandering a convention dealer's room and checking out art samples until I found someone whose style I liked. I guess try the same? Skim your favorites on dbooru or $art_site_of_choice and follow links back to artist pages until you see one who mentions commissions?

I somehow missed your story when it came out so it's on my reading list now. Congratulations on your victory!

Congratulations, have some streamers and balloons!:pinkiehappy:

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