• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2022


Male teenage human who spends too much time alone with scary thoughts and thoughts of ponies.

More Blog Posts2

  • 416 weeks

    Procrastination is something that we all do. That paper you are supposed to be writing for a class you have, and when to start going to the gym for your new year's resolution. Everyone does it in one form or another. This story that I'm writing, which I'm fairly passionate about, is my most procrastinated project yet. I started writing it soon before season five of MLP began and now we are in the

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  • 465 weeks
    New at Story Writing

    Okay, so I'm trying my hand at writing a story that's been circling my head for months. I'm apparently pretty decent with my writing skills so that's wonderful. I'm enjoying writing this fanfic, but I'm still a bit of a closet brony, so I wait until everyone in my family is in bed before writing. So that's great for progress.

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New at Story Writing · 8:28am Aug 2nd, 2015

Okay, so I'm trying my hand at writing a story that's been circling my head for months. I'm apparently pretty decent with my writing skills so that's wonderful. I'm enjoying writing this fanfic, but I'm still a bit of a closet brony, so I wait until everyone in my family is in bed before writing. So that's great for progress.

Report CptHeadcrab · 266 views · #New #Writing
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