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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • 6 days
    Fic recs, June 20th!

    ...Yaknow, I had kind of been looking forward to having a nice, meaty review plate for today's post as we get back into weekly reviews hopefully, but I just realized, I haven't listened to a single fic all week. D: First it was because of Jenny Nicholson's incredibly engrossing four-hour video about a Star Wars hotel, and then it was because I don't know, the timing just keeps not working out!

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, June 14th!

    Notable FoE author Fiaura has had a most bizarre misfortune occur! Admiral Biscuit explains.

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  • 3 weeks
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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  • 3 weeks
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 4 weeks
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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Fic recs, August 4th: More shortfics! · 5:02pm Aug 4th, 2015

News has been piling up, so it’s time to another of these! Not a bad thing, since I’ll be finishing or catching up with quite a few of these minific compilations. :D

Recently, I uploaded readings of the two “official” SCP Foundation/MLP crossovers on my Youtube. This one is a little more MLP, basically just inserting the characters into the SCP world. This one is mostly just some guy yelling about crossovers, but what’s not funny about that? Go check them out!

Solitair has been remiss in promoting himself, so I’ve been remiss as well. I’ll let him do the talking:

Also, I've been remiss plugging myself here, but I have a blog now! I've had one for almost a year, which is part of why I don't have much content on this site in particular. If you like reading literary and genre books through someone else's eyes, and want to watch me stumble through the early annals of Doctor Who, you're in luck!

His classic Who reviews have been quite entertaining. :) He’s also been reading the Hugo Award nominees lately!

Also, I like this post about Rarity, so you should read it because you do everything I tell you to in these news headers, right? >:V

Thanks to my newest patron, Soge for supporting these journals! :D

H: 3 R: 7 C: 5 V: 3 N: 2 X: 1

Bookworm by Cold in Gardez
Genre: Mystery
Twilight investigates a series of strange notes left in her library.
Lemme just warn ya up front: this one doesn’t have a happy ending. The central idea is original and creative, and I’ll admit the end is at least comedic. That said, it’s not anything terribly special, and I’m not sure I’ll remember it in a day. Also, my pedantic uber-nerd side demands explanations for this bullshit. But it’s decent enough for a quick diversion.
Recommended If You Like Dark Endings

Card Games and Promises by Esle Ynopemos
Reading by Agent0Fluffy
Genre: Sad Romance
Rainbow Dash tells too much over cards.
This right here is the essence of what flash fiction is about. You set up, you knock down, you finish, no messy stuff. This has a really marvelous gut-punch in AJ’s introspection that I think anyone can appreciate regardless of their stance on shipping.

Wonderbolt Pie by Chris
Genre: Comedy
Rainbow Dash stops by Applejack’s in the middle of the night with one thing on her mind.
The worst thing about this story is that the first scene is hysterical and completely overshadows the rest. Which is totally from that “Rainbow Dash can’t cook” contest from long, long ago. But yeah, this is best when laden with innuendo, which is pretty much only during the first and last scenes, the rest being a fairly standard litany of “can’t cook” jokes. It’s still funny.

Treehouse of Horror by Pascoite
Genre: Horror
Something waits in Fluttershy’s cottage.
Nyehhh, this is very much a “not what it seems to be”, but given there are only two ways it can really go — this is actually happening or it’s not — I wasn’t too impressed by the end.
Vaguely Recommended

Torn, Discarded Pages from an Old Notebook by horizon
Genre: Ponies Writing Ponies
Kefentse confronts the cult that framed her for murder.
So apparently this won the TSSSF contest, which seems to have spawned so many of these. I can see why: it is a thing of true beauty, too pure for this world. Kefentse is a perfect terrible self-insertion OC, the annals of badfic ring through through the story’s halls, and the picture at the end was priceless. Even if you’re not familiar with the game, I think this will titillate and enthrall, which is to say it’s a real, glorious train wreck.
Highly Recommended

Collaboration by TItanium Dragon
Genre: Shipping
Rarity helps Applejack get ready for a rodeo.
If I’m disappointed in this piece, it’s because it doesn’t go anywhere, and where it would have gone is straight into territory Rarity’s Rodeo already covered in more detail. If you’re really into shipping, this is just such a tease, even if it is fairly amusing. I’m just not sure how to recommend this. I mean, if you’re into shipping, but you don’t care if shipping doesn’t actually happen? Argh.
Vaguely Recommended

Lady Trixie: Goddess of Music by Wanderer D
Genre: FoE Sidestory
Littlepip and Blackjack confront the Goddess.
Okay, what? What? WHAAAAAT? The fact that this is officially the first thing I’ve ever read containing Blackjack (and thus I don’t know what to expect in regards to her) aside, this is just so… What. Blackjack has a hilarious line, but then the Goddess starts singing Lady Gaga and it ends up being another “Octavia’s writing fanficton again” joke because that’s what this collection is all about and… WAT
Recommended If You Get Fallout: Equestria Jokes

Brushable Story by Ezn
Genre: I Don’t Even
When you’re not looking, your brushies read your fanfics.
Wow, the compilation authors somehow collaborated years ago to make sure this would be a really difficult set to review. Good job, guys, gold star! So this actually has a plot and actually features the characters from the show, but I just… I just don’t. Not even.
Recommended If You Don’t Mind About Even

The Joy Is in the Journey… Isn’t It? by alexmaget
Genre: Comedy
Trixie finally returns home.
This one’s also short and to the point. It’s got that great buildup of “epic things have transpired, but now it’s time to go home”, leading to the punchline. Not the most amazing thing I’ve read today, but definitely worth it.

Supply and Demand by Compendium of Steve
Genre: Absurd Comedy
Patter just wants the CD.
I don’t know if the comment was in reference to this piece in particular, but even the author says this isn’t pony enough. That said, it’s easy to realize that the whole thing is absurdist because of how ridiculous the characters’ actions are. Still, I’m not sure what the point is, other than making references to The Man of La Mancha. (Seriously, today is just so hard. D:)
Recommended for Theater Fans

Taken by Filler
Genre: Dark Comedy
Prince Blueblood awakes to discover he’s been kidnapped!
I never tire of having fun at Blueblood’s expense, and this is a great addition to the litany of stories which do just that. Well paced, with a strong narrative voice capturing all of his pampered simpering, and hilarious as all get-out, this is definitely worth it.
Highly Recommended

Fun in the Everfree by Jonathon Smythe
Genre: Adventure
The Cutie Mark Crusaders get lost in the Everfree Forest.
So this is a believable CMC setup, but not much comes of it. They get in trouble, Zecora rescues them, they end by anticipating what’ll be said to them when they get home, and that’s it. Also, I don’t think I can say it passes the Zecora Test. So this might actually be the odd short fic that isn’t worth reading at all. :/ An unfortunate way to end this particular compilation.
Not Recommended

Discorded Cloud Kicker by Nonagon
Genre: Slice of Life
Okay, I don’t get this one at all. I have to assume it’s related to The Life and Times of a Winning Pony, because I can’t figure out any other context where this would have impact. Because I haven’t read that story, and this has no impact on me whatsoever. (Not to mention this is just a scene.) Someone who’s familiar with the Winningverse confirm/deny?
No Recommendation

Insignificant by Fuzzyfurvert
Genre: Shipping Comedy
The threat of an impostor sends the changeling hive into a frenzy.
The shipping in this piece comes in at the end, as motivation for why what’s happening is happening. I would hope that readers not into shipping could accept this for what it is given how funny the rest is. (Seriously, it’s a little jarring given all the various changeling fics I’ve been reading lately, but this version of the hive is pretty darn funny.) If you can accept characters doing things for more or less no reason for the sake of a joke, this is totally worth the read.
Recommended for Shippers

The End of the Celestian Era by HoofAndQuill
Genre: Headcanon Dump
Twilight ponders the boundaries that separate historical ages.
Cleverly, this has four paragraphs of Twilight to ground the ideas in “someone’s actually thinking about them” before launching into the headcanon. That’s not to say this is necessarily a bad thing, but it is pretty transparent. Still, what’s laid out here is some really interesting history. I’ve never had a hard time taking the Hearth’s Warming Eve story at face value, but this shows that not doing so allows for some truly fascinating world-building. For all that this is mostly just headcanon about Equestria’s past, the ending does present an intriguing thought problem. This definitely ends up surpassing the genre tag I gave it.

Lack of a Better Name by Tall Tales
Genre: Comedy
(n.b., I passed up the entry before this one because incest.) The problem with this one? It’s summed up by the snippet of TSSSF flavor text quoted at the top. Like, you don’t even have to be familiar with the game, you can just click that link, read the text, and you don’t have to read the story because it adds exactly nothing. This is my first real disappointment from this collection, I think.
Not Recommended

ChefMKT’s Twist of Fate by Twinkletail
Genre: Dark Comedy
ChefMKT is ‘surprised’ by Twist.
Despite the author’s note adequately explaining what’s going on here, it’s still very strange to read a story about a character named “ChefMKT”. It’s also very strange the way Twist’s lisp is written (the A/N makes reference to this too; should have been changed, if you ask me). That said, this is at least funny, if you find its particular brand of forced sexual humor funny, it’s just hard to read.
Vaguely Recommended

I Don’t Think You’re Ready for This… by Sharp Spark
Genre: Romantic Comedy
He met her at the Gala, but never got a chance to talk.
Oh my god, go read this. It’s one of those stories where you have to guess the identities of all involved parties, and you never will, and the payoff is glorious.
Highly Recommended

Liquid Diplomacy by Admiral Biscuit
Genre: Comedy
Celestia sets about making a treaty with the llamas.
I kinda wish the yaks episode had been more like this. This has a great buildup and a good punchline, even if the last line kind of bobbles it. In fact, it probably could have ended one or even two lines earlier and been funnier. Still, if you like political humor of this sort, give it a read, it’s quite good.

Mascarpolo by FanOfMostEverything
Genre: Episode Followup
An old friend appears in the aftermath of the yaks’ party.
SPEAKING OF YAKS. This is apparently based on a certain CCG card’s flavor text, but nevertheless presents an amusing and believable explanation for why the yaks were so atrocious in (honest to god I cannot remember that episode’s title). That said, the ending really cheesed (pun intended) me off because it ended on a ship I detest, but if you’re not that uptight, you probably won’t mind at all.

The Moochick Finds a 20 Dollar Bill by Protopony350
Genre: G1 Crossover
Dream Castle is on fire.
So, I shouldn’t have actually been reviewing these as separate stories. :V Huh. Go fig. Who’da thunkit? But it doesn’t matter, I’m still doing this one and oh boy was this totally written for me because it starts out entirely in G1. Plus, well, it’s Protopony, and that means lots of glorious non-sequiturs and wackiness. Also a bad end. But if anything, this really absolves that stupid “Sweet sweet honey bee honey” joke that’s run through all of these (it’s only a thematic relation, I swear!) Read this whole thing, you stupid-head! :V

Comments ( 15 )

you do everything I tell you to in these news headers, right? >:V

Yes, totally.


I seem to be showing up in these reviews more often. Even tho' I'm a filthy filthy shipper!

You know, I'm not normally one to troll people, but seeing you suffer makes me understand the appeal a little. That probably makes me a terrible person. :pinkiesmile:

In any case, thanks for the compilation recommendations.

Man, now I'm going to have to read Rarity's Rodeo.

Author Interviewer

I think it's on my shortlist of re-reads. :B

Liquid Diplomacy by Admiral Biscuit
… This has a great buildup and a good punchline, even if the last line kind of bobbles it. In fact, it probably could have ended one or even two lines earlier and been funnier …

preeeeeessseeeeeeent :B Didn't you learn from your last duel with 3294252?

That was one of those lines that can only end with a manic race to write a zero-word joke.

Author Interviewer

yeah we're not gonna do that

I've just finished reading The Life and Times of a Winning Pony, and I still don't understand Discorded Cloud Kicker. Granted, that's probably just because I'm stupid and am missing something amazingly obvious. But still.

Liquid Diplomacy, the Condensed Version:


Author Interviewer

Okay, so your link to "Mascarpolo" goes to something called "Course Review". You might want to double-check it.

Bookworm stuck in my mind because the idea of someone dying without anyone else ever knowing anything other than that they disappeared really creeps me out.

And thanks for the plug! I'm gonna miss you a Bronycon.

Author Interviewer

Yeah, he put in a chapter before that story, so I'm gonna have to change it. Thanks for pointing that out! :D

There is no subtle innuendo in Wonderbolt Pie! Why does nobody believe me when I tell them that the only innuendo I wrote was the obvious one near the start (which is obvious enough that even calling it "innuendo" is a stretch), that it was written as simple SoL, and that stuff like Mac's first line and the story's last line were written totally straight?

Y'all got dirty minds. Dirty minds, I tell ya!

Also, thanks for the review, and glad ya liked it.

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