• Member Since 7th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 9th, 2023


Shadows cannot exist with light. Where there is light, shadows spawn. There must be balance. And that burden belongs to me...

More Blog Posts25

  • 379 weeks
    I'm in a MOVIE!

    Hello, everybrony!

    Been awhile hasn't it? College has sucked all my time and creativity, so I haven't been active recently. I'm sorry to say I haven't touched my fimfiction writings in months, I just have too much to do.

    But enough with the negatives, I bring good news!

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    1 comments · 380 views
  • 405 weeks
    Not So Random Post

    Hello, everybrony!

    Now you may be wondering why I'm writing this post. After all, I haven't done anything in months. Well, I have avery good reason...


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    1 comments · 328 views
  • 429 weeks
    Update and An Official Hiatus

    Hello Everybrony!

    I know the title might be a bit of a surprise, but don't worry. I'm not taking an official hiatus from the site.

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    2 comments · 377 views
  • 432 weeks
    Hello. I am Alive.

    Hello Everybrony!

    Wow... I haven't posted anything in about two months... sorry everyone.:fluttershysad: Allow me to recap what's been happening in my life that has prevented my pony work:
    I got sick
    My dorm suite was flooded
    I got sick again

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    1 comments · 437 views
  • 440 weeks
    Sorry, but I Have Good News!

    Hello, Everybrony!

    Apologies to all of my readers. I haven't been activate as of late. I've... kinda gotten involved in other things, and it was the begining of the semester... so yeah.

    You may ask, "What on earth have you been doing all this time that would take your time away from writing about ponies?"


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    2 comments · 363 views

Short Story Update · 4:42pm Aug 8th, 2015

Hello Everybrony!

Latest story to date is An Unlikely Parring, my first shipping fic. I never thought I’d be able to write a good shipping fic, but apparently the majority of my readers say otherwise. Credit to my good friend Li-ten for suggesting to me to write a shipping story with Gummy!

Well, school starting in two and half weeks for me, so the story flow is going to slow. But before that happens, I’m going to see how many one-shots I can crank out. So far I’ve already written two stories that were inspired by suggestions people gave me. If anyone else has an idea for what they want me to write, comment below or shoot me a PM. I can’t guarantee that I’ll actually write the story, but if I do, you’ll be credited with the idea.

I’d also appreciate it if you guys read and rate The Thoughts of Pet Bunnies. For some reason, I only got eight ratings despite having the story having almost a hundred views. At this point, I don’t care if the last two ratings are thumbs up or thumbs down, I just want to get over the hump.

I think this a shorter post than usual, but I have to get back to working on my Avatar: the Last Airbender and MLP crossover. I’ll upload the Prologue on August 21, 2015, even if another freak thunderstorm destroys my local internet tower! Or, at least, I’ll try.

Starting to ramble. I’ll stop now.

‘Till next time!

Report RainEStar · 163 views · Story: An Unlikely Pairing · #Update
Comments ( 1 )

Thunderstorms and Heat Waves: Detrimental to a writer's day. :twilightoops:

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