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The creator of the Spiders and Magic universe and concept. Yay, I guess??

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Azu has words for you. :) · 3:26pm Sep 9th, 2015

Hey everyone! Azu here. Today I'd like to talk a little about my take and perspective as Co-author of a number of things to do with the Spiders and Magic series. Seeings I cannot simply make a blog post myself. I've hijacked Maximus's blog (Wrote this and had him post it) due to my account not having the story to tag or followers to see this; so there would be little point to post this there. So here it is.

Obligatory Blog BGM: Azu's Theme

To some of you, it may seem like I have rather abruptly entered the scene of this story. However, I have been around for some time now. Starting as an editor at the end of part one, to a collaborative contributor of story content from part two (Eleven Months) to the present. During this time, I've served as Maximus's shadow. Nobody really ever saw or heard from me, but I was always there. Watching, working, and planning along side him the content of the story. It is only now with part four that I've really stepped in the ring to give the story that extra push and polish for the big finish.

Taking up the mantle of "Co-Author" for this one, I've invested a ton into the upcoming release. Day and night I am constantly thinking about the planned events and characters of part four and how to better expand and improve upon them before running these thoughts past Jamal. Little do some people know, but a ton of the finale has been in planning and development from as far back as the end of part one. Parts 2 through 3.5 have all been written with this end goal in mind. All pieces of a puzzle, fitting together in the end to form the big picture.

..and from where I am sitting, oh what a picture that is going to be.

Any whom. Along with stepping forward with my investment of time and thought, comes an investment of my passion and emotion. People may not realize it, but things said about the story now targets me as well. Now don't get me wrong. I'm a rather easy going and thick skinned person, but some things have given me a bit of thought. So I thought I'd share a few of those thoughts in regards to what some might say about Spiders and Magic, as well as Jamal.

The one that get's me the most and I find the hardest to wrap my head around is the accusation of the story being a self insert. I mean... where do people even get the notion of that anyway? What hints toward the story being a self insert that I appear to be missing? :duck: Knowing Maximus as I do, as well as directly working on the story, I constantly find myself scratching my head how people make this connection. If it comes from all the commissioned artwork, then I truly pity those people who make such a shallow connection based off that.

I can say with great confidence as the other person writing this story, that Peter Parker is most certainly not a self insert of Maximus. I mean... I'm pretty sure I would have picked up on that by now if that was the case.

Self insert...? I don't get it.

There are a number of other small things, but in the end, they don't really matter. Though what does is the commissions artwork done for the story. A vast majority of that is made are for the chapters themselves. Events and other things within the story to come that will be placed alongside the narration or exposition itself. It's just how Maximus likes to tell the story. With pictures and music included. (I've actually requested he have some commissioned for a few places that I have/will be given special attention from myself as well.)

I love art and could look at images of things that I love all day, so I can really relate with the amount of commissioned pieces. Because let's face it. If you could spare the money to, would you not spend much of it on the things you love? I know I would. Loving art like I do, I'd commission artwork for all kinds of things for starts, along with a number of other interests following close behind. With that said, I don't get why there is so much heat and negativity behind the artwork that is commissioned for the story. I look at much of the images and see a loving couple and sometimes family who are close to one another. Two characters that have experienced a lot within the story and really come together to form a strong relationship. The dynamic of Peter and Twilight relationship is truly astonishing if you ask me. The compatibility of their persona's and characters is quite fitting.

While I am aware Maximus has commissioned a number of more... "colorful" pieces, I ask what does that really matter in the grand scheme of things anyway? Forming an emotional attachment to characters is nothing new, he simply has the means to have creations done to live out such things. I know my inner lesbian would have similar things created for a certain ship if I could, that's for sure. :trollestia:

In the end, Spiders and Magic is truly outstanding series when you really get down to it. is it the best? Most certainly not. However, it managed to draw me in as somebody with no interest what-so-ever in comic books, superheroes, or even spider-man. I just happened to give the story a try from a recommendation and absolutely loved the story telling and portray of the characters.

Now here I am a few years later writing part of the damn thing.

It's funny how life works sometimes, huh?

Anyway. I just felt with sharing a few musing as the other half of the brain behind this operation. The two of us are in this together and have a real treat in store for you all with the finale. I really hope everyone enjoys it as much as we are writing it.

See you all again soon! Azu out! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 16 )

Well Azu to both you and Maximus thank you for making such fine and fun stories that I as a Life long Spidey fan and MLP fan absolutely love. I have no doubts the finale will be one to remember and will be the masterpiece of the quadrilogy. I've read through the other chapters twice and second readings tend to be even better. I'm counting the days until Part 4. I'll be happy when it arrives... but I'll be distraught when it ends :twilightsmile:

Who the hell is complaining about commissioned artwork?! They certainly make my job a lot easier.

Regardless, I'm glad to see you're stepping up to the plate on this one Azu. I got a great feeling about this one.


:pinkiesmile: Nice to see you getting your thoughts out, Azu. I can't wait see how you and Maximus have planned out the finale. I'm sure Spiders and Magic IV will be a blast!

On the topic of commissioned artworks of the ParkerSparkle shipping, I don't see the big deal why there would be a lot of negative heat against it. I know I've seen Maximus commission the hell a lot of the ship, including the NSFW variety which I won't drive deep into, and I see a cute couple with an interesting chemistry towards each other. Most of the time, people shouldn't judge something based on looking at a picture and should at least give it a chance by reading the story to understand it. And some of the time, the artwork makes the story more interesting to follow. And even though I'm more of a PeterxGwen shipper (:twilightblush: sorry, nothing personal), I think PeterxTwi has such a cute and relatable couple and I pretty much adore every moment of the ship. Heck even I found the PeterxLuna ship interesting and cute.

I know I've done colorings of Spiders and Magic artwork, like coloring christian_j-brony's work which he done or I requested him to do, sometimes did my own artwork and I even paid for commissions that are all influenced by the Spiders and Magic series, with some of the colorings I've done request by Maximus himself. But that's only because I'm such a big fan and supporter of Spiders and Magic and it's my way of showing how much I like reading the stories.

:pinkiehappy: Anyway, thanks for looking over Maximus' shoulder and I hope Part IV will turn out well!

Words from the under appreciated part of this franchise. I heard about how you helped make Trixie an interesting character and pretty much took over her dialouge in part 2. Good work on that, you made me appreciate Trixie more and helped me like her as a good pony rather than a villain (still love me an evil Trixie though).

You both have a lot of work for you in regards to Part IV, but I think with two minds you can pull off an epic finale.

Also, I see nothing odd about the commisions, without those I probably never would have thought to look this story up. Just one picture of Twilight and Peter made me like the couple instantly and helped me discover the story. I like others have also sent in for some pics inspired by the story.

Well the others have already said the interesting things and I'm left with scraps, so not much else for me to say except...good luck on your success. (I couldn't think of anything better).

I don't know what they were thinking about the artwork.. its great!
And for you, Azu, well said!

So basically your the Steve Ditko to Jamals Stan Lee? Awesome. Also What's wrong with the commissions? Do people not realize that I also help make those? Jamals not the only one making pics to support this fic. Still I would love to see a youtube animation of it.

That's one thing that always gets me: the claim that this is all a self insert. People seem to pull that card out of their asses for everything lately. I think that's just a cover for their jealousy. "The nail that sticks out the farthest gets hit the hardest". And complaining about the artwork? If someone has a means to do or get something for themselves, they should be allowed to do so without all the bitching. I'll never understand people.

I'm glad you got into the game, Azu. The both of you are outstanding writers on your own, and together you've come up with something unimaginably wonderful. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, when it comes time to say goodbye, I know I'll be leaving behind a small but important part of me. I am so thankful for having found this story. It opened up my eyes to a larger world. Not only was it a compelling story, it helped get my art going and in doing so, helped me make a lot of new friends who share my interests and appreciation for the both of you and your fanfic.

The last adventure will be the greatest, and most bittersweet. But I'm glad I got to be a part of it. Thank you for your hard work. Both of you.


3380171 3380217 3380468

I'm generally not one to jump on or start/feed into hype trains, due to the disappointment it can bring if whatever it is doesn't live up to the hype. However I am firmly confident in the content of the finale and just going by what has been written already alone, it's really shaping up to be something great.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that I'll often stop and look back over a scene and think, "Wow. The readers are going to love this. This really turned out great!"


I actually reference you and your feedback from your videos often while we are writing. "Keep in mind what 32 said about X and Y. We should do this and that this time." It's great having honest feedback, as it gives us soemthign to reflect on how to do thigns differently next to to improve, and we've been taking a lot of that feedback to heart here in the finale.

We really want it to be the best that it can be. :rainbowdetermined2:


I'm generally not one to soak in the limelight or garner attention to myself really. I just felt like officially coming forward to address the readers with exactly who I am and just what it is that I do in all of this, as well as my thoughts. Lately It's been hard to just sit around and watch people say certain things, knowing that I am putting just as much work into this now, too. So in a way it's also to to shed some light to naysayers or anyone who has doubts as to origin or direction of the story and it's content. That Jamal isn't the only one behind what they see anymore. :raritywink:


I guess you could say that's a pretty accurate description of who I am and what I do, yes. :twilightblush:

I've come to love writing with Jamal, so much that I have greatly neglected my own stories in favor of working with him on this one. So with Part 4 I've completely given up trying to divide my attention and decided to be focusing all my thoughts and effort entirely on the finale. I'll get back to my own work after this finished. :twilightsmile:


I guess you could say that me working with Jamal is probably one the biggest factors as to why I haven't been working on my own stories. The two of us have really found a system on how we work together and rely on one another that we get quite a bit done. Also seeing as this Spiders and Magic franchise is much bigger than either of my stories, I think my effort is best focused here for the time being.

I have every intention of finishing my own work, it's just really hard to get to it with this on my plate. :twilightsheepish:

3383206 I can't help but notice that alot of the hate is seen in the comments of Derpibooru. I was there just now and saw the same "self insert" excuse that you brought up. What is wrong with people to make a stupid claim like that? Do they even know that's actually how spidey acts?



My guess is no. I think all they see is their waifu Twilight with someone else and it upsets them or something? :pinkiecrazy:

More ore less everything I know about both Spider-Man and marvel has come from Jamal. I was never a comic book kid, so my knowledge of that stuff is next to none even now if we talk beyond Spider-Man. So I just go with whatever Jamal adds in that regard, as he knows his stuff. I just know that Peter Parker is a very fun character to write, especially when writing other character interactions with him. (Such as Trixie.)

Peter Parker is just a fantastic character and personality to have in the MLP universe simply because of how fun he is and how he interacts with the ponies. It really makes me wonder why some people feel so strongly against the story.

3380171 Well, let's enjoy the journey since it'll be a long one. :twilightsmile:

3380217 I just hope we don't disappoint you. We'll try our best so your review can reflect it. :ajsmug:

3380468 Eh, what can you do. To each their own. Just because some folks don't like it doesn't mean I'll stop. I'll keep doing it for myself and all of you. :pinkiesmile:

3381041 I'm glad to have given some influence. I guess I'm good for something. :twilightblush:

3382260 Well, that's flattering to say the least. :rainbowwild:

3382444 And thank you for supporting us. :yay:

3383206 Of course I have you to thank for helping me make it this far. Thanks for putting up with me. :twilightsmile:

3386102 There probably jealous that they didn't think of it first. What's wrong with Peter? He's to nice? That's kinda the point. He's one of the nicest superheroes around right next to superman. He's to smart? Well he IS a genius after all. He's to powerful? Well duh he has badass super powers that's why. Spidey's simply so good of a character that he's "good" even by MLP standards.

3386114 quick question though. How is the upload schedule for the chapters going to work? Will it be one by one, blocks or all at once?

3386405 It'll be one by one, weekly. That way the updates can remain consistent. That's also why I wanted to get as many done as I can before I start posting.

3386415 actually that's the better way to do it. Better to have suspense build up week by week than just bulk reading (also I guess it's easier for you guys):yay:

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