• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen April 25th

The Elusive Badgerpony

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  • 204 weeks
    vibe check

    who the hell is still alive on this shithole

    throw me a comment here if you live. Also I've got some stuff to say below the break I guess lol

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  • 242 weeks
    anyways watch g5

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  • 261 weeks
    I'm Sponsoring a Contest

    tl;dr I'm giving out prize money for a contest! Details below in the needlessly long and elaborate blog post.

    Hi guys.

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  • 266 weeks
    New story out now!

    Hi guys. Figured I'd drop another story into the Incest is Wincest siblings contest, since my first one was (annoyingly) not gonna receive the entry bonus due to being

    1. anthro (gasp!)

    2. non-canon siblings (horror!)

    3. I think there was something else but there was a big sticking point

    Anyhow, here's the link!

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  • 268 weeks
    New story, Closer Than You'd Think, is out now!

    I'm super stoked to finally publish something after so long. Give it a read and let me know what you guys think!

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9/11 · 6:39pm Sep 11th, 2015

I think it's disgusting that the tragic deaths of 3000-odd people are (erroniously) used to legitimatize the deaths and drstructions of livelyhoods of millions of foreign people, a pointlessly long and laughably useless occupation of a foreign nation by an army of troops who are just as confused and unsettled by the idea of fighting a nebulous concept as the countrymen they serve are, an almost comedic demonstration of how the two-party system is running the country into the ground as a boorish buffoon of a Republican and a lily-livered, weak-willed mess of a Democrat have both spent their terms constantly justify their endless and unbelievably expensive wars in a small corner of the world while domestically their terms are nearly identical in terms of the way they legislate and utterly nobody in the country notices or cares because people vote for parties and not for the people attached to those parties, an inflated reliance on foreign oil and on products that use foreign oil, the surviellance and subliminal thought control of normal-ass people who aren't doing anything for sometimes vaguely racist and otherwise purely vague reasons, and finally for conspiracy theorists to turn the entire fucking affair into a complete and utter joke with their creepy deconstructions of a singular event using coincidences and a complete lack of knowledge and understanding to somehow convince themselves and others that the government is evil, which it isn't so much evil as jt is laughably incompetent and completely overbearing.

Fuck it. Today is just a day. It's nothing more, nothing less. Don't inflate the importance of September 11th any longer. Let those souls rest peacefully for once instead of using their demises as an almost insulting excuse for either your fanatical patriotism or your frothing-at-the-mouth tinfoil-hatted stupidity. Fuck anyone who tells you to never forget. We have to forget. We have to let it go, or else it'll continue to rule over our hearts and minds like it's done for the past fifteen years. The fear of letting it go in fear of having it happen again is the fear those who made it happen wanted to create. It is the crack that they have made and continued to chisel into. Don't let them split the whole place.

Comments ( 13 )

That art student gif gave me a chuckle

I keep trying to put jokes on the blog of anybody I'm following who talks about it, as long as it won't get me instantly blocked. It's going well so far. :eeyup:

tbh, I think this day should just be used to remember those who died and the day of a national tragedy.
Not to try and justify the war on terror.

Okay, I think there's a fair distinction to be made in terms of semantics here. 9/11 wasn't merely an unfortunate event, like an earthquake or a tornado; it was a crime. Just saying that it was a "national tragedy" might suffice for you, but I'm not sure why we're insisting that the impulse to bring the people who committed an act of mass murder to justice is somehow illegitimate.

Look, I'm willing to have it out about the merits of the War on Terror, but I don't think we're obligated to treat 9/11 as an arbitrary disaster.

an inflated reliance on foreign oil and on products that use foreign oil

Except this isn't true; US oil imports are down to 27% of our total usage, mostly owing to the shale oil boom. If, for the sake of argument, we really cared about making sure that we're not giving the Saudis more money to blow on suicide bomb vests and AKs, we could probably cut down the amount we buy from them to zero (which I'd endorse because fuck 'em).

I won't forget the people who lost their lives during that horrible time.

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

3385023 It didn't really need to melt them, just need to heat them up to the point that they're not strong enough to hold the damaged building together.

P.S. If you have enough, yes it can.

Relevant to that first gif

The only thing that 9/11 means to me is my aunt's birthday. Sure, it's bad that those people died, but we can't really do anything about it. Especially up here in Canada-land.

3385023 Really? No, it just made is weak enough for it to collapse.

do y’all seriously think 9/11 jokes are funny?!! no. no they are not. 9/11 jokes shouldn’t even exist in the first place!

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