• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
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Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”

More Blog Posts545

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    Holiday Wishes

    Merry Christmas to all my friends here.

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  • 240 weeks
    Blast from the Past: Now 100% Less Likely to Get Me In Trouble

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    Full Circle

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  • 246 weeks
    Sun and Hearth is complete, plus post-update blog

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  • 246 weeks
    Sun and Hearth Post-Update Blog: Chapter 20 - Judgement

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    Chapter 20 - Judgement is up now. Spoilers below the break.

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A meme, because I'm bored tonight · 1:05am Aug 8th, 2012

Request any fic of mine and I will provide you with a commentary/annotations, like a DVD extra.

To clarify, that's any one shot or a single chapter of a multi-part fic. What I talk about will include the order I wrote the thing in, what I hate about it, what I love about it, any head canon behind it, references hidden in it, inspirations, and anything else I can remember.

This offer lasts as long as I'm bored.

Results from tonight! You can find them on this unpublished story, here. Commentary is in blue.(I've always wanted to play with colors, but alas, I'm a respectable author.)

We had:
To Tell the Truth - Chapter 1 - Not a Lie
The AppleDash Project - What's So Great About Cider
The AppleDash Project - Tough Ponies
Best Young Flyer - Too Late
To Tell the Truth - Chapter 4 - Spitting it Out

You guys have good taste. So if you want to toss on another one, be my guest. If you just want me to get back to writing, darn it, I might do this again someday.

Report bookplayer · 378 views · ##game
Comments ( 20 )

Where did you get the ideas for the chapters in the AppleDash project?

That's not really how this works. . . you pick a chapter, and I'll tell you about that (probably more than you want to know.)

But since you asked about the whole thing, the story goes: Once upon a time I watched A Canterlot Wedding, and it was good. Then I came on line and found that there was a kiss between members of my arch-rival ship! After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I decided that I Must Do Something. So I wrote A Very Long Day, with some other inspiration that I'll go into if you cared to hear about it.

After that, I thought of doing the same thing with the rest of the episodes, since that fic assumed they were already together. Fall Weather Friends was a natural starting place, and The AppleDash Project was born.

To Tell The Truth; could you provide commentary for the first chapter and the most recent chapter

274557 I have a feeling I know what that arch rival is... any way If I must choose a specific chapter, I guess I want to know about "Whats so great about cider?"

Return of harmony

I've been wondering ...

In your story To Tell The Truth, is that really the spirit of discord in Applejack's dreams rather than just her mind on a rampage? That would be so cool. :rainbowkiss:

This gets my vote as well. It's actually partially inspiration for Past Imperfect, so I'd love to see what your thoughts were on it.

First chapter of To Tell the Truth now, the most recent chapter if I get to it at the end. Warning, the commentary isn't as serious as the fic. I hope I don't offend anyone.

You should be able to follow this link to it. Let me know if that doesn't work.

All right, I'll bite since I'm slowly becoming more invested in the fics I'm seeing from fans of the show:

Best Young Flyer, chapter six. Basically what you've alluded to in your blog post is what I'm interested in knowing.

As a side question, so you don't have to answer if you don't want, does Best Young Flyer take place along the same continuous timeline as The Appledash Project or are they separate worlds? I have a guess but I'm interested if you feel like sharing.

Can't tell yet. Actually, there's something in the ending that makes it so that I might never answer that question. I haven't decided if I will or not.

I'll get to the chapters in order and reply to you again when I'm done, but I wanted to answer your question real quick:

Probably not, but not for the reasons you might think.

I like to leave as much as possible to the readers. And I have no problems with a quantum universe, where Best Young Flyer could be the same universe, and so could some fic I write where AJ and Dash live happily ever after. Add into that that some things are just my head canon, so all I my fics might share odd details and characterization.

In this case, though, The AppleDash Project is based on episodes, and I'm continuing it in season three. I fully expect there to be a Dash and Scoot episode in season three, and if it paints them more as sisters then as Dash and her sidekick then that would be canon for The AppleDash Project. Hopefully Best Young Flyer will be done by then and I won't have to deal with it there. :ajsmug:

Here you go, one of my favorites. And feel free to ask me anything about it I didn't address, or more general questions that I might not have thought of reading the fic line by line.

274841 maybe add as another reason that you'd have to break up AppleDash after 2 seasons of their relation if it took place in the same universe. Unless a cloning machine is somehow involved

I never specified in Best Young Flyer how long AJ and Dash were together before they broke up. However, that doesn't mean that it's the same universe as The AppleDash Project. And as I said above, it probably won't be.

275144 I don't like the odds of that 'probably':trixieshiftleft:

Well, the other option is "it's up to the reader." You know I'm planning to do future fics where AJ and Dash are together, so all my fics can't be the same universe. :ajsmug:

275150 I for one would hate for Best Young Flyer and the AppleDash project to be in the same universe
Every chapter you've thrown a problem at AJ and RD and they stuck by eachother. The Dash you describe in the beginning of Best Young Flyer is but a shadow of current AD project Dash

Here you go, the Best Young Flyer chapter.

Here's the most recent chapter of To Tell the Truth. Hope it's interesting!

The AppleDash project - hurricane Fluttershy
aside from my part in it

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