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Admiral Biscuit

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One Shot Ober 2015/Not Another Pony in Equestria · 12:48am Oct 5th, 2015

Well, it's that time of year again.



I didn't see any mention of it this year.

Maybe nobody's doing it.

And I shouldn't, either.

By any measure, I 'won' last year. A champion knows to cede the field to the next batch of bright-eyed youngsters. Anyway, I don't think I have it in me to do it again.

But I can't just let it slip by, either. I need something to get the creative juices flowing again . . . so, sitting in the approval queue is a new story called Not Another Pony in Equestria. It's going to be the sole repository of a bunch of flashfics. How many? I don't know. Maybe 31. Maybe not. There are four now.

And despite the title, they won't all be in Equestria.

They probably won't be pre-read, either.

In other news, the exhaust fell off my van, and my internet's being dumb. I've had to restart my 'router' about thirty thirty-two times now.

Now back to something y'all will actually like.

After dusting the crumbs off the counter and returning the plate to her kitchen, Shoeshine went over to her boxes of used shoes. She started her day by pulling out Pinkie's last pair—the baker went through shoes almost as fast as Big Mac—and grabbed a new set of flat general-purpose shoes out of their shipping box. Starting with the left forehoof, she expertly began matching the new shoes to the old.

She'd learned that from her master, back when she was a green-hooved apprentice. After a shoeing, keep the old, in case one gets thrown, and to save time on the next shoeing. They wouldn't be quite right, but they'd be close enough that a few more taps on the anvil would set them right, and she could work more efficiently.

Comments ( 20 )

Isn't that just everyday Angel Bunny, but with a cape on? :rainbowwild:

Yes. I think the fangs are normal for him.

And the attitude. :twilightangry2:

So then why does poor Fluttershy keep putting up with him being so scary? Hopefully she will learn to put her hoof down.

Because if she ever has to cat-sit another ex-president, Angel will keep him in his place.

I won't be shooting for the daily one-shot this time around, either, but I do have a pretty large backlog of writing to do, and currently no job to distract me from it. So at least I should try to make October productive this year.

Author Interviewer

The titles of those stories excite me.

Also, I read it as "Not Another Human in Equestria", and the mental dissonance made me laugh quite a lot.


The titles of those stories excite me.


Also, I read it as "Not Another Human in Equestria", and the mental dissonance made me laugh quite a lot.

That's a real title, it's just not the title of this work.

Biscuit, you are evil. I mean I'm gonna have to read like all of these, and its Writeoff time, so now I'm doubly screwed on progressing through my -main- Fimfic backlog. AHHHH

Mmmm... creative juices...


No seriously, how does a mechanic let their personal vehicle go bad enough to let something fall off. I mean, sure stuff breaks. Happens even to the best maintained vehicles... But you said "fell off" which fails to imply damage from debris or other 1 hit kills to your exhaust.

I'm so confused.

3444139 Have you ever heard the phrase 'the shoemaker's son has bare feet'? There is a more appropriate anecdote that my dad sometimes says: 'the man who fixes china, drinks from a broken cup.'

3444242 Every mechanic I've known well enough to know their personal vehicles (granted they're all retired mechanics, so that might be different.) have had old cars that look like crap (salt and rust damages) but run well... I suppose a muffler could be part of the "looks"

Or judging by the fact that only 1 of the 4 is actually retirement age they were in it more for "fun" than a job and just couldn't cut it.

Just struck me as really odd, that's all.

Very appropriate anecdote actually.

The good news is that they're all gonna be short. Some of 'em really short.


Mmmm... creative juices...



No seriously, how does a mechanic let their personal vehicle go bad enough to let something fall off.

Kinda like 3444242 said. Lack of time and interest to work on it, so I only fix the critical failures. Since it's still warm enough to run with the windows open, it doesn't need the whole exhaust, and in terms of repair effort, letting it fall off on its own actually will make the fix easier. Besides, it's a beater anyway.


in terms of repair effort, letting it fall off on its own actually will make the fix easier.

Say no more! I actually feel like I've heard that before... Weird.

Well, that's how I dealt with the exhaust on this van before. And my last van before this one, too.

B-but, I just finished the last one! :raritydespair:

These will all be shorter, and there probably won't be 31 of them.


Very appropriate anecdote actually.

Thanks :twilightsmile:

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