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The Amalgam Universe: The Rise and Fall of C.C.I. · 6:16am Oct 8th, 2015

C.risis C.ontrol I.ntelligence

1957 -
CCI is formed in the aftermath of the invasion by the Mysterian Xilians. While based in Japan, they are funded by a council tied the UN and don't directly answer to the Japanese government. After the alien's defeat and captivity, CCI was given near exclusive rights to both the incarceration of the Mystrian captives and for weapons development by the UN to reverse engineer the alien technology. After it was deciphered by Mysterians under this imprisonment, CCI distributed the technology to the UN and globe; leading to weapon systems such as the maser tank.

With growing civil changes across the world for other groups, some begin to call into question the continued imprisonment and forced work of the aliens, especially those born on Terra or were not combatants in the small invasion. Protests begin to rise outside of CCI establishments, inflamed by testimonies of UN and JSDF officials working within them that spoke of abuse towards the captives.

Parts of CCI were called into question. Evidence of forced cooperation and mistreatment of the Mysterian prisoners festered enough for the aliens to be freed of CCI's custody by the UN. In thanks and regretting the actions in the 1950s, many Mysterians willingly worked alongside various governments to prolong the technology boom they'd spurred. Over the next few years, some assimilate into human culture so much that they intermarry and, with the aid of some of the medical advances, produce hybrid offspring

CCI however kept some under a payroll to continue development, keeping ahead of the competition and securing their place in military contracts. It's most notable invention were a series of vertical takeoff and landing hover ships, the X-Plane prototype and its enlarged counterpart the Super X and maser technology in both aircraft and tanks.

1985 -
In response to the second Godzilla attack, G-Force is formed by the UN as a counter to the monster. While CCI is incorporated into their number, CCI maintains a large degree of autonomy and the relationship between the two groups is strained.

1992 -
CCI continues to be the leading innovator of new weapons tech, including the Super X2 and 3 series of hover ships and later the 1990s anti-kaiju machine Mechagodzilla.

Rumors begin to circulate that CCI however was beginning to shift focus to less costly measures for Anti-Kaiju weapons, namely using some of the bio-engineering research of the late Dr. Shirigami, a world renown leader in genetic alteration and splicing (and the accidental creator of the kaiju Biollante).

Former leading G-force researcher Dr. Mitsuo Katagiri joins CCI, climbing its research division ranks due to previous extensive experience in biology. CCI rapidly buys up patents in bio-engineering and requests several commissions from the G-force high command for secrecy.

Upon the death of Godzilla Senior and the ascension of Godzilla Junior, some in the G-force and UN command were weary of a third Godzilla who was even more powerful than his predecessors. CCI offered some answers, and thus the requests for CCI's secrecy and operations are granted. Able to operate without G-force or the UN's restrictions, numerous black ops projects emerged.

Dr. Katagiri is put in charge of numerous operations within the deepest parts of CCI; of which the public, let alone many officials in G-force were unaware of.

1999 –
A large unknown object being discovered by deep sea drivers after being in such a odd position, being a free standing object lodged in a cliff. Sonar pings show it to have a peculiar density and samples are attempted. However the object comes alive when some of its metallic hull is exposed and the photo sensors on it react to the lights on the mini-sub. Flying up to the surface, the massive object lands in a nearby bay.

The military moves in and studies it, scans showing it to be a massive UFO craft. CCI, being a group that handled reverse engineering the Mysterian tech and having the most experience as of yet in dealing with extraterrestrials, is put in charge of studying it.

Excitingly though, scans of the craft's interlards indicate its pilot is still alive. However the make and species of the craft was unknown. Even the Mysterians on hand, such as Miki Segusa’s father, Biologist 047, had no idea what race it was from. However 047's words of caution were only heeded by G-force. Despite the excitement about the UFO, it wasn't long before trouble appeared. Long range sonar shows something out at sea is rapidly heading for the ship.

The object surfaces after swimming under an aircraft carrier blockade, revealing itself to be the adult Godzilla Junior. Despite still recovering from his fight with Grand King Ghidorah several weeks prior; the saurian heads directly for the UFO. The military files in to defend the craft after G-force associate, psychic Miki Saegusa states that Godzilla is coming to destroy the craft, both due to believing the alien to be peaceful and hoping for a technology exchange.

Junior walks through the ensuing assault, shrugging off masers, rockets, bombs, full metal missiles, and tank fire but hardly returning fire.
Instead, the UFO revives and hovers over towards Junior.

Junior fires upon it, blasting off the rest of its rocky encrusting to reveal its full form. The UFO goes on the offensive and uses almost all of its power to fuel its force cannon, landing a shot on Godzilla's forehead after he grabbed the ship. The blast blows him back out to sea and knocks him out cold for an hour.

Nearly depleted, the UFO flies over to Tokyo and CCI attempts to make first contact while G-Force high command, noting that Godzilla might try again to get at the ship now in the middle of the capital, orders an evacuation of the city; just in case.

Surprisingly, communication lines are opened up after the UFO is guided over to CCI Headquarters, which it hovers over. The pilot conversing with the heads of CCI and G-force via a remote accessed computer atop G-force's North and South towers several blocks away.

Information is exchanged, revealing the UFO to be from an ancient race referred to as the Millennians. Having been traveling the cosmos long ago, the ship was damaged and crash landed in the ocean. Starved of light energy, it became dormant until the submarine's lights woke it up. However, the alien repeatedly goes off on deflective paths when asked just how old it was and why it was on Terra.

Eager for a private technology exchange, CCI abuses its autonomy research rights and opens a secret communication line with the UFO without G-force's permission. In an attempt to gain information about the UFO's cannon, they unknowingly give it access to their security clearances.

Back out at sea, Godzilla Junior recovers and surfaces, feeding off solar radiation to regain his lost strength. He attempts to follow the ship but a full military blockade starts giving him trouble as he tries to find a way around them.

The pilot, refusing to leave its ship due to not being able to cope with Terra's atmosphere, repeatedly asks questions about the planet and its biosphere despite CCI and G-force still wanting information about itself.

When its discovered that the UFO was remotely hacking into CCI and later G-forces' systems, having just been talking as a stalling tactic; its ordered to stand down. Instead, the Millennian pilot reveals itself to be malign after it causes a brief city wide blackout as it drains the power grid and all the data at CCI HQ. The alien pilot later enables power to a single computer at G-force HQ and re-established communication to the world with a declaration.


Commander Takaki Aso, current head of G-force and on the grounds at the time at G-force HQ's towers, demands to know what it was talking about from CCI. Under orders and some clever hacking by Yuji Shinoda and Yuki Ichinose that revealed CCI's broken security, CCI's officials reveals its biological engineering projects were using genetic material taken from Godzilla Junior secured by Dr. Katagiri. During his tenure under Professor Omae at Koyote Institute, Katagiri had be fired for his reckless and abusive treatment of the then toddler aged Junior. Before he left however, he'd illegally taken blood and scale samples with him and bought his way into CCI with it.

While CCI and Katagiri claimed it was to study the kaiju's regenerative prowess for medical research, evidence was later found that CCI was beginning a gene grafting and cloning operation despite a strict international ban on all research with Godzilla cells. The rest of the power comes back on, revealing the UFO to have constructed some sort of cocoon of biomass beneath its structure while the lights were out.

Outer Tokyo is evacuated and instantly the military scrambles, attempting a counter attack but nothing works. Even the Super-X3 is called in, but its freezing weapons do next to nill against the UFO and its shot down, damaged beyond repair for years. Before even more drastic options are considered, Miki receives a phone call from San Francisco that she hands over to Commander Aso.


"Doctor, it's been some years since I've heard from you. Apologies for being brash Miss Gojo, but we are having a bit of a situation now that is wearing down my options."

"So I see on the live news, and it's Missus Aoki now. General, there is one option you're not considering."

"The thought hasn't eluded me, but you must understand why I don't like it. After all these years its family has made burning the capital into a ritual."

"His family and himself are not the same thing. He might be the only one who can do it but he won't approach with the shore blockade."

"I can have the blockade pulled back, but how can I trust you with this?"

"You don't have to trust me Commander, I'm just the one who raised him. He's the one you'll have to trust..."

An additional report comes in that Godzilla Junior is still approaching Tokyo bay, having forced his way past the first few waves of the blockade. Energy reading show he's fully recharged and making a b-line for the city. The shoreline battalions reform up to fire upon him but Commander Aso calls them off, much to the confusion of his subordinates.

"Commander Are you insane?!"

"Pull them back, give him a clear path through the evacuated portion. Point him in the right direction and then get the hell out of his way."

With the cocoon growing to full size and the UFO about to fire upon G-force HQ, a beam of blue plasma fires out and rips through it. Godzilla Junior, walking down the main street between the columns of military closes in and fires upon the cocoon, prematurely rupturing it.

The pilot, mutated by the acquisition of Godzilla's genes to adapt to the planet's atmosphere, emerges as the monster Orga. Due to its mutation being highly unstable and incomplete, the alien mutant is driven it mad and seeks to complete its transformation by draining more DNA. The kaiju fight, Org using a telepathic link to the fairly intact UFO to gang up on Junior.

While overwhelmed at first, assistance from the military firing into the hole Godzilla burned into the ship finally destroys a majority of the Millennian craft.

As the fight wears on, Orga is discovered to have an incredibly strong, if out of control regenerative factor that makes wounding it difficult. However when Orga attempts to swallow Junior whole, Godzilla cleaverly comes up with the plan of jumping into its oversized mouth and unleashing a massive nuclear pulse shockwave. Orga is thusly blown up from the inside out.

Before he can destroy the remaining biomass that could potentially regenerate into a new Orga however, an escape pod from the main Millennian ship's wreckage blasts off, taking Orga's core with it and escaping despite both Junior and G-Force's attempts to shoot it down. Junior still thoroughly torches Orga's other remains and completely melts the mother ship, just to be safe before reabsorbing the ambient radiation.

Godzilla starts to exit the city the way he came, but pauses on the way out to look over at the building many of CCI and G-force's command were stationed atop; approaching the south tower.

All souls pull back to the North tower, except Katagiri, who stands on the edge to look up at the kaiju with a mix of awe and stoicism.

Godzilla looks down at the human with glaring eyes, recognizing him as Katagiri pulls out a cigarette

"So, I take it here comes my karmic punishment? My deserved end after helping to cause this mayhem, all at the hands of a beast I terrified and hurt when it was young?"

Katagiri lights his cigarette

"So my one wonder is, how do I go out? Crushed in your hand? Eaten like a crumb? Maybe I'll earn the honor of being on the receiving end of that nifty beam of yours? What'll it be?"

Godzilla Junior growls, looming over his abuser and looking at him for a long while before turning and walking away.... As he did however, the kaiju's tail brushed against the side of the building, shaking it at the same time Katagiri fell from the edge to his death.

Very few were ever aware of this act, restricted to the personnel atop the towers at the time. To this day they wonder amongst themselves exactly what happened as it was the first and only time Godzilla Junior was knowingly involved in a human's death. Some think Junior intentionally shook the building to throw Katagiri off. Others, attributing it to post-combat weariness and clumsiness, think it was an accident and Godzilla didn't even notice. Others still think the shaking wasn't violent enough to cause the man to lose his balance and Katagiri jumped off on his own volition.

Though their lead researcher was dead, CCI was still held responsible for both the Millennian incident and the illegal research on G-cells. Ravaged by courts and lawsuits after the information came out, CCI was officially disbanded with its other assets being absorbed by the other former G-force firms as G-Force grew.

Commander Aso, previously being in the boat of seeing the grown up Godzilla Junior as just a big of a threat as his father and having a very idealistic view of CCI, had a change of heart. Stating the name was inappropriate due to being convinced Godzilla was no longer the potential threat of focus due to the Millennian's pod getting away, he renamed G-Force into the Global Defense Force or GDF. After the chaos died down he retired from his position as chairman and commander, blaming his oversight for letting CCI run wild. He handed the position over to his chosen replacement, Stacker Pentecost.

Comments ( 20 )

Damnit Katagiri!

That Side Story was interesting.

Katagiri that Japanese Son of a Bitch, now he is rotting in Hell where he belongs for all the Sins he committed on Junior and abusing his government power to create weapons of mass Destruction.


To be fair, wasn't JUST him. CCI as a whole is basically a case for unrestricted power and a darker side of the GDF.

Hmmm, I thought Katagiri would have been still alive, and working at G-Force, being sort of like Penecost's shoulder devil. And his confrontation with Junior, would be more like a "I'll be keeping an eye on you" moment, but still, it's good to know that Junior doesn't take crap from anybody.

Is this Katagiri the same or a different person from Mitsuo from the Mother's Day special?

More History, I love how this helps to fill in plot holes.

I got a preview of this but still, it's quite interesting to see how the source of certain odd projects came about.

1999 –
The a large unknown

I think you mean 'then'

massive alien UFO craft.


Despite the excitement about the UFO, it wasn't along.

I think you mean 'long', and before what?

Godzilla is coming to destroy the craft, both due to believing the alien to be peaceful and hoping for a technology exchange.

Cause Godzilla hates peace and technology!

noting that Godzilla might try again to get at the ship not in the middle of the capital

Not there, but somewhere else.

Millennium reveals itself to malign

To 'be' malign? also I think your spell check checked all your Millennians.

the alien mutant is driven it mad

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Pacific Rim inclusion at the very end! well done. So I take it the GDF is a stand in for the PPDC, or later evolves into it. Or, the PPDC is simply a regional command of the GDF.


Fixed, damn that was bloody embarrassing.

And yep, basically the Amalgam'Verse GDF is an incorporation of a lot of Kaiju defense groups from other franchises, being an evolution of G-Force and the GPN, and having subsets like the PPDC. And because mechas had already been built before, it also helps explain how the Jaegars got built so relatively quickly.

3452781 Now it's "An large unknown object" lolz.

Eh? Oh, you must have seen it while I was editing. I'm a neat freak so I save every time I make a small edit, even if I'm not done.

3452781 I think Godzilla letting Katagiri die is a situation ala Batman Begins, where he has to stop him, but doesn't have to save him either. "Oops! look who fell by accident! Totally ya know, by accident." [shifty eyes]


Could be seen as similar. I liked it mostly for ambiguity because

A. Junior did intentionally cause his death out of revenge and sensing Katagiri was responsible for all this, showing Godzilla both can hold a grudge and he isn't the fully adjusted hero he is now, he's still getting his legs under him. This is Bridge!Junior before he got 13 more years of experience.

B. Junior was willing to let his anger go and it honestly was just an accident. Life is full of accidents after all. Perhaps Junior thought about it, but backed off due to how he was raised and showing the same restraint he demonstrated early when the military was firing upon him and he doesn't go on a rampage. It's the protagonist letting go of the want for revenge and could have helped further Junior along the heroic path we see him on later. But in a twist of irony, he still ends up doing Katagiri in.

C. Part of B but with a bit of a poetic theme. Katagiri, after seeing everything he worked for destroyed by something he previously could harm, mentally broke. He was firmly in the ballpark that humanity could solve all of its problems by itself and nothing could or should challenge its dominion over the planet. Then out comes something he and his group tried to take advantage of (the UFO) and it utterly destroys everything he's ever worked for. And when humanity's arsenal alone fails to kill it in return, that same thing Katagiri once terrorized and G-force sought to kill comes and helps stop what they couldn't. His entirely worldview just got flat out proven wrong and any mark he'd leave on it has been degraded and mired. And after trying to dare his own personal Moby Dick (or Ahab) into killing him fails, he does himself in.

But the best part being is which exact reason is unknown. It's this multiple choice path that got me into writing this in the first place as introducing Godzilla Junior into the events of the 2000s series really can shake things up.

Wouldn't mind a timeline on Zilla JR. I have a major soft spot for his cartoon, and would like to see how he interacts with is Eastern counterpart. Both raised by humans, but one had a father, the other a mother, ones from the east, the other the west, one is a initially reluctant hero, the other jumped right in.

Kinda a Superman and Batman parallel, with Goji as Wayne and Zilla as Kent.


I have a crossover event in mind between the two. As for reluctance or jumping at the call, they both did. I'd like to gander struggled off a physical and psychological trauma spree to try and protect the humans from someone like King Ghidorah, and then stubbornly working against human opposition to stop a UFO (while not fully recovered from the last brawl) counts about as well as jumping to the call.


You are not alone in your fondness for the TV show

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