• Member Since 21st Sep, 2013
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Writer, reviewer, creator of Filly Fantasy VI, occasional PMV maker, and uploader of mildly amusing image macros to Derpibooru. https://www.patreon.com/drakeyc

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  • 11 weeks
    There ARE Horsewords Happening

    I've begun the next chapter, though early into it.

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  • 13 weeks
    Friends with Ponies

    Twilight and Sunset:

    Twilight: "Hey Rarity, can I borrow your hair curler, I can't find mine."
    Rainbow: *eyes widen*

    Pinkie: "Oh my god, I just thought you guys were doing it, I didn't know you were in love!"

    Shining Armor: "What? No, no no no...what are you doing? GET OFF MY SISTEEEEEEEEER!"

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  • 16 weeks

    My thanks to Malcharion for pushing me to the milestone :D

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  • 16 weeks
    Revised Harmony Spirits

    I wanted a full set of these with proper art, so with permissions from mauroz, here they are. A couple effects have been tweaked to be consistent with modern vernacular in the card game and for my own better understanding of card design and balancing, and I also added a new "Tier 1.5" form for Twilight so she can have her own Fusion outside the ace monster, and finally added Sunset as a

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More Friendship Games Deleted Ships · 4:45am Oct 10th, 2015


Yeah, Sunset wondering which world she should be in was an entire subplot they cut. I question this highly.

5:10 - Ship it like FedEx

Comments ( 8 )

I question this highly.

I don't. Imagine how cluttered the movie would be. It's already struggling to make enough time for all of its various plots and subplots, and you want to add another one? It deserves more screen time and build-up than what it would have gotten if it had stayed in FG.

3456397 I didn't find FG cluttered at all. There's only three central plotlines to follow - Sunset trying to understand magic, Twilight trying to understand magic, and the Friendship Games themselves. The only subplot to worry about is Cinch blackmailing Twilight. The deleted plot points don't add another subplot, they just add a second layer to Sunset's magical studies.

Da feelz!

I'm going to wait for the youtube version, I hate dailymotion. Besides we've already established that Sunset would feel conflicted about the choice of staying in the alternate universe or returning to Equestria, both choices would have their respective pros and cons.

Really disappointed that cafe conversation between Sunset and Twilight was cut (it even has voices already!), but guess they wanted to just leave Princess Twilight out of the movie entirely (almost). And slightly weird for Twilight to be holding a table in human world by herself where before she's usually escorted by one of the Humane 6.

That version of the song is much better than the final version, and would have been nice to see the CHS and CPA students mixing more (like Vinyl and that other headphone girl in the background). But if/when there's more EQ, guess its easier to have SciTwi at CHS too.

Friendship Games felt a bit rushed to me, as the Shadowbolts were already neglected in the actual movie (compared to that alternate end where it looks like they're much friendlier with SciTwi now), but at least they did focus on the plots they chose. I just hope the "Sunset being homesick/craving adventure" subplot might get more focus next movie. And/or the the full song is reused for a short later, maybe another Sunset solo number.

I know the point was for EQ Twilight to not be in the main story, but why, oh WHY did they remove that café scene?! That would've made it so much better! Twilight looked so adorkable when she tried to pay with Bits!:rainbowlaugh:

Definitely feel like that subplot should've been kept. But I guess they cut it, because they wanted to sync up with the Season 5 finale, and it would raise too many questions if Princess Twilight was at the cafe in one scene, then didn't show up for the rest of the movie, even with the fact that the portal was shut down.

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