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Admiral Biscuit

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About that episode. · 5:36pm Oct 10th, 2015

Wow, you've never seen me do this before. Hah.

Spoilers below the break.

Now we've seen Pina Colada, Berry Pinch, and that similar-looking pegasus all in the same scene. So, they're all different ponies. My headcanon is that Berry Pinch is Berry Punch's daughter, and Pina Colada is her little sister.

Noi is adorable, as always.

Her father/older brother might be Cherry Fizzy, which puts another link between the Carrots and the Apples, since we know from Apple Family Reunion that both Cherry Berry and Golden Harvest are part of the Apple family.

Pipsqueak has different eyes than any other filly or colt. Never really noticed that before.

DT has a mother. And she's a B:yay:h. Well, we know where DT gets it from. I already forgot her name.

Silver Spoon actually grew a backbone. Kinda figured that would happen eventually.

There are some similarities between this episode and Accidentally on Purpose

Sparkler's got the wrong color aura . . . oh, hey, it's Coco Crusoe!

What's with the fancy get-up Bon Bon's wearing? Probably secret-agent stuff. And ten seconds later, she's out of her clothes. Damn she's good.

Apparently they moved the schoolhouse into the Everfree. Budget cuts, I'd imagine.

DT can actually not be a b:yay:h. Now I feel bad about Diamond Tiara Dies Alone.

I did not see the ending coming.

Report Admiral Biscuit · 706 views ·
Comments ( 41 )

I'm still pumped about what happend!

Yeah it was a pretty good episode. I did have a few issues with it, but I'll not repeat myself since I put much of it in my own blog. I just wonder how this is going to affect the three and if it means they won't be showing up as much. Though I guess it would give a good reason to bring some of the other fillies and colts into the foreground now. So far it's only been the CMC, DT and SS, Pips, and S & S while there looks to be at least a score or more of others. Oh yeah, and Twist, but has she done anything since season 1?

If this is what they have for the 5th anniversary, what are they going to have for the finale.

Of Season 6. :pinkiecrazy:

I'm still very :unsuresweetie: about that premise. I don't know that I like the idea of that being able to be a communal thing. I can now imagine s5e1 being a thing somewhere by popular choice and that just grates on the impression I've been given for the past 4 years.

And even then, I've seen much better execution elsewhere.

But it was good to see some of those things come up.

And yes, Noi was adorable. She needs a cutie mark in cute-ness. (Would that be just her own face?) :rainbowlaugh:


3458168 While I felt the episode was horribly rushed (I was worried poor little Tiara was going to get whiplash from all that heel-facing), I can't really imagine a better thematic fit for the CMC—it's sort of like Twi's mark (five stars, five friends, gained in tandem with said friends), except more chronologically coherent. Their talents are friendship in its various facets, not the anti-talent sameness of s5e1's cult.

I am a little disappointed that there weren't three of the marks on each, though. I guess the tri-stripe is good enough.

The cutie marks were disappointing.

I loved the episode, really I did, but by Celestia's perky royal nipples, am I ever butthurt!

I didn't see the ending coming either. Although I should've guessed, given the title of the ep, it makes perfect sense now. What's that they say about hindsight? To my credit, I was half asleep when the episode aired. But I was awake enough to get the Indiana Jones reference.


I wasn't talking about The Crusaders' cutiemarks being similar in any way thematically to what was going on in Starlight's village. What I meant was that this episode shows the possibility of communal cutie marks (the crusaders got theirs as a collective). Which means that it's possible, should a town collectively agree they want to be a certain way, that the entire town could legitimately get uniform cutie marks.

Everything so far has centered around the idea that a pony's cutie mark is intensely personal, but this episode upends that to an extent, and not in a way I like. Even amongst the main six, Twilight's claim to fame cutiemark-wise isn't the main six itself. But The Crusaders' claim to fame cutiemark-wise is The Crusaders, not themselves.

I've kind of got mixed feelings. I'd assumed that one day they'd get their marks, but a lot of the rest of the episode felt rushed.


I just wonder how this is going to affect the three and if it means they won't be showing up as much. Though I guess it would give a good reason to bring some of the other fillies and colts into the foreground now.

I think they will. I don't think this is going to change the dynamic of the three (if anything, the cutie marks imply they're more inseparable than ever). I would like to see some other existing background fillies and colts take a more prominent role in an episode. It's kind of frustrating when they keep putting in new ponies and not doing anything with the ones who have always been there. On the other hoof, I suppose it means there's less worry from guys like me about Hasbro messing up my headcanon about a BG pony.


If this is what they have for the 5th anniversary, what are they going to have for the finale.
Of Season 6.

Good question. The rest of the Mane Six become alicorns? All three CMC merge into one pony (also an alicorn)? Equestria gets invaded by sapient quesadillas, and Twilight has to face her deepest fear?

3458817 Well the head-canon parts are so varied but they have done a decent job not interfering too much with what people have made popular and have even adopted some bits. I'm considering keeping this episode mostly as-is and abusing the implications that have been added from this episode. :pinkiecrazy: Granted original Derpy voice was horrible while the latest one wasn't too bad. Also looks like she may work in the post office though they haven't blatantly shown that yet. :trixieshiftright:


I'm still very :unsuresweetie: about that premise. I don't know that I like the idea of that being able to be a communal thing.

I'm kind of torn on it. I mean, the whole premise of the show is Friendship is Magic, and what's more magic than sharing cutie marks?

And yes, Noi was adorable. She needs a cutie mark in cute-ness. (Would that be just her own face?)

In some episodes, she has a pillow cutie mark.



While I felt the episode was horribly rushed

I think part of that was all the songs. This could have been a two-parter. Probably should have been. Especially since it's such a huge change for the CMC. Of course, next week's episode might pick up where this one left off.

I am a little disappointed that there weren't three of the marks on each, though. I guess the tri-stripe is good enough.

I would have liked if Applebloom's mark had been something more than an apple.

I was little bit. Sweetie's was good, though. I thought that fit her well.


I loved the episode, really I did, but by Celestia's perky royal nipples, am I ever butthurt!


But I was awake enough to get the Indiana Jones reference.

I didn't get the Indiana Jones reference. Didn't even notice there was one.


by Celestia's perky royal nipples

best oath ever

I actually applaud the shared-theme cutie marks. They have had a bond from their first episode that has turned into a shared destiny. Each is slightly different, but speaks to a shared focus for their gift.

I didn't have a problem with the speed of the plot, with the songs moving things along quickly, and while I like how they handled DT, I do think her redemption was rushed. I would have preferred a few episodes with her being conflicted and torn between her mother's attitude and her own loneliness before her final decision.

forgot to mention

DT can actually not be a b:yay:h. Now I feel bad about Diamond Tiara Dies Alone.

don't be, just throw an alternate reality tag on it because that's exactly what would have happened if this episode never happened

What's with the fancy get-up Bon Bon's wearing? Probably secret-agent stuff. And ten seconds later, she's out of her clothes. Damn she's good.

Or Lyra is... :derpytongue2:

3458878 It was a lot better paced than Magical Mystery Cure

Author Interviewer

Doing actual analysis?


what the fuck is this

Well, it wasn't much in the way of analysis.
More of a 'look who I saw.'

I do kind of wonder what they could possibly even do with the characters now. It's not like they had much of a personality beyond that one-note gimmick of theirs. Makes for something of a loose end, so I'm betting on the writers either quietly dropping them and hoping nobody notices or making them completely obsessed with the one other bit of characterization each one had, in lieu of their previous one.

Honestly, I thought it was a great episode. The writers did something I never thought they'd ever do, and that's make me actually like Diamond Tiara. And I can't say I didn't see that ending come, but it was nice nonetheless.

I'm almost 100% certain a sizable number of people are going to dislike the episode because of the CMC getting their marks and Diamond Tiara's sudden and rapid character change, and I myself think it would've worked better as a season finale, but overall, I myself very much enjoyed it. Surprisingly, I didn't mind the insane amount of singing since they were all pretty good, and Diamond's Somepony Else scene was like the realest shit to ever exist in a show of magical talking horses.

I still want to punch Hasbro's collective face for making an Indiana Jones reference, though.

3459287 Ah, I forgot who I learned that one from. But it was originally 'Celestia's fuzzy nipples.' I think I like my most recent version of it. :rainbowwild:
3458886 Their cutie marks are like... completely mostly wrong! Cutie marks in cutie mark crusading? Seriously? I mean, I admit it's a valid option, but not the right one. Their true talents were hinted at long ago, Scootaloo has something to do with scooters, Sweetie Belle sings, and Applebloom fixes shit. I admit, there is some consolation in that the little cutie mark crusader shield cutie marks each have their own cutie mark (cutie mark -ception). Sweetie gets a musical note (a quarter note if memory serves me). Scoots gets a lightning bolt because... she's quick and stuff? And poor little Applebloom gets an apple, because fuck her, she's not good at anything besides being an Apple (and, you know, this talent crap).

Also, the title of the episode is Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

3460029 I'm butthurt, but not because the CMC got their marks, but because of what their marks are. And actually, I'm elated about the rest of the episode. We got all sorts of long-overdue stuff with the Ponyville foals. We got a Pipsqueak subplot! Diamond and Spoon finally have a falling out! Button Mash is... there! Diamond sees the light and stops being a bitch! In fact, I thought Diamond's plot in this was done perfectly. Could not have been better, and long overdue.

3460308 Damn, dude. It's not like I mentioned you specifically.

3459619 I doubt it. They explicitly state in the song at the end that this is only the beginning. Combine that with the fact that their cutie marks are for helping other fillies find their cutie marks (or what makes them special, what their cutie mark means, the right way to use it, etc.) and you get a pretty clear picture of what comes next. Also making fillies and colts the spotlight, they can make more merchandise. It's sort of like Twilight's castle, but for younger ponies and having to do with cutie marks

3460334 Chill down dude. I'm not mad (even if I'm always Mad), I love the episode, I really do, my jimmies are just rustled.

3460350 Buddy, I'm the one asking you to calm down. I'm more taken aback than anything else.

3460281 The apple has a heart in it, the lightning bolt is inside a feather, the music note is in a star. Also if those were their destined cutie marks, why doesn't Applejack have a hammer, why doesn't Pinkie Pie have a cupcake or baking-related cutie mark, why don't any of the Mane Six have singing cutie marks? A cutie mark isn't something you have a natural affinity for and that's the end of it. And if those were their special talents, why didn't they get them completely unexpectedly the first time they even tried? I think the cutie marks they got were spot on and did incorporate their other skills in spite of how unnecessary that was. Of course I was also always kinda hoping those original ideas wouldn't be their actual cutie marks because it's much better as a surprise. And this allows for a whole new kind of CMC episode. :twilightsmile: All and all when I really think about this episode, it actually seems more well put together than it did my first time seeing it.

Wouldn't be the first time that a show writes itself into a corner, but I suppose that would also be a solution. Less effort even, probably. No real change required, just having the occasional background character tag along with them.


3458725 I'm of the mind that "personal" and "communal" are not mutually exclusive, but I guess that's down to how a person perceives insular individuality, or the practical non-existence thereof. Being alone in a crowd of individuals just doesn't seem very appealing to me.

Though I will say, I don't understand how an entire town getting their cutie marks simultaneously could follow as a conclusion from the triple triumph of our tightly-knit tiny trio; besides requiring that its population be comprised entirely of children, it'd also mean an entire population of children would have to agree on something so strongly and genuinely that it comes to represent the essence of their being.

It's hard enough to get a couple of kids to agree on what to have for lunch. :pinkiecrazy:


You're right, communal and individual are not mutually exclusive, but when you start saying that an individual's defining trait is their community... :sweetieunsure: That doesn't feel very satisfyingly individual. Especially when multiple individuals are defined that way.

And who says the town would all need to get their cutie marks at the same time? The CMC might have done it that way, but there's apparently nothing stopping others from joining them later and getting similar cutie marks if that particular community is the defining characteristic of their individuality.

3460392 What is this? Tumblr? Can't a guy get rustled jimmies? I'm not mad at you, I'm not mad at all! I'm just butthurt, why can't I be?

3460420 Oh, the episode was put together masterfully. I loved it. Honestly I missed the tertiary cutie marks. Really is cutiemark-ception!

Also, AJ's special talent is literally apples, not fixing shit, Pinkie's is parties, not baking, and none of the mane 6 have a special talent in singing. That's not to say none of them are good at any of those things, to the contrary, they're just not their special talents. I think your definition of cutie mark (though I admit it can be defined however you like) is pretty far from the show's. :unsuresweetie:


We've seen communal cutie marks before. I.E. The Flim Flam brothers.

My only real objection is that the design really clashes with Sweetie Belle's and Apple Bloom's coloration, at least to my eyes. It only looks good on Scootaloo.

3460870 You're not butthurt. A butthurt person is someone who's easily offended. They're the kind of people who get mad at Bethesda because their Fallout franchise has a nuke launcher called the Fat Man. Butthurt people are immature.


3460851 Wait, how is there nothing stopping it? Did someone else get a CMC mark that I missed?

You forgot Fancy Pants apparently on a date with Fleur De Lis's little sister.

Now that I have seen it... the episode was alright. I think DT's turn around was way to fast. All this time being one way and in one day a complete... not just a 180... a 270. There goes my head canon that Filthy Rich is a suck puppy and was actually her sugar daddy. j/k

Those cutie marks are shit. They basically erased every damned thing they have been throwing at us about what their cutie marks might be since season one. Especially Sweetie Belle. Back in The Show Stoppers episode, even the adults seemed to have an idea of what their cutie marks would be based around, and this wasn't it. Oh well, bitching won't fix that, but the cutie marks still look like shit.


Even for Flim and Flam, theoretically their cutie marks relate to something they are individually good at, they just happen to be similar in look and origin (much like the Apple clan). Though we don't really know.


No, nobody else got the same cutie mark this time around. But since you can get a cutie mark in being a CMC, it's quite possible that other ponies could also find great enjoyment and their talent in being a CMC, and therefore also get the CMC shield for their cutie mark.

It's like getting a cutie mark in "Ponyville" (Mayor Mare might've been a likely candidate for something like this), "Manehattan," or even "Equestria" (Celestia might've been a good candidate, but anyone in the administration could theoretically get an "Equestria" cutie mark by finding their special talent is Equestria itself.)

My initial point was that there could theoretically be an actual community of ponies all with equal sign cutie marks because they all found they greatly enjoy and have a talent for equality amongst themselves. Which, to me, still feels contradictory to the personal nature of finding your individual special talent.

EDIT: InB4 someone gets an "American" cutie mark because their special talent is being an American.

3460870 I don't define cutie marks that way, you completely missed my point :rainbowderp:. What I meant was that just because a ponyis good at something, that doesn't mean that their cutie mark will be that thing. The same applies to Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Bell. Just because Sweetie Bell is good at singing doesn't make it her special talent, just because Apple Bloom was good at building doesn't mean her cutie mark had to be construction, and just because Scootaloo rides a scooter well and through that knows good dancing technique doesn't mean her cutie mark had to be either of those things. I'm just saying I think the cutie marks they got were a lot better than what everyone initially expected and shouldn't be knocked just because they weren't what we expected or because for some odd reason we feel they don't fit. I personally am of the opinion that the cutie marks they got couldn't have been better :twilightsmile:.

3461255 Lol fair enough. :rainbowlaugh:
3463105 Well I guess we agree to disagree, then?

3463413 guess that's up to what comes of this. I say let the future episodes decide. :twilightsmile:

The Everfree forest is always growing and expanding, but it gets cut back on a regular basis. They just didn't get around to it this week because of the election. So we get the Everfree forest much closer to the schoolhouse than usual. I'm sure it'll be cut back to it's normal territory now that all the schoolyard political fuss is over.


Also looks like she may work in the post office though they haven't blatantly shown that yet.

The post job was always a fandom thing, we know what the post ponies look like cause there are a lot of them through out the series, and Derpy was never one of them. The closes thing to that in canon was some kind of private courier job up til now.

I think it's now official that she works for pony UPS (OOPS?).

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