• Member Since 10th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen June 15th


A hobby writer with a flair for the equine, and catering to his inner child when he can!

More Blog Posts45

  • 245 weeks
    Long overdue update.

    So MLP has reached its finale at last, meaning it’s high time I step up and let everyone who’s still curious to know what’s been going on and what the future will hopefully hold.

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    3 comments · 1,016 views
  • 271 weeks
    Seath's size problem.

    I figure it's time I stop being annoyingly silent on an issue many have asked about and confirm that yes, I'm listening:

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    13 comments · 698 views
  • 287 weeks
    Happy New Year everyone! How about some story progress?

    So, finally, it's here! One of the most trying years for many of us is at last concluded, and I wake today to a cold, clear and sunny first day of 2019. Really, really hope that's an omen of things finally changing for the better cause I daresay we all need it.

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    3 comments · 442 views
  • 304 weeks
    Few more teasers, just a few months late. XS

    I know I promised this back in July but, well, if you saw my blog from there, things have continued to be rough in real life. Thankfully it looks like that may at last be changing so I've found the vigor to get back to writing again.

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    2 comments · 509 views
  • 307 weeks
    'Romancing the Recently Revealed Robot' isn't dead yet, it just needs some help...

    Wanted to post this after checking in here and noticing the above series has found its way into a few collections that have been labelled as variations on 'dead series'. I accept full blame for folk thinking that, but if it matters at this point, I'm not giving up on my Spike x Sweetie Bot scenario just yet. It's just fallen by the wayside as attention has naturally gravitated towards 'Scaleless'

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    2 comments · 393 views

Who can I commission for title art? · 6:02pm Oct 10th, 2015

So as I mentioned in my last blog I'm starting up a few other MLP projects, one of which has two chapters almost ready for posting, the other is now one chapter in (Scaleless' 28th chapter is also just about done, I just need a second opinion on whether it's decent or if I need to cut some of the drag off). Unfortunately I'm getting a bit stuck in finding decent pictures to pair with these so I'd like to know a good source for custom art.

One pic will feature Octavia and Vinyl Scratch on a beach. The second will need to be a pic of Chrysalis in a submissive position before Shining Armor and Cadence (not clop worthy, just that she's literally begging them for aid). I might as well also see about getting another pic of Seath and Twilight while I'm at it, just cause I thrive on being original in some manner, however minor.

Any suggestions or offers would be welcome!

Report Limescale · 151 views · #commission #art
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