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Crusaders of the lost Mark - Review · 2:04am Oct 12th, 2015

This Blog is in response to all those who feel like they have been wronged in some way by the show over this episode.

While I do agree that some of what the fandom said is correct I feel that it might be blowing this episode out the wrong way. Before I get the shit spammed out of me (As I know this fandom likes to do) I make this point in saying that this is an attempt at trying to show you a different side to the story presented to us not to tell you my way of thinking is right and everyone else is wrong.

I'll be doing this as a piece, by piece trying to put a positive spin on what you have said.

Firstly the musical aspect of this episode. Honestly I agree this is an ungodly amount of Musical numbers almost comparable to the EQG movies in the number of musical pieces and it's fitted in 20 Minutes! The music while over done was amazing to say the least and I whole heatedly enjoyed it.
The reason movie groups such as Disney and occasionally Pixar (There is a movie ... somewhere) have musical numbers in there shows is for two reasons. The first reason is that music is emotion, unlike speaking you can convey more ideas and feelings through music. and two you can tell a better story the more information you give the viewers senses to work with.
I see this episode right now as an 8 / 10 It's not the top of my board but it's up there in my top 5. the reason I'm saying this is unfortunately if this episode had even 1 of these musical numbers missing it would ruin it and probably put it around 6 / 10 for me. Think about it if you heard this story without the music you wouldn't have the ability to connect to Diamond Tiara better and wouldn't truly be able to feel the emotional struggle between Her, Her Mother and the CMC. The music on this episode is what gave its drive and its story and i think that even though the amount of musical number was ridiculous I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now onto the most controversially talked thing about this episode the Cutie Marks
now honestly there what i can see is there are 2 different Points of argument and a fence down the middle of both so to give you all an grasp on where i sit in all this it would be something like this.
As a designer I hate the Design Aspect of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Cutie Mark but i'll get to that in a moment. as a lover of the show and someone who feels they have a grasp behind the meaning of there cutie marks I absolutely love the meaning behind them.
Now while they could have been visually better ( Like coordinating the color schemes to each individual Crusader: Apple Bloom [Red, Oranges, Greens] Sweetie Bell [Royal Purples and Light Blues] Schootaloo [Probably a mix between Blues and Greens]) the Design behind the poor color scheme is actually quite impressive.
Now when you look at these cutie marks you need to stop seeing a Copy paste with a slight redesign and actually see 7 different talents and I'll go into them 1 by one.
The first Talent is the Shield this is the Mark of the Crusaders and their eternal bond together this isn't extremely detailed but i like to leave a bit to the imagination. Now going in order left to right.

Sweetie Bells cutie mark Represents her bond and status to her fellow crusaders and also represents 2 other aspects that you should have picked up during the this and previous episodes. first is the Star this represents her ability for inspiration for a star can inspire others and so can she. secondly is the eight note, this represents her talent for sinning which in a way increases her ability to inspire others.
Apple Blooms cutie mark is probably the simplest of them all. Once again the Shield to represent her connection to the crusader and by extension her friends. Then we have her Apple (Honestly If she didn't have this i think the fandom would breakdown into some sort of fit) which represents her connection to her family. secondly we have her heart now I personally believe this one can be up for debate I feel that this is to represent her caring nature and that her heart is loving enough that she will even be willing to her her enemy.
Schootaloos cutie mark is a little tricky like before she has her shield but the first aspect of her cutie mark is probably the hardest one to understand. because her first piece is a wing it could represent many different things from her being a Pegisi all the way to describing her plain speed so that can be put in some speculation. However her second piece Might seem cool and amazing because of its appeal but i find that it has a different purpose than just being awesome and it will blow your mind. This final Piece represents . . . Loyalty. Now you might be saying Hang on Mop_Hop that looks nothing like loyalty but I would beg to differ. at the current moment the element of loyalty is represented by a lightning Bolt so it could be safe to assume that in this current era of Equestria that anything pertaining to loyalty can be represented the same way. Granted this is a little of speculation on my part but I have a feeling that this description is the best way to describe this part of her cutie mark.

Final Verdict:

Story: 9/10
The story was rough around the edges but it had great progression and Character building so its a good rating in my books

Music: 8/10
While it was an excessive it didn't subtract anything from the plot and actually improved the overall story telling experience for this episode I look forward to seeing more episodes like this but maybe with about 2 songs tops next time Larson ;)

Visuals: 7/10
Now while i would usually rate an episodes visual by its overall visuals because it focuses on the CMC and them getting there cutie mark i feel that this is what the episode should be rated by. Overall I felt that the Designs where spot on and represented the CMC and there aspects perfectly . I would have personally sent them back to design and get them re colored but i understand where the color scheme came from well some of it. If you look at the shields you'll actually realize that the colors used there are the mane colors of the CMC just slightly of colored to make it match, tho where they got the idea to use Purple and Pink for the symbols i will never know (that would have to be the main part that would need to be recolored)

Final Score 8/10
Overall this Episode was amazing and I loved every minute of it. though it did have its faults it made more than enough up when it gave us that stunning story and amazing ending

Thanks Keathing Rogers

After reading this I hope your mind on this episode has been improved as I feel that this has to be one of the best thought out episodes this season (unfortunately that's not hard to do at the moment)

This is Mop_Hop Signing of and Remember Friendship is Magic

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