• Member Since 30th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 30th, 2023

Crystal Moose

Brony(eeds) a coffee... http://ko-fi.com/crystalmoose

More Blog Posts176

  • 59 weeks
    Good bye my friend

    Many of you likely already know, but my former editor and damned good friend Josh, lost his fight against cancer.

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  • 100 weeks
    Life is a party.

    So, umm, hi all.

    Long time no really speak. Just going to say O am back here as anonymous, I am going to try and find joy in my life again.

    I have tagged Fragile Wings as a story, because it is kind of relevant to my life right now.

    Not entirely, but enough to have made me remember this story I wrote some 9 years ago, I think.

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  • 119 weeks
    Holy shit a random moose posts a thing...

    Probably going to be the only thing for like... ever again. Unless I get around to doing a few more of my own stories. This one just tickled me.

    5 comments · 184 views
  • 299 weeks
    Working on another fic at the same time...

    Inspired by Shakespearicles Starlight Fixes Anything, I am working on an anthology style fic of my own:

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    2 comments · 434 views
  • 300 weeks
    As I am writing chapter 2...

    I am starting to wonder if I should bump the maturity rating up to mature.

    If it isn't mature, I am probably pushing the boundaries of it.

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    3 comments · 473 views

Thems Fightin Herds needs your help. · 1:59am Oct 13th, 2015


I'm certain most of you here have heard of MLP: Fighting Is Magic, the C&D'd fighting game by the indie group Mane6. I'm certain a lot of you have also heard that they managed to get Lauren Faust on board, and created their own IP for a fighting game.

I've been following these guys since then, and so far everything that has come out has looked really awesome. They got the Skullgirls (an awesome game in its own right!) engine, courtesy of Zero Labs, as a part of Zero Labs' kickstarter campaign.

When the crowdfunding for TFH started, it looked like the project was going to get backed. Something crazy like $140K in the first few days. The sad thing is, now it has stagnated, sitting at 67% funded as it has done for a few weeks now. The initial excitement for the game seems to have died down, as the people who were interested in it have already chipped in (like your's truly, who chipped in as much as he could without risking divorce!)

I know it's not explicitly ponies, any more… let's be honest, the C&D was always going to happen. But if you can chip in, even just a few bucks for the lowest tiers, I'm certain it'd help. If you at least chip in for the Alpacan Weaver pledge, then you could join me, your favourite moose, for a few rounds of battle with furry little creatures.

This is a pretty unique project, and I'd hate to see it fall down before it can get properly developed. Chip in if you can!

Comments ( 15 )

I have to wait for pay day. Paying more on my debt this month than I normally would, in this particular instance, turned out to be a bad idea.

Yeah, I had to dip into my motorbike money to chip in. And with the shitty australian exchange rate, it cost me even more. Lol.

Go Applej.... I mean Arizona! :ajbemused:

One of my friends commented that it seemed like they were asking for too much money.

I thought they were wrong.

Turns out, they were right.

Kind of unfortunate; they're off by like, 140 grand.

This campaign will only receive funds if at least $436,000 USD is raised by it's deadline.

$294,871USD raised by 5,187 people in 22 days

68% 9 days left

Well, as I write this, they're missing 141,129 and they have 9 days left to raise that where they've raised 294,871 in 22 days



So, yea. Unless they get more funding in the last nine that in proportion to what what they received in the first twenty-two, then they're fucked. And since these kind of things usually do receive the bulk of their funding in the first week they're up, unless there's some kind of big flashy endorsement from a popular celebrity at the end, then I'm going to say that they probably are actually fucked.

So it goes. They probably should have went with a site that allows them to keep their funding regardless of whether or not they hit their goal.

3466282 3466323
Actually, for a game made with the sort of quality they are looking at, it's pretty much spot on. The main problem is most people are unrealistic about what constitutes enough for game development, which in itself is spurred on by the plethora of crowdfunded games going cheap. And the bulk of them remain unfulfilled, or over-promised and underwhelming when/if released.

An open-goal funding would leave them obligated to produce a product regardless of if they made enough money or not. They'd still have to meet backer rewards, etc, and leave not enough for actual game development.

Take, for example, the Squigly indiegogo campaign. They were asking for $150,000 for a single character, for a game that already had a lot of the work done. Project Godus asked for £450,000. Games made by professional companies tend to aim for these pricing structures because they are carefully budgeted. Unless you're RS Industries, then the budget goes out the window and you spend your millions on private helicopters or some such.

And from what I've seen, Mane6 seems to have been fairly careful with their budgeting and what they are promising they can get done for said budget.

IIRC, I remember reading an article on what they would do if they didn't meet the goal, and why they didn't do open-goal funding as the option.

It might be crazy unrealistic of me to hope that boosting the signal to my measly amount of followers would make a difference, but hey, every dollar counts.

I wasn't saying that they asked too much to have the game developed. It seems right to me. The problem is they asked for too much for just crowdfunding for a relatively unknow game developer.

Also, it kinda pisses me off that I had to google what IIRC means, I don't care if it's ironic. Nothing against you personally, Moose. I'm just sick of people pretending that they don't have fully functional keyboards with integrated spelling and grammar checkers on the internet. But I'm increasingly convinced that I'm the only one who seems to think that it's better to take five seconds to spell something out as opposed to forcing someone else take twenty seconds to figure out what the hell you're talking about.

But all that is totally besides the point. I'm not saying that their funding goals aren't pragmatic, I'm just saying that they seem a bit unrealistic considering the circumstances. Again, as far as I'm aware, the vast majority of large crowdfunded projects receive the vast majority of their funding within the first week of the project being posted, and the fact that they're only at 68% signals to me that they're probably not gonna make it.

Nah, no offence taken, you're right, I should stop relying on acronyms. And I don't use them ironically, just didn't think about it. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, spitting in the ocean does make it deeper.

And no, I totally understand why they did what they did; the question is mostly whether or not the costs they've already sunk into the project might have made it a better idea to lower the amount asked for so that they got some RoI on everything else they'd been doing.

I don't know the actual situation internally; it is mostly a question of whether or not there were other, more ramen-filled options which were acceptable to them or not.

Looks like they hit the funding goal.

Glad I was wrong.


Best news to wake up to in the morning. I am wondering if it might have been Silver Quill's video that helped get it over the edge. I checked Saturday night and it was at 92% funded with 4 days to go, and was devastated thinking "Shit, it isn't going to make it!"

Glad to be wrong, and in a year and a bit, it'll be time to get mah hoove on!

3466397 3480358
Looks like now that the project has made it, they're getting more people donating (they've gotten another $8K in the last four hours alone). Woop woop!

Never understood the idea behind that, holding off on chipping in until after it has been a success. I mean, even if the project fails to meet funding, you still get your money back.

You got me, I already put in my metaphorical two cents in last week. Maybe it's just typical bandwagoning. Like, "Hey look, this got funded. I guess people are actually interested in it. I should join them!"

Either that, or maybe people are chipping in to see if they can push the stretch goals.

Probably not gonna get the Goat though, sadly.

I'm not sure if I'm going to contribute or not; I'm still making up my mind. I still have more time to decide, after all.

Well, given that it has been funded, you can always wait until it comes out on Steam, and check it out then. I think it is still going through the greenlight process, so you could probably vote for them there too.

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