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Admiral Biscuit

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The Play's the Thing · 2:28am Oct 16th, 2015



So part of the reason I've kind of been mostly incommunicado these last few weeks is a play. Which I'm in.

I play a farmer, and I get to yell at a bunch of kids. Those of you who've been following me for a while will probably have heard me mention a role where I get to yell at a bunch of kids . . . maybe I'm typecast. Whatever. I like yelling at kids. It warms my heart.

And, like most plays, it's open to the public. So, if you happen to live in mid-Michigan--or don't mind a long road trip--come check it out! We open this weekend!

Full schedule: Sat 10/17@7pm; Sun 10/18@2pm; Fri 10/23 @7pm; Sat 10/24@7pm; and Sun 10/25@2pm.

PM me if you need directions (or just ask in the comments).

There was a second thing I was going to blog about, but I've completely forgotten what it was.
EDIT: It might have been something about wanting to run around screaming for five minutes, then collapse in bed in the fetal position.

Finally, and most importantly, contribute to Them's Fighting Herds. They've got a week six days left to meet their goal.

I suppose I ought to include a shiny picture, eh?

You can totally play Unicorn master race

Report Admiral Biscuit · 576 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

I shall leverage by rewards tier to demand that Paprika have a Pinkie Pie palette swap. :pinkiehappy: Not that that isn't already planned in all likelihood.

Of course each one of those hoofers is already one of the Mane 6.

I play a farmer, and I get to yell at a bunch of kids. Those of you who've been following me for a while will probably have heard me mention a role where I get to yell at a bunch of kids . . . maybe I'm typecast

Yeah reading that did trigger a very strong sense of Dejavu. Well if you aren't being typecasted you could say you are playing to your strengths or likes :pinkiehappy:

Break a leg, I'd love to come but yeah really long drive from Atlanta. :raritycry:

I play a farmer, and I get to yell at a bunch of kids.

:flutterrage: at the kids! :rainbowlaugh:

Hope they meet the goal. Go App... I mean Arizona the cow. :twilightsheepish:

What would be hilarious, is if for Pinkie, they allowd the graphical glitch that occured as a bug, but was then included as a feature in Zool, where the main sprite, due to interleave frames, would flicker between two locations, after image style. Meaning it wasnt at either location for being hit, but was at both locations for attacking. Sounds perfect for Llamatron, sorry, llamalamalama, sorry Wacko, Llamapie. :pinkiecrazy:

I'd like to shoot that high, but sadly I also need a new roof on my house. While I can hardly claim to be a responsible adult, that's something that's got to be done.


Yeah reading that did trigger a very strong sense of Dejavu. Well if you aren't being typecasted you could say you are playing to your strengths.

It's true; I do love yelling at kids. Warms my heart.

I think the best role I've ever gotten in this group was Judge Turpin in Sweeny Todd. The audience applauded when I got killed. That's how I knew I was doing a good job. Also, as an aside, that play led to one of the best short conversations I've ever had backstage. The girl who played the young Lucy asked me what I was doing backstage in scene one. "I have to move the lamp offstage then rape you," I reminded her. "Oh yeah," she said. "I forgot about that."

Break a leg, I'd love to come but yeah really long drive from Atlanta.

Probably not worth it, even if the tickets are only $10 apiece.


Hope they meet the goal. Go App... I mean Arizona the cow.

Me, too. I'm in the middle of donating--would be done already, but stupid Paypal says my card isn't good (probably because I just got a new one).

I know they can't do it, 'cause Hasbro C&D, but it would be cool if you could play Pinkie, and if her special ability was reality warping. Especially if they just randomly generated where she appeared after a dodge.

California's a bit of a stretch, or I'd go, but you have my obligatory 'break a leg'. Keep in mind that it doesn't have to be your leg! Do it the smart way: choose an audience member.

Unicorn Master Race FTW! They now have my meager contribution.

Edit: Funny thing you should quote that line from Hamlet: I just watched Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead again for like the millionth time. Awesome movie/play.

I want to donate, I really do... But I don't have the money (or the paypal) for it.

This is going to be close. ~82k remaining and only 6 days left.

I would like to donate but don't have a paypal. Also the exchange rate ~11 ~13 rands to the dollar. :applejackconfused:


Author Interviewer

I wish I had the money to throw at them. It's getting to the point where it feels like I should, just because peer pressure. D:

I did a sidejob and then kicked them 400 bucks.

I really hope they succeed. It sounds like Faust is quite enjoying the project, too.

3474058 It's gone up by $11k in the last 12 hours. Still plenty of time. If it gets close to the line by the deadline, I may bump mine up...

Glances at picture of ponies on stage... Pause... What?
I check again.
Is that actually a pink bow where her tail should have been, or...
Pinkie, just what have you done to your tail?


California's a bit of a stretch, or I'd go, but you have my obligatory 'break a leg'. Keep in mind that it doesn't have to be your leg! Do it the smart way: choose an audience member.

Luckily, we've already had our 'break a leg' moment at the final rehearsal. Admittedly, it would have been less stressful if it had been a cast member, but. . . .

Unicorn Master Race FTW! They now have my meager contribution.


Edit: Funny thing you should quote that line from Hamlet:

Even funnier, Present Perfect just did a review blog which included a story called The Play's the Thing. How's that for good timing?

The good news is you don't need an actual PayPal account (I don't have one). They can process normal credit cards too. Of course, if you haven't got the bits to spare, it's kind of a moot point.


It's getting to the point where it feels like I should, just because peer pressure. D:

You could blog about it, if you haven't already.


I really hope they succeed. It sounds like Faust is quite enjoying the project, too.

Yeah, me too. Even though there's very little chance I'd ever play the game . . . but who knows what the future holds?

I might do the same. Got some overtime this week, and saved some money by not having time to eat lunch most of the week.


Glances at picture of ponies on stage... Pause... What?
I check again.
Is that actually a pink bow where her tail should have been, or...
Pinkie, just what have you done to your tail?

Huh. I didn't notice that.

Well, it's Pinkie.

Maybe she loaned her tail to somepony else.

Probably visited a detail shop, is what I figure...


Probably visited a detail shop

I read that three times before I caught the pun. Well done.

That might actually be a workable title for a minific.

Or maybe she got hungry and ate it.

Yep, can't do credit either. I put my card in repayment to save myself money... It's a nice option really. I don't get to use it until the balance is free but they freeze the interest. Which is great.

I suspect credit cards in the US don't have options like that. Our system generally involves getting people into deeper and deeper debt that they can't afford to pay back.

. . . . come to think of it, that's pretty much how being a mechanic works. They get you to buy tools, and then you can't afford to quit your job.

3476019 Lots of jobs are like that. Hell even the ear tube for my radio headset (like the ones you typically see on Secret Service people) are stupidly expensive for what they are


New headcanon:

Pinkie's mane and tail are like super stringy taffy and, with the application of the right amount of syrup, you can mould it and make it stick into any shape you desire. Even a cute pink bow.

It's also good for a light snack.


3475876 In case you didn't see it, Them's Fightin' Herds is 100% funded and still rising. :yay:!

The campaign still has almost two days to go. Maybe the Linux/Mac folks will get a break, but that's $45K away...


Looks like they got about $50k in the last 24 hours (I think it was around 390k when I checked this morning). The Linux/Mac port might not be unachievable. . . .

And in case you didn't notice the update, they hit that. Now onwards to the goat!

3483394 Holy ponies on roller skates, that was fast! I just love the fact that people are still driving this upward so fast and far.

Onwards to the stretch goat!

Lauren rocks. :yay:

Okay ponies aside for a minute, I've been wondering how your play went?

Pretty well, actually. We had some dropped lines here and there, and one guy missed his cue the first night, but overall there weren't any major catastrophes.

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