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Admiral Biscuit

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The thing I forgot yesterday · 6:23pm Oct 16th, 2015

Is that there's a draft horse show at the MSU pavilion through the weekend.

A full schedule is HERE.

Obviously, with the play I can't be there for the whole thing, but I'm going to the horse pull tonight at 7. After all, y'all want me to write about a pony pull, so . . . research!

If you happen to be there, look for the guy in the Admiral Biscuit t-shirt. Bad Horse may have killed me and taken one of my shirts, but I've got more.

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Comments ( 10 )

Didn't know they did that kind of stuff at the MSE Pavilion.

Research that story!:twilightsmile:

Yay :yay: Pony pull!

Now, should I reconsider including that particular sport in a fair in one of my own stories?

Yeah, I've seen llama shows there before. And something with horses, but I don't remember what.

Hopefully I'll get to pet a draft horse.

It should be a pony sport. Especially since Big Mac pulls houses.

Totally think it would be a sport for them. Some strongpony competition thing. :eeyup:

Caught the tail end of the six-horse team competition; now I'm waiting for them to finish setting up the pull. Looks like some will be single horses, and others will be in pairs.

Yeah, to my knowledge its only single or paired usually. And those are some powerful horses they have too. Whatever 1hp is based on... its not those draft horses used for pulling. :eeyup:

The Kansas State Fair had a pony-pull, much like a tractor pull (only using ponies, of course) on one day. I missed it, darn it.

Wouldn't it be funny if all your fans/friends showed up, all wearing Admiral Bisquit t shirts?

I've seen videos of pony pulls before. Here, instead of a sled, they were pulling a dynamometer truck, and they had to move it 27.5 feet. It was 'light' horses (team weight maximum of 3400 pounds or so), and they were lifting a 3600 pound weight as they pulled by the time I left.

That would have been interesting. Certainly would have put a different dynamic on the show, that's for sure.

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