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Mid-October Update · 1:09am Oct 17th, 2015

I'm running the gauntlet of exhaustion right now. Re-balancing my life and writing with my work schedule is proving... difficult. As such I'm way behind on the next chapter of Harmony Theory. So it's not coming out for at least two weeks. No one is more disappointed than I am, because I am getting very close to some scenes that I've been planning for years, and I'm super-excited to write them, as, I hope, you will be excited when you read them.

Regardless, for now I'm not entirely empty handed. I have put together a few of my notes on the Nightlands and made them halfway readable. I hope you all enjoy what I've written!


Notes on the United Lunar Republics

A Lunar Republic is a government structure originally set forth in a political treatise by Princess Luna approximately one hundred years after her return from the moon. Her intention was to illustrate a system that would reduce the classism that periodically plagued Equestria, as well as remove the need for the diarchy. She meant it to be a thought experiment, but her ideas resonated with many ponies and were taken up as a rallying cry for the rebels during the Schism. In the aftermath of that conflict, the remnants of the rebellion took the Lunar Republic concept and made it real.

A Lunar Republic is a representative democracy, ruled by a council of elected citizens known as a Senate. The powers of the Senate are circumscribed by a foundational Constitution, ensuring the Rule of Law. The terms of an individual Republic’s Constitution will vary, but each shares common articles dictated by Princess Luna in her original treatise. These articles guarantee such things as universal equality before the law, freedom of speech and the press, a right to self-determination and the possession of property, etc.

Each Senate is both legislative and executive, as a Lunar Republic lacks any sort of Head of State. This does give the Senate quite a bit of power, and also often creates chaotic political situations with no central authority to make decisions or set policy. Their law-making powers are checked by the Judiciary, which operates independently of the Senate and tests all new legislation against the Constitution. The Judiciary can also test laws against treaties and previous legislation and determine what order of precedence laws are to be taken in. The Judiciary are also elected by the populace, but candidates are required to come from a pool of experienced lawyers and judges, rather than being any citizen who cares to run.

A peculiarity of this system is the lack of political parties, the formation of which is prohibited. This does not actually stop Senators from creating parties anyway, but the resulting ‘factions’ are unable to share monetary resources or officially organize, which leads to them being unstable alliances of the moment rather than lasting political entities. For instance, a large faction active during the events of Harmony Theory is the Hawks, who share an interest in going to war against the Solar Kingdom. This may indeed be their only shared interest, and they are not likely to vote as a bloc on any issue that does not touch on this one concern.

Each Republic originated as a large city-state. These sprawling metropolises have grown over the centuries, and now hold upwards of ten million inhabitants each. These massive cities also control vast swaths of territory surrounding them. Technically, every other town, village and city in that territory is part of the Republic, and elects representatives to their Senate, but in actuality the concerns of the central city are always paramount and rural issues are all too often ignored.

Another oddity of the Republics is their dedication to free market capitalism. Whereas the rest of the world ranges from the market-less communism of some Zebra nations to the tightly controlled economy of the Sunlands, the Republics are where money runs free. The low-regulation, business-friendly environment has allowed the Republics to become a world-wide economic powerhouse, with manufacturing and technological advances that in another world would make it the dominant culture on the planet. On the other side, it has led to widespread poverty, rampant consumerism and the other usual ills that come along with allowing unfettered greed to reign.

It is also, unfortunately, what allowed Max Cash to become so powerful.

The Republic city-states are joined together in a Union that itself forms a greater Republic. There is no separation between local and federal government, as the Senate of the Union as a whole is made up of the Senates from each individual Republic. This causes exactly as much confusion, animosity and bureaucratic bloat as you would expect. Fortunately, the Union’s Constitution not only mirrors those of the individual Republics, but also includes additional articles detailing how such a vast collection of disparate peoples is to live and work together in harmony. Within the confines of this collective document, the political machine of a government of over 200 million individuals can operate effectively, if not efficiently.

One important provision of the Union’s Constitution is the formation of several pan-union agencies that oversee all the important tasks of making sure the whole thing doesn’t break down. One such agency is the Republics Intelligence Agency, or RIA. The RIA can be thought of as both a spy agency and as a federal police force, able to claim jurisdiction anywhere in the Republics and investigate any malfeasance, regardless of the political or economic power of the wrongdoer. The RIA is also responsible for overseeing the Changelings, who, while their alliance with the rebels during the Schism has not been forgotten, are still terrifying and monstrous creatures to the majority of Republics citizens.

The Republics are, of course, enemies of the Solar Kingdom. Separated by the Everstorm, these two nations essentially grew side-by-side but with little contact or influence from each other. Their roots as opposing sides in the Schism have not been forgotten, and if anything the antipathy between the two cultures has only grown stronger. With ever-improving transportation technology and techniques that make circumventing the Everstorm easier, as well as the growing and antagonistic interests of both nations in the world beyond their shared continent, it seems inevitable that the two will soon go to war. Many believe it a miracle that they haven’t already.

In demographics, the Republics outnumber the Solar Kingdom by 10 to 1. However, due to their all-volunteer army, they only have an approximate 2 or 3 to 1 advantage militarily. This advantage is severely reversed when taking magic into account. There are only a dozen Magic Talent unicorns in all the Republics (including Max Cash), but the Solar Capital alone hosts just over two hundred, every one of whom is in service to the Crown. As magic can offer many of the same uses as the Republics technology, and in many cases are superior at doing them, the forces of the two nations can be seen as roughly equal in standing.

Report Sharaloth · 1,617 views · Story: Harmony Theory · #World Notes
Comments ( 15 )

A very interesting post indeed. I quite enjoy the idea of political parties being outlawed.

Have you done similar blogs in the past, that I missed somehow? Or, if this is the first, do you plan on doing others in future? I know I'd be excited to read them, if you did :twilightsmile:

No one is more disappointed than I am

You truly are your worst critic. I like to see it as following a book series without release dates so every chapter is a very pleasant surprise. :pinkiehappy:

Interesting; thank you for this look into the world. :)

I take no issue with your delay. I admit I'm quite delayed in reading your most recent chapters. :twilightsheepish: The extra time to catch up is much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

10 to 1 in demographics? So we're looking at 200+ million to only 20+ million?

There's been at least one previously. There may be others that I don't have bookmarked, but I don't have the time to look for them right now - if you happen to learn of any, I'd be interested in seeing them too.

Scenes you've been planning for years? Ooh, the excitement! Take whatever time you need, though. Achieving that re-balance should come first, and I hope you can find a great solution.
I really appreciate these supplementary notes. I've read the ones on the Solar Kingdom too, and I just love how deeply thought-out the world is.

I guess we're all just going to have to hold our excitement in a little longer. :pinkiegasp:

Don't worry about making us wait Sharaloth. Your life comes first. :pinkiehappy:

It's interesting to get a glimpse into the government of the Lunar Republics. I've been waiting on this one for a while.

Are those awesome scenes in this upcoming chapter, or one that's shortly after that?

Yup, that's about right.

Later chapters. This next one is tricky because it's one where almost the entire main cast is finally in one place at one time. There is so many potential interactions that I've got to pare it down to the most interesting or important ones, and then write those up to standard and hope I don't realize halfway through that I'm doing it wrong. Being exhausted a lot isn't helping, but them's the breaks.

3499074 Well, you've done good with other group scenes before, so I'm sure that it will turn out well. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and hope that you get feeling more up to snuff soon. :yay:


Personally, I most look forward to Hard Boiled finally getting to meet his 'impossible mare'. That promises to be very interesting, and I am fascinated to see how you will handle it.

3526268 Especially if the Senator is also there at the time. Given how much the maquette of Dash was an avatar for his dreams, meeting the actual subject would probably be beyond words for him (especially since I figure that the maquette was lost in the explosion, and I figure meeting her could kinda make up for it).

As a side note, I found it rather poignant his longing for the return of classical pegasus magic, particularly since he would want to share it with the rest of the world. I hope he lives long enough to see his dream come true.


As a side note, I found it rather poignant his longing for the return of classical pegasus magic, particularly since he would want to share it with the rest of the world.

You make good points. I suspect Rainbow could make a friend for life just by giving a practical demonstration of weather magic. We shall see what occurs...

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