• Member Since 8th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Witching Hour

This is my circus and these are my monkeys aren't they? Carp.

More Blog Posts125

  • 64 weeks
    Ch8 of Minutor Crystallum

    So... Thanks to copious assistance from Jim, I've managed to finally finish chapter 9, so that means..... I can post chapter 8!

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  • 86 weeks
    New VV story!

    Hey folks! So! While I've not been able to write a lot lately, I've been helping others in my group... And our dear Honorary Troll, Avellana, has finally finished writing a good portion of her story, The Dying of the Light! Go read and review peeps!

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    1 comments · 115 views
  • 92 weeks
    Ch7 of MoaMC

    Alright! It's finally ready to post! I finished Chapter 8 Tuesday night, but I'm making it a habit to sit on a chapter an extra day once I finish the next one just so that I don't like... have to go back a bunch to fix things, I guess...

    Chapter 9's gonna be a while in progress, so no breath-holding okay? :raritywink:

    Love & Light!

    0 comments · 94 views
  • 98 weeks
    Another update! At last!!!

    So... Birthday happened... it was good... I've been doing a lot of cross-stitch lately, and my darling husband let me buy a bunch of patterns... Unfortunately, this has meant I needed to go on a shopping spree at my local craft store to buy all the thread colors I need for it... My receipt is around THREE FEET LONG.... Worst part? I'm still missing a couple colors. 😭

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    0 comments · 150 views
  • 105 weeks
    Wooooo!!! New update!!!

    SO!!! I finished chapter 6 a while ago, but I held off on posting Chapter 5 for MoaMC because I was afraid I'd reread it and either scrap it... or toss out a whole section or something silly/stupid like that!!! However, I've reread it a couple times, and I haven't done anything like that, so I added the author note and it's up! Woooooo!!!

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BEAUTIFUL NEW ART!!! · 5:38am Oct 20th, 2015

My fiance is amazing, because when I got a free sketch from Foxena, I immediately wanted to upgrade it... And after my dad's half-brother passed away a week ago Friday, he said I could pay to get it upgraded.

We had to wait until he got his latest paycheck, but it's finally here! :raritystarry:

You may easily be able to see it as my profile picture... but here it is, in its full glory.

Amazing, right?!

For now, just blame the wings on me being a little vain and my fiance calling me his princess. :raritywink:

Report Witching Hour · 207 views · #art #foxena
Comments ( 4 )

Jee, I sure hope Witch is able to stick a landing sometime.


But, awesome picture, it was really cool seeing it colored in the stream!

Noice. I hope she's not hurt at the moment.


Not terribly hurt, no... :twilightsheepish:

Ah, I found what's been bugging me about the picture. The glasses don't have an outline while everything else does. And now I can't stop thinking about it. *sighs*

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