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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • Monday
    State of the Writer, June 2024!

    Another year older and deeper in hecc D:<

    I kinda forgot to write this up yesterday. :B For no good reason. The reason being that I was not having a good day lol

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  • Thursday
    Fic recs, June 27th!

    gotdang, errbody be postin' reviews today! :B but hey, a normal review blog on a normal Thursday, what could be nicer? :D

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, June 20th!

    ...Yaknow, I had kind of been looking forward to having a nice, meaty review plate for today's post as we get back into weekly reviews hopefully, but I just realized, I haven't listened to a single fic all week. D: First it was because of Jenny Nicholson's incredibly engrossing four-hour video about a Star Wars hotel, and then it was because I don't know, the timing just keeps not working out!

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  • 2 weeks
    Fic recs, June 14th!

    Notable FoE author Fiaura has had a most bizarre misfortune occur! Admiral Biscuit explains.

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  • 4 weeks
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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More thoughts on Friendship Games · 1:28pm Oct 21st, 2015

So I've spent all month working on a story collection called Fast Times at Stinky Sugar, sixteen shitfics (and one good fic, still being finished) dedicated to mocking FG and making me look like I have a terrible obsession. Unfortunately, by the time I actually finish it, it won't be relevant in the least anymore and all my (mostly) hard work will have been for naught. My apologies to fans of Epic Unicorn History. :(

Buuut, before things get even less relevant, I'm going to post the "extra thoughts" thingy I had written up, oh, at the end of last month, and leave the announcement of the story post to its own devices. :B Read below!

Random thoughts, a few of which will show up in the story. :B

* You've probably already seen this, but they deleted some of the best shipping material ever penned, not to mention what would have been Sunset's best scene in the movie, filling in a number of gaps toward the end. Fuck this movie, man.

(Song starts at 0:29.)

* Sunset Shimmer's true power is summoning the Discovery Family movie logo.

* Sunset's arc is learning to learning to not care so much about magic and place importance on non-magical things; okay, it's actually pulling away from Twilight's help, but that's not as funny. :B

* God, how long until we get clopfics of Twilight 'cohabiting' with her dog. D: Has this happened yet? Don't point them out to me, just answer yes or no, pls.

* The movie did a good job portraying Celestia as a yokel, the jailor of the madhouse.

* Sunny Flare definitely has a Pipboy; two, in fact. I couldn't figure out how to do anything with this because she also has zero personality.

* Rarity's "I made costumes!" scene is the first good scene she's had in the movies.

* Twilight actually seems to have some level of acquaintanceship with both Sugarcoat and Lemon Zest, which is odd, since none of the Shadowbolts appear to actually be 'friends'.

* Sunset doesn't realize the portal's closed because it hasn't been 30 moons.

* Fluttershy totally did an "it's dangerous to go alone, take this" with Angel and Twilight.

* I absolutely believe that Twilight talks to herself; like, that was a really good cover.

* After the 'portable magic' scene, when Pinkie randomly falls out the door, her eyes slowly drift apart as she's listening to Rainbow Dash gloat. It was kind of the best pair of visual gags ever.

* Fluttershy makes the CUTEST GODDAMN FACE during the archery event.

* What the hell is the point of having two skaters or motocross racers if they're racing at the same time? The archery relay at least makes sense.

* The portal changes your form, but it seems falling through one of those rifts wouldn't.

* They really missed giving Twilight a decent arc with the "I have nothing left to learn from this school/world" thing.

* That magic battle is the coolest thing since Tirek, and I love how little sense it makes.

* I am pretty sure Principal Cinch's first name (Abacus) is only revealed in the credits.

* I really, REALLY hate Sour Sweet.

* Here are the word the various students fucked up during the spelling bee:
Rainbow Dash: hippopotamas
Lemon Zest: munchousenism (Munchausenism: an extravagant fiction embodying an account of some marvelous exploit or adventure)
Applejack: onomatopeia
Sugarcoat: cymotricous (cymotrichous: having wavy hair)
Fluttershy: imigration
Sunny Flare: rhombos
Indigo Zap: shauffeur
Rarity: eschuary
Twilight: isosceles (obviously she won :V)

VA facts:
* Sugarcoat's VA, Sienna Bohn, hasn't done much; her career seems to have taken off this year, though, and Sugarcoat is her sixth-ever acting role.

* Sour Sweet is Sharon Alexander, who was AndrAIa in Reboot, and has also been on Inu Yasha, Mezon Ikkoku and Mobile Suit Gundam Seed; she was also Energon Arcee.

* Indigo Zap was voiced by Kelly Sheridan, aka Sassy Saddles, Misty Fly and Starlight goddamn Glimmer.

* Sunny Flare was Britt Irvin, aka Lightning Dust.

* And Lemon Zest was voiced by Shannon Chan-Kent, aka Silver Spoon and Pinkie's singing VA (also, her name was miscredited as "Lemon Tart", wtf movie).

Comments ( 19 )

What the hell is the point of having two skaters or motocross racers if they're racing at the same time? The archery relay at least makes sense.

Never been a rollerderby fan, I take it? :ajsmug:

I adore the Sunny/Twi duet ... but at the same time I think it's for the best it was taken out. It would have given Sunset an arc that only loosely connects with the rest of the film, doesn't make that much sense, and would have overcrowded the other events.

Also it took me a while to realise who Sour Sweet reminded me of:

I prefer Abbie's way of doing it.

* Indigo Zap was voiced by Kelly Sheridan, aka Sassy Saddles, Misty Fly and Starlight goddamn Glimmer.

* Sunny Flare was Britt Irvin, aka Lightning Dust.

They totally should have switched roles. Then the conspiracy people could have said, "Lightning Dust is totally in this movie!"

* Sunset doesn't realize the portal's closed because it hasn't been 30 moons.

Pretty sure Twilight hacked the portal in the last movie. Now, you just need Equestrian magic to open it. Which explains why Pinkie can go through it and why Sunset could not directly after having her magic drained. However, magic is apparently a renewable resource that only requires a villain to stand against to restore, so that's good.

Edit: Yeah, just watched the scene again, she totally tech-teched that portal with some prime magico-psuedo-science and now it's her bitch.


Rarity's "I made costumes!" scene is the first good scene she's had in the movies.

You take that back! It's the second good scene... The first?

Praise be to Rarity for she is best pony! :raritywink:

Also, I'm pretty sure Cinch is her married name. Pretty sure her original name was Abacus Bitch. :rainbowwild:

One last thing, Principal Cinch's voice actress, Iris Quinn, was a part of the Twilight Saga. In the movie Twilight: Eclipse, Iris Quinn plays someone called Mrs. Biers.

Abacus Cinch
Atticus Finch

a To Kill a Mockingbird reference. . .? :rainbowhuh:

Author Interviewer

There wasn't enough shoving and hair-pulling for it to be roller derby. :B

Frankly, I have no idea how to deal with the second movie's retcon of the portal parameters. D: I really wish Twilight had been left out of Rainbow Rocks.

I've looked up Iris Quinn but didn't include her because she's not been in anything I've really heard of. :B She was pretty awesome, though!

Not possible D:

Lemon Zest is still best. :3

The One Piece fan in me squealed a bit when Rarity pulled a Sanji and flung Pinkie into the lead at the end, tho, :rainbowkiss:

3486378 She did, but its powered of Twilight's copy of the magic journal, so whenever Twilight takes it down to write about friendship or whatever to Twilight, the portal is deactivated until Twilight remembers to put the book back.

The most important lesson to be learned from the Friendship Games is that you should never be nice to nerds, because if you are nice to a nerd they will steal your soul and use it to power their gadgets.

Author Interviewer

I couldn't have said it better myself.

I can't actually watch that video. It's private.

Author Interviewer

Argh! And I already changed it once!

Go watch it now, before it's taken down again. :B

Wow, there's already a DVD?

Author Interviewer

They don't mess around with that stuff, I guess. :B

* Indigo Zap was voiced by Kelly Sheridan, aka Sassy Saddles, Misty Fly and Starlight goddamn Glimmer.

She also voiced Ukio in Ranma 1/2.

Author Interviewer

>anime dubs :V

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