• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
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Hello Fluttercord Fans and shipper fans alike! My name is MissKoiFishPony, but you can call me Miss Koi or Missy:) I love My Little Pony, I love to write, I love Fluttercord.

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Miss Koi Reviews "HearthBreakers" · 7:45pm Oct 24th, 2015


Wait a minute...It isn't the winter holiday season yet! It's October! Halloween and Nightmare Night is next weekend! What's going on Hasbro?!
Wait...hold on...it's a Hearth's Warming episode with Pinkie and her family at the rock farm...traditions are being switched around and done differently...Oh I get it!:D This is a joke by the MLP Staff/Hasbro:D It's a subtle reference to Charlie's Halloween special because Charlie Brown kept getting rocks while trick treating/what better way to change up the tradition for Halloween by having a winter holiday special!:D Bwhaha lol good one MLP Staff/Hasbro!;)

Haha lol despite having a Christmas like episode near Halloween, this episode definitely got me into the holiday seasonal mood:) In fact, I think this episode is better than the first Hearth's Warming episode. Don't get me wrong, the first one had great world building and it was fun to have our heroes play out other characters. But this episode captured the true spirit of the winter seasonal holidays and how fun yet important traditions can be with your family. And how you can share these traditions with others. But also, how blending and creating new traditions can be difficult and it takes time and patience to do so. I deeply appreciate the moral of the episode because it could have been easier for the writers to say "Let's just combine the traditions right away and have no problems doing it!" In real life, that's not how it works. In real life, creating new traditions from combining the old traditions together is hard. And this episode truly personifies this and helps us to see that it's possible, but like all good things, it takes time.

This episode did deliver on it's comedy (it had to because it's Pinkie and her family, it's pretty much demanded) but it's definitely not as funny as the episode Maud Pie. Speaking of Miss Maud Pie, she was the true highlight of this episode. She was adorable and hilarious, as expected;)

And the best part of that was Maud and Apple Bloom becoming friends, so precious:3

(This is Maud's squeeing face)
The rest of the Pie family was enjoyable as well: We got the parents who basically talk like Princess Luna but have faces straighter than Maud0-0. And let's just say...their love story is as old as time. What I mean by that is...they had an old fashioned arranged marriage decided by the pairing stone0-0. All that I can say is....OOOookkaay then.
Then, we have Limestone Pie and let's just say...she's got a chip on her boulder shoulder:3

And then, my audience goes...

I'm sorry! I'm corny! What are you going to do?! Huh?! Oh no the pitch folks...Okay! No more corny jokes, promise!

Then, we have Marble Pie who I swear is ten times shyer than Season 1 Fluttershy and first episode of Coco Pommel combined:0! Never thought I would see the day;)
And then....the shipping occured0-0...
Between Big Mac and Marble Pie...it's here....MarbleMac...
I swear, I'm not lying! This episode ships these two as clear as day! There's blushing here people! I repeat there's blushing!
And...I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THEM! Because the show hasn't confirmed yet whether Applejack and Pinkie are related yet, but there's a grave possibility that Applejack and Pinkie are cousins or something like...meaning Big Mac and Marble are related and possibly cousins0-0 But...THEY'RE SOOO CUTE TOO! AHHHH! WHY?!

My fellow followers and readers, please help with me this agony! Should I ship them?!:0
(By the way, go see Disney's Into the Woods it's amazing;))

Alright, let's focus on something else. Oh I know! How beautiful the rock farm looks like in the snow with the crystals and lights:D Oh man, this reminds me of the snowy and spacious farm lands in Idaho during Christmas time, so classic and chic. Dang! Why this is there no picture of this yet on the Internet?!
Ummm, is it just me or did Applejack remind anyone of the Grinch when Pinkie started talking about how sometimes her family doesn't find the hidden presents and Applejack was petrified by the thought of no presents. Silly Applejack, Hearth's Warming is not about the presents or the ribbons or the papers or bags;)

Overall, I give this wonderful episode 9 hearts out ten <3

Comments ( 7 )

Yeah, i already know i covered what i thought of the episode. So, here is my reply to your review.

Silly Applejack, Hearth's Warming is not about the presents or the ribbons or the papers or bags;)

No, It's about VENGEANCE.

Um are you talking about the Grinch's vengeance? Especially highlighted in Jim Carry's The Grinch?


Yes, Even though people don't like that film, i have a soft spot for it. Coming from the same person that doesn't like Jame Cameron's Titanic.

R u kidding?! I stinkin love that film!:derpytongue2: In other words, bwhaha lol so hard at the vengeance comment:'D!


:) Yep, too bad they can't be in live action anymore. But, a good thing is, i wonder how the animated versions of both films will do.

*Making two versions of it. Like there will be a new animated Grinch movie and Cat in the Hat film*

Technically,there are already animated versions of both. They're both old classics. Unless, they're going to make new animated versions of these classics.


I know that, but they are like new versions. I can understand cat in the hat since The cartoon version was a bit okay, but the live action was just awful.

Grinch, i love both versions, i wonder how this one would do.

Also, Groom has a second chapter to it. Just wanted to let you know.

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