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I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes; HEY!

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  • 179 weeks
    Merry Crimmus Everypony!

    So it's been a while, huh? Feel like I say that a lot on here. Maybe that should tell me something...

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  • 225 weeks
    Your Sweet Little Belle now available in Russian!

    As the title says. Find a link here, courtesy of MoonSheid.

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  • 228 weeks
    Small Update

    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know I'm still working on the next chapter of Where I Belong. I meant to have a chapter up by now, but the first draft got a rather... unpleasant review from my prereader, who pointed out some very big flaws. I basically had to start over. I guess it's a little hard to shake off three years of rust. Who'd have thought?

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  • 231 weeks
    Happy Holidays everypony!

    I hope the day finds you well, wherever you may be and whatever you may or may not be celebrating this fine day. I just had two bits of news for those still lurking around these long dead parts of the web.

    1. Where I Belong if being resumed.

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  • 237 weeks

    Pony is dead

    We killed it

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Got some bad news folks... · 11:08pm Oct 25th, 2015

So I've been quiet for a while, I know, and the reason is that my computer crapped out on me. Yep, my motherboard is done for and I have to replace it. However, that isn't the worst news.

I'm afraid I won't be coming back to the site afterwards.

This obviously means no sequel to To Find a Rainbow. I'm really sorry to everyone waiting for it, but I've been falling out of love with pony for a while now and the recent disappointments have sealed it. I might still get on from time to time to read fics if the mood takes me, but don't expect new works from me. But I want to take the time to thank everyone who has followed me or liked/favorited any of my works. And especially to those that commented. You all are the ones that gave me the drive and motivation to try and accomplish something I never thought I'd do.

Thank you all so much. I could never have done it without you.

Report JeremyStorm · 1,512 views · Story: To Find a Rainbow ·
Comments ( 37 )

wait... what specific things disappointed you recently?

You've lasted this long. That's longer than many others who began watching the show during its infancy.

I'd a loved to hear your thoughts on what struck the final nail on the coffin, but I won't pry. Lots of people I talk to have retired and mostly gone casual or abandoned it altogether. Even I've cut back on so much of this fandom. Thanks for all the Rainbow Dash. And of course that DiamondSilver cuteness! <3

No problem man. Sometimes people lose interest in things over time and that's perfectly understandable. Thanks for all the hard work you put in your fics, I really enjoyed it. :heart:

I assume that you will not be deleting the fics you have posted here?
I wish you luck in whatever path your life takes you

It's a good thing I only bookmarked that story for later, I guess I can unbookmark it now.

Oh man... This actually saddens me, mostly because you are one of my favorite authors on this site, and it will be weird to not see anything new from you. Specially since TFAR was the story that got me hooked to this place!
Still I understand your position, we've all been there at some point. At least you'll still be around from time to time c:

I wish you luck in whatever you'll be doing from now on. I'm sure it'll be fantastic no matter what. :heart:

If you don't mind me asking... What was the idea behind the sequel? I mean, what major plot twists were supposed to blow our minds? :pinkiehappy:

Well, Jeremy, it's been nice having you here. We'll miss you.

Best of luck in your future endeavors-- wherever they may take you!

Well, that sucks. I suppose you gotta do what you gotta do, though. Right?

Sorry to hear you are leaving. The site is losing a very talented author.
Hopefully this loss is only temporary. But regardless, thank you for all that you have given us, and good luck in all of your future endeavors.
Mr. E.


I'm sorry to hear that your leaving, and I was looking forward to a sequel to to find a rainbow. Regardless, I understand and wish you the best of luck

Well... can't change the inevitable, I guess.
Thank you for sharing your works with us however - they've been a joy to read :twilightsmile:

Damn. I wish it weren't so, but people do lose interest in things and it would be unfair of me or anyone else to ask you to stay and work on something if you have lost the heart for it. Good luck in all of your future endeavors, cheers.

Dang it, well, thanks for saying so at least, and not just disappearing.
And for what it's worth, you're good at writing; I've thoroughly enjoyed reading about the TFaR universe.

I'm afraid I won't be coming back to the site afterwards.

I can't say what you're feeling or what it's like being in you position overall, but don't be a stranger if you ever feel like checking back in. I, and probably a lot of others, will be around if you come back, even to just say hi.
Whichever way,
All the best in whatever endeavors you'll go after next!

Man, I'm sorry you've lost interest. But its a step that grew you into who you are at the moment, and we've all appreciated it so very much. Thank you for getting me over the "all HiE fics suck" stigma. You've opened my eyes to great fics. Hope to see you again sometime mang :pinkiesad2:

Disappointing to lose another author whose work I particularly enjoy, but if you're not feeling it anymore, then that's just how it has to be. Hope you enjoy yourself, and please don't stop the writing, even if it isn't for more pony-fic.

Dang a shame to see you go but i understand. As others have asked, what made you kinda quit?

No... don't cry... don't cry... don't cry...

FUCK! :raritycry:

I was really looking forward to TFAR2 :( That story had me really nervous whenever I was reading it in my spare time in school, and really wanted to get back to reading it whenever I actually had to do work.

Well... I guess I'll see you around. I don't suppose you could give someone else the ideas that you wanted it to go and give it to them to try to write it? Not me, my god that would be terrible. But someone who's actually competent at writing? I REALLY want to see what you had in mind and it'd just be a shame if it just stopped.

That's a shame. I just started reading TFAR and I've been enjoying it.
Two things before you go:
If you ever feel like getting back into it, me and others could potentially point you in the direction of some inspirational figs.
If you ever find youself in Washington and bored out of your mind, there's probably a couple of us that would jump at the chance to gather up and do whatever seems like fun at the time.

Just had to take a sec to say that. My DOTA spawn clock is almost up. Wish me luck. And the same to you.

:applecry::fluttershysad: all i gotta say to that

Aww. That's sad to hear. I may not have been particularly happy about the way TFAR twisted, but it is still one of the best stories I've found on here and I was really looking forward to the sequel. Wish I could've known how things were gonna go for them afterward.

But if you don't like something anymore I guess it's best to leave it be rather than force yourself to stick around.

A lot of authors have been leaving recently, I don't think my heart can take it.
Slighty disappointed that a sequel isn't coming but I hope you the best.


Sad to see the greats go, and a pity that they'll never finish their work.

Awwww man, that's sad D: but... tanks for the awesome stories man, legitness ;n;

While it's sad to see a great writer go, it is to be expected that one topic can't hold someone's attention forever.

I hope that you don't give up writing entirely, you've got tons of talent.

Maybe I'll see you someday in the popular fiction section on Amazon?

Hey man, it really sucks to see you go since you were one of my favorite writers but no one subject can hold your interest forever. I hope you don't stop writing when you leave though. Technicolor horses aside you're a talented author and letting that skill atrophy would be a shame. Thanks for the stories and I hope you find something else that drives you to create again wherever and whatever it may be.

Cheers dude, good luck on the other side.

sorry to hear that, interest can wane over time, so it is to be expected eventually. I am sad that there will never be more then a bittersweet ending for "To find a rainbow", but, at least you gave us an ending, unlike so many other writers. :pinkiehappy:

Darn, I was so keen for the sequel for TFaR...

It's a shame to see you go, thanks for your great work!

I persoanlly am cool with no sequel to Rainbow, hell the fact that it wasn't quick clop when I first read it is a gift enough.

Good luck on your future endeavours, but remember one thing.

The RIdE nEvER EndS

While it's sad that you won't be making any more stories, I'm glad that you wrote the ones you did. And I'm really grateful for you writing TFaR and Apple from a Seed. Commenting on the chapters of TFaR when they came out and chatting you up about them was really great fun. I hope things go well, and maybe we'll see you around. :twilightsmile:

It's sad to see you go. As for the thing about To Find A Rainbow's nonexistent sequel, I'm not sure it needs it. It seems to me that the story wrapped itself up quite nicely. Sure, there were a couple of loose ends, but I think I almost prefer it as a standalone story. Not that a sequel wouldn't be appreciated, but it's not necessary. Now, if you had decided to end your involvement with the fandom in the middle of the story, then we would have had a problem.

I'm sorry. I'm getting off-track. You're an absolutely brilliant writer. T.F.A.R. was how I found you, but I've liked every single one of your stories that I've read. I hope that, if you decide to do more writing, you'll tell us where we can find you. Your departure from this site shall not be unnoticed, and you will be mourned.

A moment of silence, please.

Another one leaving ; ; good luck out there though! Farewell~

It's a great shame we won't get a sequel, but the important thing is you left us with an incredible story anyhow.

Thank you for being a great author. You'll be missed and you'll definitely be remembered. Good luck out there.

Sorry folks, it's been a little chaotic lately.

Mostly the episodes. I just really haven't enjoyed this season. Almost every episode has drained a little more of my enthusiasm for the show. And that's not even considering the abomination Friendship Games was.
The final nail was the CMC episode. I hated how they handled that one.
Oh no, I certainly won't delete them. I HATE when people do that.
Sorry, meant to link your post above, but editing text on a kindle's touchscreen isn't easy... :twilightblush:
I do plan to continue writing, and publishing something on Amazon is a goal of mine. I may have something planned... :trollestia:

3509206 Yeah, CMC got pretty screwed there. Not to mention the everything else that was too filled with some of the worst aspects of fanfiction over the years. Just one adoratrain that goes for gut punching people with cheap feels so they can avoid devoting too many episodes to non-mane 6 characters. Feels more like another Hasbro mandate episode. Cute but not quite what the fandom was expecting to say the least.

It was just the combination of them getting their marks as a footnote in somepony else's episode AND all their marks being near identical. What happened to the individual talents they've displayed over the seasons? Who needs characterizarion when you can just shoehorn in a new talent with no build up or foreshadowing!

AND they let Haber write EQG3. That lost all my respect. :facehoof:

Ouch… I read TFaR a while back, and when I read that the sequel was coming after Season 5, I knew it would be worth the wait. Heck, I was happy you were even planning on making a sequel. (Becuase many will forget/put it off, and the story ends up in a crash and burn situation). I decided to wait a couple of months after the ending of season 5 to come back as to make sure I didn't tear myself apart in anticipation. I returned and found that it had in fact crashed and burned anyways. But I highly respect your decision despite my love for the story and my eagerness for the sequel. There may not be a sequel, but the story is amazing on its own, and still very much a thing to behold. As are your others. I am very sorry about your computer's failure. And I wish you only the best in the future.

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