• Member Since 9th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 7th, 2023

Shadow Fantasy

Some of you may know may now me by the name of Darkened Light, Some of you may know me by Electric blood night fury or E-blood night fury, Shadow's soul, Now I am the light of the forest, Ori

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  • 394 weeks
    Sup peaps

    It's been awhile since I've been around. I have been doing a lot of things lately, I created something pretty cool. It took me hrs but my training with art has prepared me. So yeah hope you like it, I will try to keep in touch with you guys a little more often.

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  • 432 weeks
    That time when you forget to save your story progress

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  • 432 weeks
    I AM BACK!!!!!

    Hey guys, I am back from my very very very very very very very very[two hours later]
    very very very very very very long absence.

    I have also come back with a new story, and I am planning to stick to this story till the end. Ori in Ponyville. Yeah, I know, my picture is a light spirit girl. It looks cool though. Oh yeah. If you don't recognize me, then how about this?

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  • 440 weeks
    Has Any Body Seen This?

    Has any body else heard of this?

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  • 447 weeks
    New profile picture

    My name is shadows soul. I am Shadow's Soul but my picture shows my oc from Shadow of a Night Fury, Nightshade. Here is some of my other dragon oc's.



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--A start-- · 3:01am Oct 31st, 2015

Who am I? Who are we? Why are we here?
I am a young boy not much older than 13. I don't know what is planned for me in the future. Am I Mormon? In a sense, I go to church... sometimes. I get bored and I am not really interested. I want to be. I want to believe that there is a place after death. I want to be able to return to this life though. Happiness comes from here. They say that heaven is where true happiness is. What is true happiness? I like life the way it is, I like creating fanfictions. I like writing and reading your stories. I like music that exists today. What is life up in heaven? Is it doing nothing? Is it work and hard labor? Or are we reborn into a new body? Is there a heaven and hell? Is there really a god? Or is it all just stories. When I think about it. I feel that it is real. Why would would people just start randomly start believing in the supernatural events? Is it because they are creating a story or is it because they know and believe it? Life is just a ball carefully balanced on a tip of a needle. You can fall in any direction. Some paths lead to the same conclusion. Others are entirely different. Maybe you stay on the tip of that needle for a long time. The needle starts to sinking in making it harder to chose your path, but when you do, the triumph is greater than the ones that chose their path without a moments thought. Maybe you start falling in a certain direction but are caught by the tip. You get stuck. You aren't sure if this the path you want. You either find what you want or you go back to the tip and fall somewhere else. Is life just a game of chance? Is there someone controlling the game? Or are we the pieces in control?

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