• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Gallant Rage

not into this shit anymore lol only check in when im bored

More Blog Posts357

  • 21 weeks
    it has been over 2 years.

    hello to anyone unfortunately still on this site.

    remember me? i had this account since i was ELEVEN.

    i just turned 20 yesterday, so lets recap what's happened.

    last i checked in i was a freshman in college and was dating this guy for over a year who was a musician.


    i dumped him because he was a piece of shit HAHA


    Read More

    1 comments · 50 views
  • 138 weeks

    i started college right
    still not 18 (pending like 80 something days)
    got my first research internship at this national lab
    and im signing the paperwork for my first place soon (its a little house which is nice)
    adult !

    0 comments · 159 views
  • 162 weeks
    hey shawties

    i just graduated today


    okay bye

    0 comments · 133 views
  • 176 weeks

    okay its been more than a month

    happy late valentines to everyone!!

    uhhhh i am a semi adult now 😐
    i filed my taxes for the first time
    busted my ass skiing the first time
    see yall later

    0 comments · 143 views
  • 235 weeks
    sup thots

    so i got reminded that this acc still exists so

    uh yeah school sucks ass
    driving sucks when your tire explodes mid drive
    im tired
    pm for like my discord or sumthin

    3 comments · 202 views

I'm taking risks · 5:22pm Nov 1st, 2015

Dis migaht be the hardest thing i would do but....I'M GOONA WORK! BYEYEYE

Report Gallant Rage · 89 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

3513032 i probvlaty still mesed up from ellstnight but i goona go write stries, i is screwed

3513038 I see that... I stayed up to 4:30 with my friends. We shared secrets. I finished so fimfictions, while they weren't looking. Only secret hey don't know. They know I like mlp. But not fimfictions. I got likes 200 candy by being James Bond!

3513051 i scared kids by being a cyco clwn

3513095 I read it

3513102 yup and my sister bought these chocolate truffles with alcohal in it and me and Brenden ate them all, there we like 80 of dem

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