• Member Since 28th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 23rd, 2021


I don't write pony stories. I mainly write about humans or Equestria Girl stories.

More Blog Posts28

  • 342 weeks
    Hey, watch my Equestria Girls Review

    Hey, guys! In celebration of the Equestria Girls web series coming out, I made a video review of the first movie on Youtube. Don't take this as me ordering you to or asking me to, this is just my way of promoting my video. You can finally get to hear my voice, hear my opinions, and see my attempts to entertain you. And if you like that video, you can watch my previous videos (but be warned, it

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  • 354 weeks
    The Current State of Things

    For the followers of I'mNoPony, I got a quick announcement to make:

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  • 363 weeks
    I've changed my name

    I've finally did it. I have changed my username and now I'm no longer called "IHateBronyFandom". I now have a much friendlier name of "ImNoPony". It'll probably still gunna erk some people, but at least I won't come across as a hateful-*****.

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  • 364 weeks
    Equestria Girls Special: "Mirror Magic" Review

    Ok, this is my last blog review of the "recent" Equestria Girl specials. Sorry that it's been awhile since my last post... but it was my birthday the other day so I took a few days. In fact, one of my presents was the "Legends of Everfree" movie DVD. However, that is going off topic. I got some opinions and thoughts I want to tell you all about.

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  • 364 weeks
    Equestria Girls Special: "Movie Magic" Review

    Ok, I think it's time to post my next review blog on the recent Equestria Girls specials. Actually, the morning after I post my first blog review on "Dance Magic" [which you can read here], Dr Wolf uploaded his video review on Dance Magic too. I thought I would be competing with the good doc' to see who can get his opinion out first,

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My Top 11 Songs from Equestria Girls · 10:33am Nov 2nd, 2015

This is something that I liked to do for a long time and see how well I can pull it of: state my favourite songs from Equestria Girls.

While I still consider MLP: FIM a guilty pleasure that I am ashamed to admit to, I would gladly admit to liking Equestria Girls and how I'm more invested to that then the actual show. One of the reasons why is the music. I practically like all of the songs under the EQG label and don't consider any of them as bad songs (well except the "Bad Counter Spell", but that intentionally trying to be bad).

One other reason for making this list is to show how I'm unlike other bronies I am. Why? Because not only will some will question my choices, but also how and why I ordered them how they are. So if you want to know what are my favourites, then sit back and relax and read my top 11 Songs from the Equestria Girls series. Why top 11? Not only to make a Nostalgia Critic reference, but because bronies (particularly Jerry) will get made at me because I didn't add their favourite band.

Anyway, Enjoy

Honerable Mentions- ACCADECA, This Strange New World, Dance Magic, A Friend For Life, Shine Like Rainbows, My Past is Not Today and This Is Our Big Night

11. Under Our Spell- The sirens are the reason why I made the list to 11. Everybody seems to like them and think they had the better songs in Rainbow Rocks. While they certainly are good and have an interesting style, I personally prefer the Rainbooms music over theirs. I'm sorry but it's personal preference. However, I was dedicated to add at least one of their songs on the list and decide to add (what I think) their most popular song.

In this song, the Dazzlings are blatantly telling everyone that there are being hypnotized and are under their control. But they are not worried. Not only is the message cleverly disguised as lyrics, but everybody it too hypnotized to see it. It makes you want to laugh because of how much control the sirens have over them. Not only that; the tune and lyrics is so alluring, it almost hypnotizes you from listening. This songs definitely shows you why the Dazzlings are called sirens. Link

10. Trick Up My Sleeve- This is an unusual song. Not only is it sung by Trixie, someone who you wouldn't have expected to have a song, but it was also technically within the movie. While the main heroines were busy arguing with each other, you can faintly hear it within the background and can only properly listen to it if you have the sound track.

Not only does the song give you an impression that she is some sort of illusionist, but also that she's "powerful and great". It meant to tell you how great Trixie's magician skill are but also make her be far more greater than she actually is. With an interesting beat to go along with her voice and her music, it certainly does a good job convincing. All she needs now is a magical corrupting amulet. Link

9. Better Then Ever- For the first song of Rainbow Rocks (unless you count the opening), I think it started the movie off on the right foot. It shows how much things have changed and see how the school had improved since the first movie. The barrier that has been separating the student cliques has been torn down and they are socializing with everybody. It set you into the right mood... until the sirens arrive and ruin everything.

But every time I listen to it, it makes me think something. If the students had listen to this song, I think it would have reminded them on the new friends that they made and might break them free of the siren's spell, even if it just a little bit. The Rainbooms shouldn't had focus on the stupid counter spell and instead focus on re-establishing the trust and friendships of the student body. But hey, that is just my own opinion. Link

8. What More is Out There- Honestly, I was a bit surprised when I first heard this. I thought it would be a classic "I Want" song which I would consider ok. But somehow, it left a big impression on me. I think it does a good job on telling you what this Twilight is feeling and you learn soft of why she want to escape her current school life. Also, during the climax, it sort of makes you think that she might have what it takes on getting what she wants.

And of course; I had watched the deleted version which also had Sunset Shimmer in it. It had it good parts and it's bad parts, but I would go with the one that we got. Having Sunset be included did leave a bigger impact and made that song a lot more epic, especially when she sang in unison to Twilight. But I didn't like the stuff that she was singing about and was sort of glad they did have that sub-plot within the movie. But for what it's worth, she did made the song a whole lot better. Here is the final version and here is the deleted version.

7. Shake Your Tail- When the very first trailer for Rainbow Rocks came out, bronies didn't had high expectation for the movie. I have to admit, I was sceptical on where the series would be heading. However, the thing that restored the hype for me was how good I think the song was. I thought it was damn catchy and it got me excited for the movie. And when the short came out that had the whole song, I solidify my liking for it.

However, this cause me to dislike the version from the movie. Hearing a slightly worse version of the song just annoys me to no end and sort of downgrade the movie for me. Link... to the better version.

6. Help Twilight Win The Crown (A.K.A: Cafeteria Song/A.K.A: Equestria Girls)- I think this song was freaking fantastic and it was my favourite song for the Equestria Girls series at one point. What's that!? Bronies didn't like it because they think it's a lazy way to get all of the students on Twilight's side! NONSENCE! I can perfectly see how student can be on her side her side from after hearing it. Not only it was a well practiced performance with great music, but listening to the lyrics tells you why you should make Twilight your Fall Formal Princess.

"We thought we were different As the night is from the day until Twilight Sparkle helped us see another way"
- -
"Twilight helped us each to see all that we can be!"

I thought it was a the best in the movie. But after much debating, there was another song that did a little bit better. Link

5. Time to Come Together- While the last song was a bit more excited about its message of friendship and unification, I think this song did it a little bit better. Not only does this song tells you that you can do great things if you had friends by your side, but also shows it as a wonderful thing. After a calamity befall the gym, the students saw Twilight and her friends trying to clean it up and decided to help them. Combine with lovely music, this was a heart warming moment that shows there is still hope in the most unfortunate of circumstances. Link

4. CHS Rally- In every song for Friendship Games, there is at least part of them that I don't like. Once they sing "Let's Go! Shadow-Bolts!" in ACADECA, I completely lost interest in the song. In "Unleash The Magic", I like how Principal Cinch sings and how little movement she's doing but it went bad when Sci-Twi start singing. Even "What's More Out There" had a middle part that I didn't like. However, I think CHS Rally was great from beginning to end.

Rainbow did an excellent job on getting the school pumped for a competition that they never won in and Daniel Ingram wrote an excellent song. Rainbow re-spark the hope that slept within everybody by not only showing them how sure she is that they can win, but also reminding them about past situation that they lived through. I mean; once you survived she demons and sirens, what can fancy prep school can do to you. Answer: not a lot... except for when one of their students became a she-demon herself and rip holes through time and space. Anyway, the song was one hell of a rousing speech that rejuvenated the school spirit of Canterlot. Good job Rainbow Dash. Link

3. My Little Pony Friends- I'm not the kind of person who try to research behind the scene knowledge of stuff. I just like the stuff that I like and not really interested in it's production. This song would already be on the list, until I found out a little bit of backstory about it. You see, this song was meant to be in the credits for the first Equestria Girls movie until they replace it with "Friends For Life." Once I learned about that, I kick that song of this list and give the respect that this song deserves.

This song is just beautiful and wonderful to listen to. Even when it ignites my inner anti-brony when I hear they sing: "You Are My Little Pony", I am still moved by the music and the rest of the lyrics. This song was so great that it helped inspired me to write my most ambitious story to date. You should definitely give this a listen as soon as possible. Link

2. Friendship Through the Ages- Remember what I said about the last song and how it's a lovely song to listen to. Well this song got the emotional feels of "My Little Pony Friends" but a 100 times greater. Like what it says in the title, the song tells you that friendship can last for decades or even centuries and mixes it with different musical genres and styles. Having a message that I like, this song eats me up every time I listen to it. This is possible my favourite Equestria Girls short. Link

And Now, My All Time Favourite Equestria Girls Song Is...

Now; I don't like this because of the sirens. I don't like this song because it's imitates Scott Pilgrim vs The world. What makes this my number 1 song is the part that is sung by Sunset Shimmer... BECAUSE IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!

This is a triumphant melody that is so good, it is tempting me to unleash my inner brony that I like to keep locked up. While the other songs either got me excited or made me feel for the moment, this manages to do both. Not only is this song about the Rainbooms able to find the strength to defeat the Dazzlings, but it also sends the message that they and you can overcome any adversary with the help of everybody behind you.

Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together, we will never
Be afraid of the dark

This was also Sunset's time to shine and she shined brighter then the sun. Through out the movie, she was constantly reminded about her past sins and no one was giving her a chance for redemption. However, she did not waver from her goal and show everybody that she is a changed person. I just love that you can do anything with determination and perseverance.

I don't care if bronies think the show is better then the Equestria Girls franchise or have a different favourite song from the series. This song will always be my favourite.

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Well I hope that you enjoyed reading my list. Don't be afraid to yell at me in the comments. Either because of my choices, my reasons or my terrible writing. I just wanted to express myself and tell people what I like. Hope that you have a nice day.

Comments ( 2 )

While I do like the songs that the sirens' sang, and I enjoy the rest of EQG songs just fine (heck, even Snips' and Snails' rap number has a certain charm to it), there are only two that I can say that I both love a lot, and that would definitely make my top ten list of songs related to the MLP FiM franchise (and at this point I'd say that FiM can be considered its own franchise, with EQG being a sort of "sub-franchise"):
Awesome as I wanna be: It's the first song that Rainbow Dash (either version) has to herself. Plus I love how energetic and fun the song itself is.

Unleash the Magic: I can sum up my opinion on this song in six words: So damn creepy it's bucking awesome! (I normally don't like using swears of any kind, but I have to break that for this song, since it's the only way I can accurately describe my love for it).

About 4. I thought when Twilight started singing was great, for one, because it sounded great, and also because you could feel Twilight's struggle much better when you hear her voicing it. And for ACADECA, I don't know what you mean. The ending part with Sunset and Twilight was my favorite part of the song. The CHS rally is actually probably my least favorite song of the movie, even if I did still like it a lot.

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