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Admiral Biscuit

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I was going to title this 'coming soon' but I've got a really bad track record, so.... · 1:10am Nov 9th, 2015

Let's start with how my week went.


Okay, she looks a bit stallion-y, but hey, it's Silver Spanner.

Anyway, the week at the shop was a constant parade of cars and us falling further and further behind. I wound up staying 2 1/2 hours late on Thursday, just so we'd have a chance to get everything done on Friday. And it was working! We were maybe only an hour behind schedule and catching up by lunchtime . . .

. . . and then one of the techs got arrested and hauled off to jail.

No, I'm not making that up.


Luckily, for once the boss was sympathetic to my plight, and sent out one of his guys to help out. Even more fortunately, it wasn't him. The downside is I don't know when we'll get the other mechanic back. I expect he won't be there tomorrow morning.

Saturday went alright. The testing site wanted me to come in earlier for my ASE tests, which was nice. In case you're interested, last week I passed the counterpony's test. This week I took Brakes (passed: 100%), Steering and Suspension (passed: 95%) and Engine Repair (passed: I didn't figure out the percentage; I got one more than the minimum passing score). Four tests down, five more to go. Yay!

Then I did some grocery shopping, remembered just when I got to the checkout that the bank had issued me a new card and I hadn't activated it yet, but luckily I had enough cash to buy all my purchases, which was doubly important since I chanced upon an Apple Fritter toy.

From the Wiki

On the way home, the low fuel light in my van came on. :derpytongue2:

Luckily, this morning, I activated my card, and was able to put fuel in the van.

Which leads us to today. I had a shift at one of the group homes where I work on the weekend, and I was looking forward to mostly kicking back and not doing much, so of course I shouldn't have been surprised when I got there and the outgoing staff informed me that everyone was going to Uncle John's Cider Mill for the 5k run/walk.

Sadly, since I've got to actually watch these guys and I was the only staff on, that meant that I also got to participate in the 5k run/walk. Yay.

from the Wiki

Story updates.


I can't tell you what's next, mostly because I don't know. I'm actually working on five different stories right now: the next chapter of OPP, an OPP side story, a Sam and Rose story, and two others which will be surprises to most. I also have this nagging feeling that there's a sixth something, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it is at the moment.

But speaking of story updates. Y'all probably know that we've got new tags at our disposal now, and I've already gone through and re-tagged all my EqG stuff. I also put a '2nd person' tag on Fimfic Authors; I'll get around to adding it to the rest of the stories which require it. That's a smaller list . . . I think there are only two or three others.

Anyhow, on one of the innumerable blogs talking about tags and which to use where, somebody mentioned that CSI/OPP might qualify for the Sci-Fi tag. What do you guys think?

Finally, to at least temper the disappointment of no immediate updates sommat, I was looking for something else but found this instead and OMG it's so adorable.


Report Admiral Biscuit · 537 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

Need to get her and Fluttershy into the same room just to see what happens. Makes me wonder what the new shipping is for the perfect group. CheeriFlutterMarbleMac?

3530548 As you move them closer together, they avoid eye contact and sheer concentrated shyness causes the space between them to expand just to keep them from imposing on one another.

you are a horrible, horrible person

teasing us with a new Silver Spanner story AND another Sam and Rose?

now I'm going to be constantly checking in to see if you've published one :raritycry:


To basically the entire thing.

It wasn't all bad. I got a cute pony with a cute little hat and a cute little saddle.

I have never had a co worker arrested on the job but have heard of the ones who got arrested while off the clock after they had passed the company's grace period. Hope your week goes better and you can get caught up on everything.

3530577 *basically. :derpytongue2:

Oh, hey, by the way! Found potential new cover art for a CSI story:

While OPP doesnt have all the usual trappings of a SciFi tale, it certainly feels like one.

Isn't that more important?

Better to be behind schedule than behind bars.
I don't think CSI/OPP qualifies as science fiction, but rather as fantasy approached from a rational standpoint. That's kind of a fuzzy distinction, but in the absence of flying cars and ray guns, I think it falls on the side of fantasy.

I also have this nagging feeling that there's a sixth something, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it is at the moment.

A Gift From Celestia?

CSI/OTPP do have some sci-fi aspects, but I'd hesitate to tag them sci-fi per se. I think most people who started reading solely due to the sci-fi tag would be disappointed at the relatively modest focus on their sci-fi qualities overall.

I think it's more or less fair to say that any story approached from a rational standpoint will have a lot of similarities to sci-fi, since one of the major common themes in (good) sci-fi stories is extrapolation from known principles to speculative developments. Insofar as the concept is valid at all, dividing speculative fiction into fantasy and sci-fi only really makes sense if you focus on other common similarities and differences.

oh yeah, had forgotten to include this in my first post

any chance you could put the Sam and Rose stories into one story?

Have you ever heard the term "deafening silence?"

What happens if the room keeps getting smaller? I feel that there is some way to make a perpetual motion machine out of this.


teasing us with a new Silver Spanner story AND another Sam and Rose?

Well, I never promised a Silver Spanner. That will be a while yet (but that might be the sixth story I couldn't remember).

now I'm going to be constantly checking in to see if you've published one

I wouldn't expect anything before this weekend.

any chance you could put the Sam and Rose stories into one story?

No. I don't really ever plan them out in any kind of an order; if I did it as a longfic, I'd have to keep changing chapter order around, and that would confuse everyone. However, I was proactive enough to make a library shelf for them.



Yup. The good news is that he was back this morning, but he had to leave at noon to meet with his lawyer.

3532605 That or they speak only at ranges that can be heard by bats and the like. :pinkiecrazy::trollestia:


Hope your week goes better and you can get caught up on everything.

Well, we did alright today. Judging by the looks of the schedule tomorrow, though . . . deathsprial.


While OPP doesn't have all the usual trappings of a SciFi tale, it certainly feels like one.

I don't think CSI/OPP qualifies as science fiction,

Which is why I tossed the opinions out to you guys. I'm certainly taking a sci-fi/scientific type of approach, but certainly on the earth side, there's no advanced technology, and the fundamental underpinnings in Equestria are still magic.


Better to be behind schedule than behind bars.

True that. Behind bars sucks.


A Gift From Celestia?

Sadly, no; the next chapter is probably going to be the most difficult to write, and I currently can't devote the focus that it needs.

CSI/OTPP do have some sci-fi aspects, but I'd hesitate to tag them sci-fi per se. I think most people who started reading solely due to the sci-fi tag would be disappointed at the relatively modest focus on their sci-fi qualities overall.

That's my worry. People would think it was going to be Arrow 18, and it really isn't.

Ooh, there's a comedy idea. All the batponies clearly understand what Marble and Fluttershy are saying, but nopony else can hear a sound.


What happens if the room keeps getting smaller? I feel that there is some way to make a perpetual motion machine out of this.

Harnessing Dark Energy For Fun And Profit: The Power Of The Cosmos In Your Hooves!

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