• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen June 25th

Gallant Rage

not into this shit anymore lol only check in when im bored

More Blog Posts357

  • 22 weeks
    it has been over 2 years.

    hello to anyone unfortunately still on this site.

    remember me? i had this account since i was ELEVEN.

    i just turned 20 yesterday, so lets recap what's happened.

    last i checked in i was a freshman in college and was dating this guy for over a year who was a musician.


    i dumped him because he was a piece of shit HAHA


    Read More

    1 comments · 51 views
  • 139 weeks

    i started college right
    still not 18 (pending like 80 something days)
    got my first research internship at this national lab
    and im signing the paperwork for my first place soon (its a little house which is nice)
    adult !

    0 comments · 159 views
  • 163 weeks
    hey shawties

    i just graduated today


    okay bye

    0 comments · 133 views
  • 176 weeks

    okay its been more than a month

    happy late valentines to everyone!!

    uhhhh i am a semi adult now 😐
    i filed my taxes for the first time
    busted my ass skiing the first time
    see yall later

    0 comments · 143 views
  • 236 weeks
    sup thots

    so i got reminded that this acc still exists so

    uh yeah school sucks ass
    driving sucks when your tire explodes mid drive
    im tired
    pm for like my discord or sumthin

    3 comments · 202 views

TIS IS THE AFTERNOON? · 9:19pm Nov 9th, 2015

I got tea...And no sleep, meh Destiny IS a good game, Halo 5 too

Report Gallant Rage · 69 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

Cincratz I have HW:ajbemused:

3532029 mee too,STUPID FLASHARDS!!...And I just broke a plate, NOT MY BACON!!!

And this work sheet sayin "whats the predicate in this sentence?" WTF WE ALREDY DID THIS LIKE 4 YEARS AGO IDIOT

The best way to have a game marathon is play one of the best games ever made (Black Ops 3) And a lot of energy drinks. That's what i'm doing anyways. (Halo 5 is alright, I suppose)

3532078 i'm getting BO3 In a hour or so

3532080 It's amazing, I'm guessing for the ps4?

3532082 yup, look at my profile pic, i'm playing Destiny right now

3532084 I see that, did u get the ps4 with Destiny? Ur controller is white. Also r u getting Fallout 4?

3532092 yes I got the destiny PS4 and I pre-orderd Falout4

3532093 I knew it. Fallout 4 and Black Ops 3 for me, then no one sees me for hours. I'm getting a new ps4 as my brother stole mine :ajbemused:

3532096 wow, my brother stole my WiiU so, my RICH sister bought me 2 new gaming systems

3532110 Lucky, he also stole the ps3 when it came out. And my dad stole my xbox one, I can't have anything.

3532114 But I have the bigger Tv, laptop and xbox 360 with over 100 games. What do they have? crappy tv's and like 3 games for both xbox one and ps4. I got the better deal

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