• Member Since 11th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen April 23rd


Although it left it, it knew that it was right, it made it down, because it didn't know what's up.

More Blog Posts185

  • 223 weeks
    You were the Chosen One!

    Alas, it was not so.

    So as many of you may have surmised, I have violently but silently passed away.

    That is to say I am dead.

    Not in the literal sense, but possibly in the literary sense.

    To make things short, I had a bit of a breakdown, a couple of other mundane life-things and a lack of time to even consider writing.

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    12 comments · 1,240 views
  • 290 weeks
    Microstory X - Awkward Twilight

    It happened at a bookstore.

    "Hello," said the clerk.

    "Morning," Twilight mumbled back.

    The clerk returned a strained smile back and then went back to work.

    Twilight then realised in her half-tired state that it wasn't morning, it was the evening, the store was closed and it wasn't a bookstore, and the clerk wasn't there and she had been talking to a cardboard sign all this time.

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    3 comments · 565 views
  • 291 weeks
    Microstory IX - The Existence

    Before Twilight could say anything, Pinkie held up her hoof.

    "Twilight, stop, before you say anything. I have to say something!"

    Silence followed.

    "What were you going to say?"

    "...I forgot."

    "Pinkie... what are you doing on my doorstep?"

    "Twilight, you have to help me with my application!"

    "What's this?" She held the documents up. "These look like job... rejections?"

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    5 comments · 492 views
  • 320 weeks
    Micro Story VIII - The Rock

    It started with a slight clicking sound.

    Like the fingernails tapping on a tabletop.

    Click. Click. Click.

    There it sat on her desk.

    The rock.

    Eyes fixated on the inanimate object, Twilight examined it with such rigour.

    But it stood still.

    Yet still was that sound.

    Click. Click. Click.

    Then a different sound.


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    7 comments · 573 views
  • 335 weeks
    Micro Story VII

    Twilight glanced out the windows at the dim backdrop of stars.

    Night time, she thought, and lazily went back to reading.

    Then she returned back to the window.

    No wait, that's space!

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    1 comments · 600 views

After Chapter Release Reaction Review · 4:05am Nov 10th, 2015

And a subtitle: I need to stop being an asshole.

Sorry to my pre-readers. I know the job title says 'pre-readers' but it's more like 'editors'. I sincerely apologise to all of you for just shoving the chapter in your face and then posting it in a few hours. I should have mentioned that there was no pressure to perform within those couple of hours, in fact nearly 100% of my stories are retroactively edited. (Sorry Sharp Quill, I think I pissed you off).

In consolation (mostly for myself), Rainbow Dash and I will express how sad we were:

In other news, some reactions about the chapter. Here are my thoughts in loose chronological order:



Frantically checking romance tags.

No, I didn't add them.


Twilight, tell me why there's shipping! Why aren't you saying anything?!

Okay, I admit an transdimensional metaphysical being recently inhabiting a mortal body having feelings for a lost human on an alien world would make an interesting premise. Now that I read that, Human Blood sure does have a whacked out premise.

Okay, I'll respond to stuff about the plot here, but all of it will be spoilered.

Next Chapter will have plenty of development with David and Twilight.

A fic of mine where Twilight doesn't get much time? Blasphemy! Don't worry Twilight you're still—

Hey. Hey. Stop that.

As always, my delectable readers, thanks for reading!


P.S. You readers are too dang smart, some of you already figured out I never mentioned Secant wearing anything. Stop that. You're ruining my surprises.

Comments ( 2 )

Man, you really have attracted the absolutely weirdest crowd with this story. There hasn't even much of anything actually happened in it yet. Everone seems to already feel ridiculously strongly about it and I really have absolutely no idea why.

3533324 Ah, I guess it is human nature to have high hopes and expectations. Hopefully no disappointments.

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